  • 为竞争第一激烈角逐。
    Keen competition for first place.
  • 第一比赛中的第一
    First place in a competition.
  • 有十二选手参加二百米赛跑。
    There were 12 competitors in the two-hundred-metre dash.
  • 警方已编制了涉嫌者单.
    The police have compiled a list of suspects.
  • 诉讼方是指就域注册发起诉讼的一方。
    Complainant means the party initiating a complaint concerning a domain-name registration.
  • (ii)提供申诉方以及任何授权在行政诉讼中代表申诉方的代理的称、邮政地址、电子邮件地址、电话和传真号码;
    (ii) Provide the name, postal and e-mail addresses, and the telephone and telefax numbers of the Complainant and of any representative authorized to act for the Complainant in the administrative proceeding;
  • (xiv)以下列声明作为结束,后面是申诉方或其代理的签:
    (xiv) Conclude with the following statement followed by the signature of the Complainant or its authorized representative:
  • 如果申诉方或被申诉方都选择三人陪审团,服务提供方应该尽力从申诉方和被申诉方提供的每个候选单中指定一个陪审员。
    In the event that either the Complainant or the Respondent elects a three-member Panel, the Provider shall endeavor to appoint one Panelist from the list of candidates provided by each of the Complainant and the Respondent.
  • 该域(多个域)与申诉方拥有所有权的商标或服务标志完全相同或以混淆地类似的情况;以及
    the manner in which the domain name(s) is/are identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the Complainant has rights;
  • (iv)指定申诉方选择解决争议的陪审团是由一个或三个成员组成,并且,如果申诉方选择三人的陪审团,应提供作为其中一个陪审员的三个候选人的字和联络细节(这些候选人可从icann认可的服务提供方陪审员单中挑选);
    (iv) Designate whether Complainant elects to have the dispute decided by a single-member or a three-member Panel and, in the event Complainant elects a three-member Panel, provide the names and contact details of three candidates to serve as one of the Panelists (these candidates may be drawn from any ICANN-approved Provider's list of panelists);
  • (xiii)声明申诉方会服从至少一个指定的共同管辖区法庭的裁决,关于行政诉讼中取消或转让域的决议的回避申请;
    (xiii) State that Complainant will submit, with respect to any challenges to a decision in the administrative proceeding canceling or transferring the domain name, to the jurisdiction of the courts in at least one specified Mutual Jurisdiction;
  • (v)如果申诉方或被申诉方选择的是三人陪审团,应提供作为其中一个陪审员的三个候选人的字和联络细节(这些候选人可从icann认可的服务提供方陪审员单中挑选);
    (v) If either Complainant or Respondent elects a three-member Panel, provide the names and contact details of three candidates to serve as one of the Panelists (these candidates may be drawn from any ICANN-approved Provider's list of panelists);
  • 除非已经选择了三人陪审团,申诉方需要在接到声明被申诉方选择三人陪审团的回复书后的五(5)天内向服务提供方递交作为陪审员之一的三个候选人的单和联络细节。
    Unless it has already elected a three-member Panel, the Complainant shall submit to the Provider, within five (5) calendar days of communication of a response in which the Respondent elects a three-member Panel, the names and contact details of three candidates to serve as one of the Panelists.
  • 如果申诉方或被申诉方都没有选择三人的陪审团(章节3(b)(iv)和5(b)(iv)),服务提供方应在收到回复书后的五(5)天内,或超出递交的限定时间时,从其陪审员单中指定一人陪审团。
    If neither the Complainant nor the Respondent has elected a three-member Panel (Paragraphs 3(b)(iv) and 5(b)(iv)), the Provider shall appoint, within five (5) calendar days following receipt of the response by the Provider, or the lapse of the time period for the submission thereof, a single Panelist from its list of panelists.
  • (v)提供被申诉方的称(域持有者)和申诉方了解的关于如何联络被申诉方或被申诉方的代理的所有信息(包括任何的邮政地址、电子邮件地址、电话和传真号码),包括基于诉讼之前交往得来的联络信息,应足够详细以便服务提供方如章节2(a)所述地发送申诉书;
    (v) Provide the name of the Respondent (domain-name holder) and all information (including any postal and e-mail addresses and telephone and telefax numbers) known to Complainant regarding how to contact Respondent or any representative of Respondent, including contact information based on pre-complaint dealings, in sufficient detail to allow the Provider to send the complaint as described in Paragraph 2(a);
  • 此外,为配合上述国际会议,文物资源中心又举行了一项为"香港文物教育"的展览。
    To complement the international conference, an exhibition entitled 'Heritage Education in Hong Kong' was also presented at the Heritage Resource Centre.
  • 把互补色(或者其称)两两相对地排列在一个圆圈里的一张图表。
    a chart in which complementary colors (or their names) are arranged on opposite sides of a circle.
  • 该化工厂的一管理人员kelly说:“我们无法陈述出是因为复杂性造成这个问题的原因的好的理论来。
    "We couldn't formulate a good theory about what the problem was because of its complexity.
  • 联交所亦在网站列出单,载列尚未解决电脑数位问题的上市公司。
    The SEHK also maintained a list of non-compliant listed companies on its web site.
  • 他一直在沽名钓誉。
    He has been fishing for compliments.
  • 她总是沽名钓誉。
    She is always fishing for compliments.
  • 在具有虚拟存储访问法(vsam)的系统中,由一组相关部件组成的一种命结构,例如带有其索引部件的数据部件。
    In systems with VSAM, a named structure consisting of a group of related components, forexample, a data component with its index component.
  • 陪审员从陪审员单中选出的组成陪审团的那些人
    Those persons selected from this list to compose a jury.
  • 这位著的诗人常被邀请即席赋诗。
    The famous poet was often asked to compose a poem ex tempore.
  • 贝多芬不是仅仅为了自己听了高兴,才创作出他著的交响乐的。
    Beethoven did not compose his celebrated symphonies only to delight his own ears.
  • (1685-1759)因宗教剧而著的多产的德国作曲家。
    (1685-1759) a prolific German composer noted for his oratorios.
  • 比才,亚历山大·塞萨尔·利奥波德1838-1875法国作曲家,尤其闻于其歌剧卡门(1875年)
    French composer known especially for his opera Carmen(1875).
  • 有位叫聂耳的中国作曲家,你听说过了吗?
    Did you ever hear of a Chinese composer named Nie Er?
  • 前者是一画家,而后者是一作曲家。
    The former is a painter and the latter is a composer.
  • 莫扎特连续作了许多曲。当兴致所致时,他便无法停止作曲。
    Mozart really did compose masterpieces at a sitting. When the fit was on him he quite literally could not have refrained from composing even to save his life.
  • 他当了三年教员以后,就和许多朋友住到一起,他们也和他一样穷得不一文,他整天作曲,有时一天写八首歌曲,甚至睡觉时都戴着眼镜,以备随时写下夜里脑子里可能会涌现的一首歌曲的乐思。
    After his 3 years' teaching, he lived with various friends, *all as penniless as himself composing all the time, sometimes writing eight songs in a day, and even sleeping in his spectacles in case he might have an idea for a song during the night.
  • 这个新塑胶是用不知的材料混合做成的。
    The new plastic has been compounded of unknown materials.