  • 甚至在看见可可乐机之前就听到了其马达发出的嗡嗡声。
    I heard the Coca-Cola machine motor humming even before I saw it.
  • 下面就是使可可乐经久不衰的一些号.。
    Here are some of the slogans which have made Coca-Cola forever famous.
  • 1982年可可乐又开历史先河,推出“减肥可乐”。
    In l982, Coca-Cola made history with the introduction of "DIET coke."
  • 可乐一直是世界软饮料工业每一部门的先驱者。
    Coca-Cola has been the world leader in every department of the soft drink industry.
  • 美元,作为美国出的标志,比bigmac,coca-cola,或者是levi's501jeans更为醒目。
    More than the Big Mac, Coca-Cola, or Levi's 501 jeans, the dollar is surely the United States' signature export.
  • 可乐、柯达和麦当劳这些国际奥委会的大赞助也一定会在北京奥运中获益。
    The IOC's big sponsors, like Coca-Cola, Eastman Kodak and McDonald's, also stand to gain from a Beijing Olympics.
  • 用在他的投资理念上,就是紧抓住投资"核心"不变,如美国捷运公司、可可乐、华盛顿邮报公司,而且是"永远不变"。
    In his investments, that means holding on to "core holdings"such as American Express, Coca-Cola, and The Washington Post Co."forever."
  • 作为一种经营方式,这确实有些不同寻常——可可乐公司可不习惯白白奉送宝贵的商业秘密。
    As a way of doing business it's rather unusual -- the Coca-Cola Company doesn't make a habit of giving away precious commercial secrets.
  • 莱文农说公司专营的这种化学混合物是绝对保密的,他称之为“可可乐配方”,它所调制出的电池内含物就像打印机的油墨一样。
    Levanon says the company's proprietary chemical combination -- so secretive that he calls them the " Coca? Cola formulas" -- results in battery materials that are like printer's ink.
  • 自1997年10月可可乐的富于传奇色彩的前任首席执行官罗伯特·顾祖塔去世后,依万斯特就证明了自己是一位敢作敢为的领导者并且通过战略性的购置新资产成功和新产品开发而远远领先于百事可乐。
    Since the October 1997 death of his legendary predecessor, Roberto Goizueta, Ivester has proved himself an aggressive leader who continues to push Coca-Cola further ahead of Pepsi through strategic acquisitions and new-product development.
  • 登陆该网址,你会发现一些可可乐或是百事可乐的网站上所没有的东西——可乐的配方。生平第一次,你可以在自己的家里制作实实在在的可乐了。
    Go to that Web address and you'll see something that's not available on Coca-Cola's website, or Pepsi's the recipe for cola For the first time ever, you can make the real thing in your own home.
  • 沃森是在进行击剑时被抽检的。他对听证的国际奥委会医药委员会说,他12小时内在场地上喝了12杯~15杯咖啡和两三听可可乐。
    Watson was tested during the fencing competition and told the IOC Medical Commission hearing into the affair that he had drunk l2-15 cups of coffee and two or three cans of Coca-Cola at the venue over the 12 hours of Competlt1on.
  • 南美西北部一个共和国;主要的合法的农产品是咖啡,但可卡因也是其主要出产品。
    a republic in northwestern South America; the major legal crop is coffee but cocaine is also a major export.
  • 可乐倒出来时泛起泡沫。
    The coco-cola frothed as it was poured out.
  • 一个要可可乐,另一个要橙汁。
    One Coco Cola and the other orange juice, please.
  • 巧克力糖任一种巧克力糖,尤指用各种碎坚果肉搓成球包上有可粉的那种
    Any of various chocolate confections, especially one made of a mixture including chopped nuts, rolled into balls and covered with cocoa powder.
  • 墨尔本美国佛罗里达州中东部城市,临印第安纳河,位于可可海滩以南。它是一个冬季度假胜地,并拥有各种轻工业。人59,546
    A city of east-central Florida on Indian River south of Cocoa Beach. It is a winter resort with varied light industries. Population,59, 646.
  • 库马西加纳中南部一城市,位于阿克拉西北。建于1700年左右,地处盛产可可的地区,是一个商业和运输中心。人348,880
    A city of south-central Ghana northwest of Accra. Founded c.1700, it is a commercial and transportation center in a cocoa-producing region. Population,348, 880.
  • 从鳕鱼或类似的鱼的肝脏中提取的油,作为服的维他命a和维他命d。
    an oil obtained from the livers of cod and similar fishes; taken orally as a source of vitamins A and D.
  • 海恩尼斯美国马萨诸塞州东南城镇,临近鳕鱼角中南部的楠塔基特湾。为一夏季旅游胜地。约翰·f·肯尼迪任总统时曾在附近修建夏季白宫。人8,000
    A town of southeast Massachusetts on Nantucket Sound in south-central Cape Cod. It is a popular summer resort. The summer White House was located nearby while John F. Kennedy was President. Population,8, 000.
  • 他(满口)胡说八道.
    He's talking (a load of) codswallop.
  • 根据测算,二十世纪九十年代中国贫困人减少与经济增长的弹性系数为-0.8,即gdp每增长一个百分点,农村贫困人可减少0.8%。
    The coefficient of elasticity of the reduction of China's poverty-stricken population and economic growth was -0.8 in the 1990s. That means that the increase of one percentage point of the GDP will reduce the size of the rural poor by 0.8 percent.
  • 水螅型珊瑚虫,水螅虫一种有柱状身体和通常被触角包围的部开的腔肠动物,比如水螅或珊瑚虫
    A coelenterate, such as a hydra or coral, having a cylindrical body and an oral opening usually surrounded by tentacles.
  • 展望下半年,我国外贸出仍需在克服困难中发展,其他各项外经贸业务也将在机遇与挑战并存的环境中进龋
    Looking ahead to the latter half of this year, China' s export still has to make headway out of adversity and other foreign economic and trade businesses will progress in an environment where chances and challenges coexist.
  • 一只忧郁的鸟儿的刺耳的哭泣;涩的白兰地;刺眼的白光弄花了你的眼睛;走廊里满是刺鼻的烟雾。
    the harsh cry of a blue jay; harsh cognac; the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes; harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway.
  • 但是也许你该真正意识到的是你的安全就在餐桌上。就在这里,你会祸从入。
    But perhaps where you should really be cognizant of your safety is at the dinner table, where your mouth can get you in a world of trouble.
  • 用卷带马铁的磁场的交感作用测量电流电压或电能的仪器。
    uses the interaction of the magnetic fields of two coils to measure current or voltage or power.
  • 很巧的是,这也是本·约翰逊在汉城靠服用类固醇跑出来的成绩,当时他曾夸下海说,除非是他本人打破,否则,这个纪录将会保持50年。
    Coincidentally, this was the result run by Ben Johnson, who set the record in Seoul by tak-ing steroids. At that time, he used to boast that unless he himself broke the record, otherwise, this record would be kept for 50 years.
  • 硬币在他的袋里叮当作响。
    The coins jingled in his pocket.
  • 我听到了他袋里叮当碰撞的硬币声。
    I heard the clink of coins in his pockets.
  • 他把袋里的硬币弄得叮当响。
    He chinked the coins in his pocket.
  • 我从袋里掏出几枚硬币
    I dipped into my pocket for some coins.