  • 他到的时候累得话都不想说—他是一路骑着两脚马儿来的。
    He was too tired to talk when he arrived—he had come the whole way by Shanks' mare.
  • 手术后当晚,这对体姐妹玛利亚·特蕾莎·阿尔瓦雷斯和玛利亚·赫苏斯留在加利福尼亚洛杉矶医学中心接受观察,她们还没有脱离危险但情况还算稳定。不过医生对她们的康复是充满信心的。
    Maria Teresa Quiej Alvarez and her sister, Maria de Jesus, were in critical but stable condition Tuesday night at the University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center, but doctors were optimistic about their recovery.
  • 一个教师备课带改作业每天工作。
    With preparation and marking a teacher works 12 hours a day.
  • 水砣绳间距标示通过测深锤上续的标记估计出来的以英寸计量的距离
    A distance estimated in fathoms between successive marks on a sounding line.
  • 射击运动员扣板机,弹无虚发。
    The marksman squeezed off successive rounds and every shot told.
  • 他慈爱地拍拍爱德蒙的肩膀继续说,“你做得很对,唐太斯,你是应该执行莱克勒船长的命令在厄尔巴岛靠一下岸的——但是如果你曾带一包东西给元帅,并还同陛下讲过话的事被人知道的话,那你就会受累的。”
    continued he, patting Edmond's shoulder kindly, "you did very right, Dantès, to follow Captain Leclere's instructions, and touch at Elba, although if it were known that you had conveyed a packet to the marshal, and had conversed with the emperor, it might bring you into trouble."
  • 奇妙的结果(尤与所示动词用)
    Suffer martyrdom at the stake, ie by burning
  • 要是你马克思这个人都从未听说过, 那麽你一定是没有受过教育的了.
    You must be illiterate if you've never heard of Marx.
  • 这种人是半点马克思主义气味也没有的。
    But such people don't know the first thing about Marxism.
  • 演变所极,湖南则有平江惨案,河南则有确山惨案,河北则有张荫梧进攻八路军,山东则有秦启荣消灭游击队,鄂东有程汝怀惨杀共产党员五六百之众,陇东有中央军大举进攻八路驻防军之举,而最近山西境内复演出旧军攻击新军并带侵犯八路军阵地之惨剧。
    Matters have gone far enough, with the Pingkiang Massacre in Hunan, the Chuehshan Massacre in Honan, the attack on the Eighth Route Army by Chang Yin-wu in Hopei, the attack on the guerrillas by Chin Chi-jung in Shantung, the ruthless slaughter of between five and six hundred Communists by Cheng Ju-huai in eastern Hupeh, the large-scale assaults on the garrison forces of the Eighth Route Army by the Central Army in eastern Kansu and, more recently, the tragedy in Shansi where the old army attacked the new army and invaded positions held by the Eighth Route Army.
  • 使智囊团发挥功效的第一个步骤,就是设立一个明确的目标(谁愿意搭乘目的地不明确的火车呢?)很显然的,如果你自己的明确目标都还没有确定,是不可能进行其他工作的。
    The first step in putting together a mastermind alliance is to adopt a definite purpose for it to attain.(Who would board train without knowing where it went?) Obviously you cannot do this if you have not yet selected your own definite major purpose.You must be certain that the purpose of the alliance is either the same as yours or very closely aligned.
  • 它是希腊野生的乳香黄木的汁液中所产的天然胶状物。
    This is a natural chewing gum from the sap of the mastic tree that grows wild in Greece.
  • 近亲繁殖近亲之间续不断的交配繁殖,尤指为保存种族的优良品质而进行的
    To breed by the continued mating of closely related individuals, especially to preserve desirable traits in a stock.
  • 她连任了一期市长
    She continued as mayor for a second term.
  • 几小时,她的头脑处于一片糊涂状态。
    She was lost in the maze for several hours.
  • 到了马厩,又回头再飞跑,续6次横穿草地。
    Near the stable he whee1ed again. Six times he crossed the meadow.
  • 他饿得虚弱无力,骨瘦如柴的胳膊都举不起来。
    He was so weak from hunger he could hardly raise his meagre arms.
  • 胡言乱语信口胡说、不贯或无意义的谈话
    Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk.
  • 苏伊士运河接著地中海和红海.
    The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.
  • 省级首府如成都、重庆、大等的中国—大而充满活力的城市,但不及上海、北京般国际化;
    the China of provincial capitals, big and vibrant but not as cosmopolitan as the two mega-cities - such cities as Chengdu, Chongqing and Dalian, for instance.
  • 用柔和的颤音唱歌用颤音、续音或其他悦耳的装饰音唱(如一支调子或歌曲)
    To sing(a note or song, for example) with trills, runs, or other melodic embellishments.
  • 用高熔点的焊料来接。
    solder together by using hard solder with a high melting point.
  • 此外,中国还续当选为联合国妇女地位委员会成员国,中国专家续被选为联合国消除对妇女歧视委员会委员。
    In addition, China has successively been elected a member of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, and Chinese experts have continually been elected members of the UN Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.
  • 某些水鸟或哺乳动物脚趾间着的膜。
    membrane connecting the toes of some aquatic birds and mammals.
  • 月经月经。与the连用
    Menstruation. Used with the.
  • 焊接通过加热,有时加压或有时用媒介物或有很高熔点的填充金属来接(金属)
    To join(metals) by applying heat, sometimes with pressure and sometimes with an intermediate or filler metal having a high melting point.
  • 化工、冶金、轻工、机械、电力、建材等行业积极推行清洁生产,加速技术改造,强制淘汰了一大批污染重、能耗物耗高的设备和产品,使工业生产年增长,污染物排放量持续下降,效益逐年提高。
    Chemical, metallurgical, light, machine-building, power and construction materials industries have actively adopted clean production, speeded up technical transformation and firmly eliminated a large amount of equipment and products characterized by heavy pollution and high consumption of energy and materials. Consequently, industrial production has increased for several years running, the discharge of pollutants has declined steadily and the economic returns of enterprises have gone up year by year.
  • 将军澳隧道于一九九零年启用,全长900米,接九龙与将军澳新巿镇。
    The 900-metre Tseung Kwan O Tunnel, opened in 1990, links Kowloon and Tseung Kwan O New Town.
  • 将军澳隧道接九龙与将军澳新巿镇,于一九九零年启用,全长900米,年内平均每日行车量达55000架次,每程收费三元。
    The 900-metre Tseung Kwan O Tunnel, opened in 1990, links Kowloon and Tseung Kwan O new town. It was used by 55000 vehicles daily in 1998. The toll was $3.
  • 西铁是一项便捷的集体运输设施,接新市镇和都会区。
    The West Rail provides a convenient mass transport facility to connect this new town with the metro area.
  • 利用公共交通组织奥运交通,建设接市区轨道交通系统的轨道交通。
    The city’s existing public transportation system will be expanded to provide transportation service for the Games. Rail will be built to link the urban metro and the venues.
  • midi原本的目的并不是为了接许多装备了键盘的合成器来产生多层次的声音,而是为了使音乐家能够用一个键盘控制几个合成器进行演奏。midi标准提供16个声道,你可以为每一个声道设置一个特别的合成器或合成器声音。
    MIDI’s original purpose as to allow a musician to control several synthesizers from one keyboard rather than connecting a number of keyboard-equipped synthesizers,to produce the multilayered sound. The MIDI standard provides for 16 channels. You can assign each channel to a specific synthesizer or synthesizer voice.