Chinese English Sentence:
  • 多人出席了会议。
    people attended the meeting. 200
  • 在鞋店里,中型鞋卖得特别特别快,可是一双窄型鞋也许好几年也卖不掉。
    In a shoe store, shoes of medium width turn over quickly, but a pair of narrow shoes may not be sold for years.
  • 这里有很种布鞋,有布底布鞋和红塑料底布鞋,白塑料底布鞋,你喜欢哪一种呢?
    There are different kinds of cloth shoes. We have cloth shoe-soles and plastic shoe-soles with vermilion or white colours, which one do you prefer?
  • 差不多2年前。
    About two years ago.
  • 差不多还要10分钟。
    About ten minutes more.
  • 整顿和规范市场经济秩序取得阶段性成果,仅对制假售假违法活动立案查处的就达120万起,有力地打击了经济领域的违法犯罪分子。
    We achieved initial success in overhauling and regulating market order. We dealt powerful blows to criminals engaging in illegal economic activities by investigating and prosecuting over 1.2 million cases of producing and marketing fake and shoddy goods.
  • 布鞋有多贵哪?
    What about the cloth shoe-sole ones?
  • “里边是好镍制的鞋拔,”基米冷冷地说,“我准备把它们统统退回去。
    “There are a lot of nickel shoehorns there,” said Jimmy coolly, “that I’m going to return.
  • 把这些支持放进内核,通常会使这些功能更快、更强。但是,当把越来越的功能硬塞进内核时,就更难生产出能维护、能升级和能按时提交给客户的操作系统。
    Putting such support in the kernel usually makes those functions faster and more robust. But as more and more capabilities are shoehorned into the kernel, it's harder to produce operating systems that can be maintained, enhanced and delivered to customers on time.
  • 裁缝、鞋匠、面包师傅以及很其他手艺人,就生产的最后阶段来说,既是物品的生产者,又是物品的销售者。
    The tailor, the shoemaker, the baker, and many other tradesmen, are the producers of the articles they deal in, so far as regards the last stage in the production.
  • 虽然财富比过去,但它们之间富足的程度却各不相同。
    Though abounding in wealth as compared with former ages,they do so in very different degrees.
  • 蜡组成的,蜡的或涂蜡的
    Consisting of, abounding in, or covered with wax.
  • 托莱从小家境贫寒,在成为世界银行的经济学家之前曾为别人擦过皮鞋,后来他步入政坛,如今,他将成为秘鲁第一位自由选举的有印第安人血统的总统,同时也是第一位以印第安人的自豪感作为竞选活动基石并赢得大选的总统。
    Toledo, a shoeshine boy who rose from poverty to become a World Bank economist before entering politics, will become Peru's first freely elected president of Indian descent and probably the first president ever in Latin America who made Indian pride a cornerstone of his campaign.
  • 通常指植被丰富得余的。
    abounding in usually unwanted vegetation.
  • 有很岩石或石头的。
    abounding in rocks or stones.
  • 充足的信心;威士忌有很
    abounding confidence; whiskey galore.
  • 柳树成荫的,柳树的
    Planted with or abounding in willows.
  • 涨潮期间乌鸦被迫靠近附近一个有许食肉动物的森林,这时任何乌鸦也不干警戒战斗的事。
    And during high tide, when the crows were forced closer to a nearby forest where predators abound, no crows were manning battle stations.
  • 有许诉讼案件都很可笑,如一个跳到纽约地铁列车前面的男人因受伤而诉诸法律;
    Ridiculous lawsuits abound, including the man who jumped in front of a New York subway train and then sued for injury;
  • 在当代英语中有许新的语言现象,这些现象并不总是符合公认的语法规则的。
    In present day English new linguistic facts abound which do not always square with the accepted rules of grammar.
  • “也许因为男人在社会上享有许权力和声望,所以人们便认为男孩理应成功。
    "Maybe because men enjoy so much power and prestige in society, there is a tendency to see boys as shoo-ins for success," says child psychologist Michael Thompson.
  • 小男孩聚集在房屋周围,但老妇人嘘嘘嘘地把他们赶跑了。
    A lot of small boys gathered around the house, but the old woman shooed them away.
  • 这个国家过去有很蛇。
    This country used to abound with snakes.
  • 这里一年到头都有很橙子。
    Oranges abound here all the year round.
  • 中国的故事也很多。
    Similar instances abound in China.
  • 那条河里多鲑鱼。
    Salmon abound in that river.
  • 这方面的例子得很。
    Examples of this abound.
  • 河里鱼很多。
    Streams abound with fish.
  • 这条河里鱼很多。
    This river abounds with fish.
  • 妇女一旦怀孕,就将面临不妙的现实:背着未婚先孕的坏名声比做堕胎可严重了。
    Once pregnant, women face an uncomfortable reality: The stigma of unwed motherhood is greater than that of having an abortion.
  • 嗨,我听说你当射手有一年了。
    Hi,I heard that you've been a shooter for over one year.
  • 嗨,我听说你当射手有一年了。
    Hi, I heard that you've been a shooter for over one year.