  • 但应该说,他们也是有一帮的,特别是利用一年轻人没有知识,拉帮结派,有相当的基矗
    Also, the Gang had their own factional set-up and they built a clique of some size -- particularly they made use of ignorant young people as a front, so they had a fair-sized base.
  • 这有哪尺寸可供选择?
    What sizes does it come in?
  • 他们在后院里种了凤仙花。
    They planted some garden balsams in the backyard.
  • 钉子有三种常见的规格。
    These nails come in three standard sizes.
  • 女装有各种式样兴尺寸。
    These dresses come in all shapes and sizes.
  • 鸟在决定与伴侣离婚以前要认真估量一下机会,这还可以解释其它一现象。
    That the birds are carefully sizing up their chances before deciding to divorce their partners explains some other things, too.
  • 其中有手工非常精细。
    These adornments came in a range of sizes, sometimes displaying exquisite craftsmanship.
  • 牛仔裤和斜纹棉布衬衫是众人常穿的吗?那着装随便是不成问题的,可在最初几周内老板还在品评你时,你可能需要着装上心
    Are jeans and denim shirts the norm? Then it's okay to go causal,although you may want to dress up a little the first few weeks when the boss is sizing you up.
  • 去年,如同成千上万的人一样,我被一家网络公司裁了员,这网络公司火爆一时,如今都已成了昨日黄花。
    Like thousands last year, I was downsized from one of those sizzling dotcoms, now dot-gone.
  • 我十分厌恶她强加於我的那偏激观念。
    I do dislike having her extremist ideas rammed down my throat.
  • 滑冰人眼花缭乱的跳跃动作;这伟大的、在最佳状态画出来的油画看起来仍旧令人惊异,仍旧像画出来的时候……他光彩夺目的声望全盛的时候……一样动人的新——珍妮特·福兰勒;按栩栩如生、像闪电般的方式讲述的冒险故事——埃德沃尔·琼斯。
    the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps; these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth- Janet Flanner; adventures related...in a style both vivid and fulgurous- Idwal Jones.
  • 滑冰者滑过冰面。
    The skaters glided across the ice.
  • 学校还教游泳和滑冰。
    Some schools also teach swimming and skating.
  • 当警卫走进时,那顽皮的孩子就匆匆跑开了。
    The naughty children skedaddle when the security guard approach them.
  • 醛缩酶存在于某活生理组织,包括骨骼和心脏肌肉组织中的一种生物酶,其能够催化果糖脂分解成丙糖
    An enzyme present in certain living tissues, including skeletal and heart muscle tissues, that catalyzes the breakdown of a fructose ester into triose sugars.
  • 我纳闷他们到底还有什么家丑。
    I wonder how many other skeleton they have get in their cupboard.
  • 骨骼体内支撑的骨骼,由中胚层而来的,是脊椎动物及某无脊椎动物所特有的特性
    An internal supporting skeleton, derived from the mesoderm, that is characteristic of vertebrates and certain invertebrates.
  • 但令他们诧异的不是回归之前怀疑论者自信不疑的预言,而是一我们自己也未能预见的事情。
    But they have been transfixed by events we did not see coming, rather than those so confidently predicted by the skeptics before Reunification.
  • 由于五角大楼一怀疑论者的抗议,里根政府开始允许伊拉克从美国供货商那里购买一系列范围甚广的"双用途"装备和材料。
    Over the protest of some Pentagon skeptics, the Reagan administration began allowing the Iraqis to buy a wide variety of"dual use"equip ment and materials from American suppliers.
  • 甚至那明确宣称对动物是否有感情问题持怀疑观点的人也承认许多动物能体会恐惧。这种感受被许多科学家定义为“原始的”情感,不同于“高一级”的情感,例如爱和悲伤。
    Even the most strident skeptics of animal passion agree that many creatures experience fear -- which some scientists define as a " primary" emotion that contrasts with " secondary" emotions such as love and grief.
  • 如果有人对此感到怀疑的话,请他们看看阿富汗吧,在那里,伊斯兰信徒用歌声和热烈的庆祝来欢呼一个极权统治的垮台,让那怀疑的人去看一看伊斯兰教的历史渊源吧——几百年来伴随该教成长的是永无止境的学习、忍让和进步。
    If anyone doubts this, let them look to Afghanistan, where the Islamic "street" greeted the fall of tyranny with song and celebration. Let the skeptics look to Islam's own rich history - with its centuries of learning, and tolerance, and progress.
  • 由于大量乱寄的电子邮件,人们越来越多地怀疑他们向某网站提供的信息将发生的后果。
    Because of junk e-mail, people are getting increasingly skeptical about what's happening with the information they provide to some Web sites.
  • 已经怀疑有线电视服务的用户不可能放心地把诸如远距离工作的重要工作放在有线电视网上完成。
    Users who already are skeptical of cable TV service will be unlikely to trust serious work such as telecommuting to a cable network.
  • 现在我们搞以城市经济体制改革为中心的全面改革,同农村改革一样,起初有人怀疑,或者叫担心,他们要看一看。
    Right now we are carrying out all-round reform with the main emphasis on restructuring the economy in the cities. Some people are skeptical or worried, as was the case in rural reform at first. They want to wait and see.
  • 他们还打算修建一新的公路和一条专用铁路线。
    They will also be building new roads and a special railway-line.
  • 你能把建议的一细节补充概述一下吗?
    Can you sketch in a few details of the proposal?
  • 你可以概略地讲一下根据常规哪地方必须花钱的总设想。
    Sketch out a general idea of where, your money must go on a regular basis.
  • 首相任命一新大臣以增强她现届政府的活力。
    The Prime Minister appointed some new ministers to ginger up her administration.
  • 原有的一消费热点渐趋平淡,新的消费热点尚未形成,物价持续走低,居民储蓄倾向增强,市场的需求约束明显强化。
    The conventional consumer goods have lost much of their glamour and the demand for new ones has yet to come. Consumer prices remain low, and thus people skew toward saving more than usual, and demand constraint on market clearly intensifies.
  • 他概括地叙述了他的计划,使我们对他要做的事有了一概念。
    I could skid up a tree when I was young.
  • 滑雪者熟练地自覆盖着雪的斜坡上滑下。
    The skiers glided skillfully down the snow - covered slope.
  • 滑雪的人为自己配备了能够弄到的最好的装备。
    The skiers had kitted themselves out in the best equipment they could get.