  • 我们乒乓队球技超
    Our ping-pong team is red hot.
  • 周围的人挤压著他们,使他们动弹不得。
    Pinion by the press of men around them, they are unable to move.
  • 密螺旋体任一种密螺旋体属螺旋体的体,包括那些引起梅毒、品他病和雅司病的各种螺旋体
    Any of a group of spirochetes of the genus Treponema, including those that cause syphilis, pinta, and yaws.
  • 海盗尤指17世纪时掠夺在西印度岛航行的西班牙船只的海盗
    A pirate, especially one of the freebooters who preyed on Spanish shipping in the West Indies during the17th century.
  • 雌蕊花的生殖器官;作为一个体的雌蕊
    The female reproductive organs of a flower; the pistil or pistils considered as a group.
  • 莱顿向那一人开了一枪。
    Layton fired a pistol at the group.
  • 克林顿到各地旅行演说,从亚特兰大到加州圣莫尼卡,向众推销他的经济计划。贝加拉与总统同乘空军一号专机润饰总统的讲词,并在说服人的技巧方面提供建议。
    When Bill Clinton took his show on the road, pitching his economic plan to audiences form Atlanta so Santa Monica, Calif., Paul Begala rode along on Air Force One to polish speeches and advise the President on the tactics of persuasion.
  • 示威众举着标语牌,散发了传单。
    The demonstrators carried to placards and distributed leaflets.
  • 抚慰一愤怒的佃农;一吵闹的孩子
    Placating an angry lot of tenants; kids who made a noisy lot.
  •  (4)群众健身场地
    Places for Mass Sports Activities
  • 群山崛起。
    Mountains rise abruptly(over the plain).
  • 群山崛起。
    Mountains rise abruptly (over the plain).
  • 自该村望去,山之巅清晰可见。
    The mountain tops are plainly visible from the village.
  • 但他们不敢反对人民众明确希望的东西。
    But they did not dare to oppose what the people so plainly desired.
  • 我们没有把问题摆到众面前,取得共同的认识,同众一起商量解决问题。
    We haven't put the problems plainly before the masses, reached a common understanding with them and discussed and solved those problems together with them.
  • 各级政府层层落实禁种铲毒责任制,发动众搞好宣传教育和禁种检查,做到种毒必究、有毒必铲。
    Anti-drug publicity and education is conducted among the people and efforts are made to investigate illegal drug planting and to see that drug growers are punished and the plants are uprooted wherever they are found.
  • 各级政府层层落实禁种铲毒责任制,发动众搞好宣传教育和禁种检查,做到种毒必究、有毒必铲。
    Anti- drug publicity and education is conducted among the people and efforts are made to investigate illegal drug planting and to see that drug growers are punished and the plants are uprooted wherever they are found.
  • 游客从公共汽车上涌下来。
    platoons of tourists poured out of the busses; the defensive platoon of the football team.
  • 人从暗处走出来,沿着大路前进
    The platoon broke cover and headed down the road.
  • 他与一花花公子交上了朋友,以至大学一年级两门课程不合格。
    He got in with a group of playboys and failed two freshman courses.
  • 比赛结束之后,人离开运动场。
    After the game had ended, the crowd left the playground.
  • 比赛结束之后,人离开运动场。
    After the game have end, the crowd leave the playground.
  • 总统最近对一共和党人求助的请求不予理睬。
    The President recently turned deaf ears on an S. O. S. plea from a group of G. O. P. ers.
  • 诗集某一特定的作者、体、国家或种类的诗歌作品
    The poetic works of a given author, group, nation, or kind.
  • 骑警队策马撞倒许多手无寸铁的示威众。
    The mounted policemen rode down many unarmed demonstrators.
  • 走在最后的是一骑警。
    A group of mounted policemen brought up the rear.
  • 向后退去,让警察过去。
    The crowd fell back to let the policemen through.
  • 俱乐部的积极会员;他在政治上很积极;众广泛参加的组织。
    an active member of the club; he was politically active; the participating organizations.
  • 所谓众团体的独立性,是在组织意义上讲的,在政治上必须保障其在党的政治领导之下。
    Organizationally a mass organization is independent; politically it must place itself under Party leadership.
  • 他们成结队地涌向投票处,人数之众,史无前例。
    The people flocked to the polling places in greater numbers than ever before in history.
  • 位于法国玻利尼西亚岛中的大约个珊瑚岛。
    a group of about 80 coral islands in French Polynesia.
  • 位于太平洋中南部的一组岛;法国玻利尼西亚岛的一部分。
    a group of islands in the south central Pacific; part of French Polynesia.