  • 对轻微肥胖的委婉法。
    euphemisms for slightly fat.
  • 如果我用“thin”而不是“slim”来某人,会怎么样?
    What happens if I use"thin" instead of"slim" about someone?
  • 请你明一下怎样填这张表好吗?
    Could you explain how to fill this out?
  • 如果我用"thin"而不是"slim"来某人,会怎么样?
    what happens if I use " thin " instead of " slim " about someone?
  • 然后他打着他的脑袋:“我的舌头从来不倦于的奉承话使得我沉没在这粪水里!”
    He beat his slimy forehead as he answered:"I am stuck down here by all those flatteries that rolled unceasing off my tongue up there."
  • 起土语来像个当地人。
    She slings the bat like a native.
  • 至于基本要求,首先,标签应握在把手处,从肩部或掷臂上方投出,不得抛甩。
    As for the basic requirements,first the javelin must be held at the grip and thrown over the shoulder or upper part of the arm. It may not be slung and hurled.
  • “阿拉斯加的好多地区,包括整个阿留申群岛,都处在一个板块的边界上,”麦卡恩,“这儿,太平洋板块正在滑动,并向北美板块下倾斜,当应力足够大时,太平洋板块便可能会猛烈地下滑。
    "Much of Alaska, including the entire Aleutian island chain , rests on a tectonic plate boundary," says Mccann, "Here the Pacific plate is slipping past and dipping beneath the North American plate. When the strain is great enough, the Pacific plate may slip violently down- ward.
  • 我看了看沙发上那寒酸的装饰布,回答,"天哪,我可算不上。"
    Mercy, no!" I looked at my shabby slipcovers.
  • 那时候我已双目失明,所以不知道那少女的容貌如何,不过我知道她穿着拖鞋,因为两只拖鞋拍打着她的脚后跟。我很喜欢她话的声音。
    As I had become blind by then, I could not tell what the girl looked like, but I knew she wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels, and I liked the sound of her voice.
  • 玛格丽特把手从加斯东手里抽回来,请他坐在她右面,我坐在左面,接着她对纳尼娜:
    And, slipping out of Gaston's grasp, Marguerite sat him on her right, me on her left, and then said to Nanine:
  • 总统发言人阿里·弗莱舍解释,布什总统的言下之意是指责伊拉克单方面退出了解除武器的承诺,"萨达姆总想在这件事上开溜,也就是总统先生所的'龙虾'"。
    Asked about the President's use of the word, Ari Fleischer, his spokesman, referred to broken Iraqi commitments to disarm, adding: "This is what Saddam Hussein has tried his best to slither out of, as the President put it, 'to crawfish out of'."
  • 如果他不交钱就威胁撕了他,这样他会就范的。
    Threaten to slit him up if he won't give the money, that should make him do it!
  • 当然,这个口号在某些人来是一个陪衬,其目的是用反腐败来蛊惑人心。
    Of course, certain persons used this slogan as a pretext for misleading the people.
  • 例如:巩固和扩大抗日民族统一战线的口号是否依然正确呢?
    Or, for instance, is the slogan "Consolidate and expand the Anti-Japanese National United Front" still correct?
  • 邓:可以鼓励、劝台湾首先跟我们搞“三通”:通商、通航、通邮。
    Deng: They can encourage and persuade Taiwan first to have "three exchanges" with us, namely, the exchange of mail, trade and air and shipping services.
  • 他们林肯总统从不感情用事。
    They say President Lincoln never slopped over.
  • 走、、学、反应得慢
    Walk, speak, learn, react slowly
  • 谢谢你这么说。
    It's very nice of you to say so.
  • 谢谢你这么说。
    Thank you for saying so.
  • 你们的喝采封演者有影响。
    Your applause would react on the speaker.
  • 起来容易做起来难。
    Easier said than done.
  • 唉!说来话长。
    It's a long story.
  • 指私酿的烈酒(威士忌)或走私的酒。胡八道也可用moonshine。His story is plain moonshine.
    moonshine Or: mountain dew
  • 不要说了,我不想听
    Save your breath! I don't want to hear it.
  • 太阳微系统公司招聘部主任约翰·费瑟斯通,公司计划今年春天招聘40~50名工商管理硕士生来做财务、市场营销以及营运工作--此数约为过去数年每年招聘的人数。
    Sun Microsystems Inc.plans to hire 40 to 50 M.B.A.’s this spring to fill slots in finance,marketing,and operations about the same number it has hired in each of the past several years,says John Featherstone,director of corporate employment.
  • 财政大臣-即我国的首席财政部长-过没有一个经济体能够免受全球经济萧条的影响。
    The Chancellor of the Exchequer - our Chief Finance Minister - has said the no economy can remain totally insulated from the effects of a global slowdown.
  • 格涅斯基相信,本周将发布的失业数字将不能明[经济]是否可能疲软,因为“除非订单减少到不可否认的程度,商家不会开始解雇工人。”
    Genetski believes that the unemployment numbers, to be released this week, won't shed much light on a potential slowdown, because "businesses won't start laying off workers until the evidence of reduced orders is undeniable."
  • 世界经济最重要的问题售中在美国与德国:美国能否在未来几个月摆脱经济不景气;德国在经济急剧恶化以至拖垮欧洲大陆其他地方以前能否解决它的通货膨胀问题?
    The most important questions about the world economy, he says, focus on the United States and Germany: Will the United States come out of the recession in the next few months, and can Germany resolve its inflation problem before a sharp slowdown sets in and topples the rest of continental Europe?
  • 你能说得慢一点吗?
    Could you speak slower?
  • 你是因为巴士开得比较慢,所以你就可以好好看看这个国家?
    You mean you can see the country better because the bus is slower?
  • 魔鬼有时也会真话。
    The devil sometimes speaks the truth.