  • 一种兰浓密、序略呈螺旋状、乳白色,顶部的两片瓣形成拱形兜帽;产自北美洲西部。
    orchid having dense clusters of gently spiraling creamy white flowers with 2 upper petals forming a hood; western North America.
  • 这个园是他设计的。
    It was he that designed the garden.
  • 你一定了不少时间才做成。
    It must have taken you hours to create.
  • 蜡染印式图案用这种方法染出的图案
    A design that is created by this method.
  • 紧扣本次博览会主题设计、制作的雕塑小品和卉小品,也托着99世博园的环境氛围。
    Some simple sculptures and flower artistic creations were also set up in line with the theme of the Expo '99.
  • 总之,我们在教学中加入创意的成分,并不是搞样跟时髦,而是和下一代的生存息息相关,我们本身所受的教育不大鼓励创意。因此,我们对创意有点陌生,甚至感到惶惑,但是,只要我们按部就班,先使教学有创意,再让学生进行有创意的学习,最终,学生的创意必定能得到充分的发展。
    In sum, introducing creativity into teaching is neither for frills and thrills nor for looking fashionable but because creativity is intimately tied up with the younger generation's survival. The education we have had did not encourage creativity and hence with it we feel uncomfortable or even puzzled and threatened by it. Nevertheless, take one step at a time: first we teach creatively, next we make students learn creatively, and then their creativity will ultimately flourish.
  • 总之,我们在教学中加入创意的成分,并不是搞样跟时髦,而是和下一代的生存息息相关。
    In sum, introducing creativity into teaching is neither for frills and thrills nor for looking fashionable but because creativity is intimately tied up with the younger generation's survival.
  • 人们都记得《生》的创作者查尔斯·舒尔茨是一个天才。他触动了千千万万美国人的生活。
    “Peanuts”creator Charles Schulz was remembered as a genius who touched the lives of millions of Americans.
  • 在首张专辑中就有4支单曲名列摇滚电台榜首,"信念"是有史以来首例乐队。在歌曲昙一现随即消逝的今天,这一业绩便更难能可贵了。
    Creed was the first band in history to have four Number One Rock Radio singles from a debut album--a feat even more impressive in these days of love-'em-and-leave-'em,one-hit wonders.
  • 如以“钟”、"船"、“柱”、“溪”及“开新世纪”为主,组成的850米长、40米宽的主游览园大道景观;
    Such as the flower clock, flower boat, flower creek, flower stream, flower greeting the new century, were completed, forming a 40-meters-wide and 850 -meters-long boulevards for sightseeing;
  • 长春属的植物;低的蔓延的长青的多年生的植物。
    periwinkles: low creeping evergreen perennials.
  • 欧洲小型匍匐草本植物,有纤细的粉红色的
    small creeping European herb having delicate pink flowers.
  • 匍匐生长的任何一种植物(如常春藤或蔓长春)。
    any plant (as ivy or periwinkle) that grows by creeping.
  • 为了庆祝节日,人们在开板上交叉挂起了色彩艳丽的绉纸。
    Crepe paper of bright colours was hung across the ceilings for the festival.
  • 有害水田芥,黄色;有时归入蒜芥属。
    noxious cress with yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium.
  • 欧洲的一种十字科植物,具有挺、硬的直立茎。
    European cress having stiff erect stems; sometimes placed in genus Turritis.
  • 一种开小白的水芹,常见于北美潮湿地区。
    small white-flowered cress common in wet places in eastern North America.
  • 鹦鹉,凤头鹦鹉一种大鹦鹉,尤指澳大利亚和相邻区域的葵鹦鹉属,特征为有可竖直的长冠
    Any of various large parrots, especially of the genus Kakatoe of Australia and adjacent areas, characterized by a long, erectile crest.
  • 有金色顶饰的;有顶饰的鸢尾;头上有一簇毛的鸭子;有顶饰的珍珠菜。
    golden crested; crested iris; crested oriole; tufted duck; tufted loosestrife.
  • 雄性孔雀;有头冠和大的扇形尾巴,尾巴上有彩虹般的眼状斑。
    male peafowl; having a crested head and very large fanlike tail marked with iridescent eyes or spots.
  • 雄孔雀雄性孔雀,具有头冠,明丽的蓝色或绿色羽毛,长长的装饰性后羽,带有眼状的彩虹般的斑,可展成扇形
    A male peafowl, distinguished by its crested head, brilliant blue or green plumage, and long modified back feathers that are marked with iridescent eyelike spots and that can be spread in a fanlike form.
  • 中生代的包括三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪在内的地质史上第三个时代的,它以飞行的爬虫类、鸟类及开植物类的发展和恐龙的出现与灭绝为特征,或关于这个时代的
    Of, relating to, or being the third era of geologic time, including the Triassic Period, the Jurassic Period, and the Cretaceous Period and characterized by the development of flying reptiles, birds, and flowering plants and the appearance and extinction of dinosaurs.
  • 让这么可爱的园荒废是极不应该的。
    It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden.
  • 热带灌木,有平滑的树叶和夜里芳香的,有起皱褶的波状的;分布在印度北部到泰国。
    tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant nocturnal flowers with crimped or wavy corollas; northern India to Thailand.
  • 高的脱离队伍的灌木,有大的球状的深红黄色的;分布在澳大利亚西部。
    tall straggling shrub with large globose crimson-yellow flowers; western Australia.
  • 美国西部的一种百合,具有桔红色至深红色带褐紫红色斑点的
    lily of western United States having orange-red to crimson maroon-spotted flowers.
  • 美国西部的一种灌木,粉红色或深红色;常形成灌木丛。
    shrub of western United States having pink or crimson flowers; often forms thickets.
  • 勃兰特福特草属的任何一种植物,很大、橙色或深红色。
    any of several plants of the genus Blandfordia having large orange or crimson flowers.
  • 一种多米尼加的树,在细小的羽状叶子出现之前开大量深红色的大
    small Dominican tree bearing masses of large crimson flowers before the fine pinnate foliage emerges.
  • 松散生长的欧亚地被植物,有深红色小孔的淡粉红色单生
    low-growing loosely mat-forming Eurasian pink with single crimson-eyed pale pink flowers.
  • 旧大陆的一年生植物,有香味、紫色至深红色;被移植到美国。
    Old World annual having fragrant purple to deep crimson flower heads; naturalized in United States.
  • 欧洲南部的一种一年生车轴草,深红色,穗状头状序,圆筒形。在美国广泛种植,作为一种饲料植物。
    southern European annual with spiky heads of crimson flower; extensively cultivated in United States for forage.