  • 他们中有些人在歌舞方面有特长。
    Some of them showed special aptitude in singing and dancing.
  • 巨额政府开销;巨额国家财产;对于高等教育的普遍的强烈需求;巨浪;洛杉矶导风渠象一条蜿蜒山底的巨蟒;大量的鸟;以巨额的(或高昂的)代价;外层空的无限延伸;知识的无限积累……我们称作文明-w.r.因格。
    huge government spending; huge country estates; huge popular demand for higher education; a huge wave; the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains; immense numbers of birds; at vast (or immense) expense; the vast reaches of outer space; the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization- W.R.Inge.
  • 在建造工程进行期,已为本港工人带来逾3万个就业机会,预期单是新机场和机铁,便可创造约一万个新职位。
    More than 30 000 jobs have been generated for local workers during the construction period. It is estimated that the new airport and the AR alone will create around 10 000 new jobs.
  • 位于印度和阿拉伯之的印度洋的东北海湾。
    a northwestern arm of the Indian Ocean between India and Arabia.
  • 阿拉伯海的一个海湾,位于伊朗和阿拉伯半岛之;波斯湾油田是世界上高产区之一。
    a shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula; the Persian Gulf oil fields are among the most productive in the world.
  • 全区平均海拔高度在4000米以上,空气稀薄,低温缺氧,气压和含氧量都不及平原地区的三分之二,气温在10摄氏度以上的时还不及中国最北部的黑龙江省的一半,可耕地仅占总面积的0.2%至0.3%。
    The region is more than 4,000 metres above sea level on the average. The air there is thin, cold and oxygen deficient and its barometric pressure and oxygen content are less than two-thirds of those at lower altitude plains. The duration of time with a temperature of above ten degrees Centigrade is less than half that in Heilongjiang Province in northernmost China. Only 0.2-0.3 percent of it is arable.
  • 历元被随机选作参考点的时中的某一瞬
    An instant in time that is arbitrarily selected as a point of reference.
  • 武断地无视性乱行为的增多和性传播疾病的迅速蔓延之的直接联系是鲁莽的。
    Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy.
  •  (二)埋压、圈占消火栓或者占用防火距、堵塞消防通道的,或者损坏和擅自挪用、拆除、停用消防设施、器材的;
    (II) Those who bury, occupy fire hydrant or occupy fire prevention space, block fire control passageway, or damage and arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop use fire control facilities and devices;
  • 第二十一条 任何单位、个人不得损坏或者擅自挪用、拆除、停用消防设施、器材,不得埋压、圈占消火栓,不得占用防火距,不得堵塞消防通道。
    Article 21 Any unit or individual shall not damage or arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop using fire control facilities and devices, and shall not bury and occupy hydrant, occupy fire prevention space and block fire control passageway.
  • 计算从任意一个时到事件发生时的时数量,如发射。
    counting backward from an arbitrary number to indicate the time remaining before some event (such as launching a space vehicle).
  • 以记录、区域或控制块中的任意起始点到另一个点之的测量单位数。
    The number of measuring units from an arbitrary starting point in a record, area, or control block, to some other point.
  • 他被邀请在资方与工会之(对一严重争端)作出仲裁.
    He was asked to arbitrate (a serious dispute) between management and the unions.
  • 已经请了史密斯先生来仲裁雇主与工人之的纷争。
    Mr.Smith has been asked to arbitrate between the employers and their workers.
  • 仲裁邻居间的争论
    Arbitrate a dispute between neighbors.
  • 法国受委托调停该两国的纷争。
    France was asked to arbitrate the dispute between the two nations.
  • 一位首席法官将对工会和雇主之的争端进行仲裁。
    A leading judge will arbitrate in the disagreement between the trade union and the employers.
  • 联合国代表被派往中东在两个交战国调停。
    A representative of the United Nations was sent to the Middle East to arbitrate for peace with the two nations at war.
  • 在仲裁期,除了合同中实施仲裁的部分外,本合同应继续执行。
    In the course of arbitration, the contract shall be continuously executed except the part which is under arbitration.
  • 树栖有袋动物,有能盘卷住东西的无毛的尾巴,见于从北美洲南部到南美洲北部的地区。
    nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America.
  • 曲率切线通过给定弧线的角度变化与弧线长度之的比率
    The ratio of the change in the angle of a tangent that moves over a given arc to the length of the arc.
  • 飞弧如在两块器械之产生的一道随意性的电弧
    An unintended electric arc, as between two pieces of apparatus.
  • 向上的路线被击出高弧线的球上升期经过的路线
    The upward course of a ball driven in a high arc.
  • 分成十隔间的连环拱
    An arcade divided into ten bays.
  • 尖形穹窿介于两者之
    The pointed arch is found between the two.
  • (改组印度考古学部)要说明得失二者之的关系并不难。你不能不打破鸡蛋而有炒鸡蛋。我敢肯定最后端出来的炒鸡蛋足以证明把许多鸡蛋打破是有道理的。
    (reorganizing the Indian Archaeological Department) It is not difficult to count both the losses and the gains. You can't have omelettes without breaking eggs, and I have no doubt that the omelette which eventually emerged justified the breaking of a good many eggs.
  • 始祖鸟已灭绝的侏罗纪时期原始鸟类(始祖鸟目属),具有类似麻雀的特征,如牙齿及长而多骨的尾巴。它可能代表了爬行动物与鸟类的转变形式
    An extinct primitive bird(genus Archaeopteryx) of the Jurassic period, having lizardlike characteristics, such as teeth and a long, bony tail. It may represent a transitional form between reptiles and birds.
  • 根据当地民传说,1886年的时候当地一位主教在涌动的熔岩前举起圣安东尼的塑像,阻止了熔岩的前进,而使这座城镇幸免于难。
    According to folklore, the town was saved in 1886 after the local archbishop held a statue of St Anthony before advancing lava.
  • 储藏室;地下室;地窖房或空,如地下室或储藏等,有拱形的墙壁或天花板,尤指地下的
    A room or space, such as a cellar or storeroom, with arched walls and ceiling, especially when underground.
  • 个人基本素质包括:平衡,注意力集中,协调和时感。
    The basic individual qualities of the archer include balance,concentration,coordination and a sense of timing?
  • 个人基本素质包括:平衡,注意力集中,协调和时感。
    The basic individual qualities of the archer include balance, concentration, coordination and a sense of timing?
  • 国际射箭比赛于1900年前后在英法之展开,并最终于同年进入奥运会。
    International competitions began with Anglo-French matches around 1900, leading to archery's appearance in the Olympic Games of that year.