  • 白处硬币或奖章背面白处,一般在中心图案的下方并通常标有雕刻的时间和地点
    A space on the reverse of a coin or medal, usually below the central design and often giving the date and place of engraving.
  • 茫然的脸具有洞、僵硬、谜样表情的面孔
    A face having a blank, fixed, or enigmatic expression.
  • "有了小汽车,就可以在周末到乡村或海边度假充分享受闲时间。"
    With a car he can enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the country or seaside on the weekends.
  • 这个地方没有好玩儿的(无法消磨闲时间)。
    There's nothing to do in this place, ie no means of passing one's leisure time enjoyably.
  • 使用此命令扩大当前窗口以填充可用
    Use this command to enlarge the active window to fill the available space
  • 因此,各族群在发扬其文化传统的同时,也必须尽量争取扩大彼此的共同间。
    In promoting its own culture, all communities should try to enlarge our common space.
  • 东北亚和东南亚的国家必须在一个前紧密的结合中融汇在一起——市场的、人民的以及思想上的。
    The countries of Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia must also be enmeshed in an ever closer union -- of markets, peoples and minds.
  • 发展空间十分巨大。
    There is enormous room for growth.
  • 空间不够大。
    There isn't enough room.
  • 空间不够。
    There's not enough room.
  • 我告诉那个警察隔壁房间的噪音使我烦恼,他说他将调查一下。
    I told the policeman that I was worried by the noises from the empty house next door, and he said he would enquire into it.
  • 时,他们还喜欢到舞厅去享乐、喝酒、跳舞、结交朋友……新加坡大学生这么忙,哪里还有多余的时间去充实自己?
    In their spare time, they would go to the disco, where they would drink, dance and make new friends. How could the busy university student in Singapore then find the time to enrich his mind?
  • 谁知道气污染可能造成什么样的灾难呢?
    Who knows what troubles may ensue from air pollution?
  • 虚拟现实——进入想像的
    Virtual Reality-Enter a Fancy Space
  • 太空船重入大气层。
    The spaceship re-entered the atmosphere.
  • 美国五人男子组合"超级男孩"的成员兰斯·巴斯将进行登陆太检查,他希望自己成为娱乐界首位登陆太的歌手。
    'N Sync singer Lance Bass is currently undergoing tests to see if he could become the third space tourist. He wants to become the first entertainer in space.
  • 该公司直接与我们交涉,并说明你方不赞同他们的计划。请航邮寄详细资料。
    They approach us directly state you refuse entertaining their project airmail details.
  • 他把继承的遗产全都挥霍一
    He trifled away his entire inheritance.
  • 旷的田野现在四周都有建筑物了。
    The fields are now entirely built in.
  • 如果要保护环境,城镇气污染问题必须处理。
    The problem of the air pollution in cities and towns must be dealt with if the environ ment is going to be preserved.
  • 空间环境影响
    influence of space environment
  • 且从小的日常例子说起吧:瑞士全国以风景优美著名,到处山湖交错、气清新,人民都能自我克制,爱护环境,实现环保精神。
    Let us take an ordinary, everyday example. Switzerland is famed for its physical beauty, its mountains and lakes, its crisp, clean air. In the spirit of environmentalism, the people exercise self-discipline to maintain and care for their pristine surroundings.
  • 提高能源使用效率和改用更具环保效益的发电系统,对持续改善我们的气质素至为重要。
    Increasing the efficiency with which we use energy, and moving to more environmentally responsible systems for generating power are also critical to sustaining improvement in our air quality.
  •  (三)气象探测环境,是指为避开各种干扰保证气象探测设施准确获得气象探测信息所必需的最小距离构成的环境间。
    Environs for meteorological observation mean the minimum surrounding space away from any interference, a space that is essential for ensured acquisition of accurate meteorological observation information by means of observation facilities.
  • 在1991年4月,美国环保局报告说,美国上的大气臭氧浓度在20世纪80年代下降了4%-5%,较70年代加快了3倍。
    In April 1991, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that atmospheric ozone concentrations above the United States decreased by 4 to 5 percent during the 1980's, three times faster than during the 1970's.
  • 他们必须使自己懂得:一切事物中最基本的东西就是恐惧。而且,要教会自己永远地将恐惧忘却,不要在自己的工作室给它留下任何间,只留下内心古老的真诚,留下普遍存在的真理——缺少了这种真理,任何故事都是短命的,必遭厄运的——这种普遍的真理即爱情、荣誉、怜悯、自豪、激情和牺牲。
    He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid: and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice.
  • 这场传染病几于城市成为城。
    The epidemic nearly dispeopled the city.
  • 播音员:等候泛美航公司飞往休斯顿的217次稿班退票的旅客埃里克·米勒请到候机服务台。
    Eric Miller, standby passenger for Pan American Flight 217 to Houston, please report to the departure desk.
  • 气从任何来源漏入泵都可能引起运行的不稳定。
    Air leaking into the pump from any source is likely to cause erratic running.
  • 农田和价值570万英镑的旅游收入一时间化为乌有,犹如火山浓烟消失在中,无影无踪。火山研究人员称火山喷发还将持续几个星期。
    Fields and tourism worth £5.7m have gone up in smoke and vulcanologists say the eruption could last several more weeks.
  • "气中有股奇怪的味道,一定是什么地方在漏煤气了。"
    There is a strange odour in the air. The gas must have been escaping somewhere.
  • 那个讲三个漂亮姑娘在太船内的故事是毫无现实意义的作品。
    That story about three beautiful girls in a spacecraft is pure escapism.