  • 开的日子里时间过得真慢;我只有焦躁地等待,别无他法。
    Time hangs so heavy when you're away; all I do is wait impatiently.
  • 开的日子里时间过得真慢;我只有焦躁地等待,别无他法。
    Time hangs so heavy when you're away; all I do is to wait impatiently.
  • 她仅几步之遥,正在焦躁地等着车来接我。
    A little distance away, I was impatiently waiting for the car to pick me up.
  • 关键是要健全干部的选举、招考、任免、考核、弹劾、轮换制度,对各级各类领导干部(包括选举产生、委任和聘用的)职务的任期,以及休、退休,要按照不同情况,作出适当的、明确的规定。
    What is essential is to improve the systems of election, recruitment, appointment, removal, assessment, impeachment and rotation of cadres and, in the light of specific conditions, to work out appropriate and explicit regulations for the terms of office and retirement of leading cadres of all categories and at all levels (including those elected, appointed or invited).
  • 如果说他们是革命的,那是鉴于他们行将转入无产阶级的队伍,这样,他们就不是维护他们目前的利益,而是维护他们将来的利益,他们就开自己原来的立场,而站到无产阶级的立场上来。
    If by chance they are revolutionary, they are so only in view of their impending transfer into the proletariat, they thus defend not their present, but their future interests, they desert their own standpoint to place themselves at that of the proletariat.
  • 立即开;通常使用命令的形式。
    leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form.
  • 回避因别人不需要所以开,经常用于命令句中
    To leave because one's presence is unwanted. Often used in the imperative.
  • 用以叫某人(尤指小孩)
    Used in the imperative to tell sb, esp a child, to go away
  • 客观化使…客观化,使…脱感情色彩;使具体化
    To make objective or impersonal; objectify.
  • 鉴于我们以往在新区所犯的急性病的错误,脱了群众,孤立了自己,在对敌斗争与确立根据地的事业上,造成了许多困难,所以全区都应根据五月二十五日中央关于一九四八年的土地改革工作和整党工作的指示,重新地全盘考虑我们的工作方针和策略步骤。
    We were guilty of being too impetuous in the new liberated areas, alienating ourselves from the masses, isolating ourselves, and creating many difficulties in our struggle against the enemy and in our effort to establish base areas. In view of this, comrades working in the Central Plains should review all our policies and tactical measures in accordance with the directive on the work of land reform and of Party consolidation in 1948, issued by the Central Committee on May 25.
  • 因为不孝,他不得不开家。
    He had to leave his home because of impiety.
  • 在计算机程序执行中,正在执行的指令脱隐含的或规定的指令执行顺序。
    In the execution of a computer program, a departure from the implicit or declared order in which instructions are being executed.
  • 拉开距离的重要性
    The Importance of Distancing
  •  还有一点更重要,不是名列前茅的公司,也用得着拉开距这个概念。
    More importantly,the concept of distancing can be applied to a company which is not in the number one position.
  • 还有一点更重要,不是名列前茅的公司,也用得着拉开距这个概念。
    More importantly, the concept of distancing can be applied to a company which is not in the number one position.
  • 他的讲话真是又长又臭。你需要有约伯一样的耐心才能听下去而不致找借口开。
    He's so impossibly long-winded. You need to be as patient as Job to listen to him without making some excuse to leave.
  • 对米司先生接二连三的渎职指控,引起人们要他辞职的呼声;司法部人员不胜惶恐,已结伙职。
    The accumulating accusations of impropriety against Mr.Meese have ignited calls for him to quit; disturbed Justice Department officials have been jumping ship in clusters.
  • 事实是,以1994年为例,中国各级财政拨款用于城市各类福利院儿童的养育费用为1.69亿元,其中40%左右直接用作收养的孤残儿童的生活费用,还有20%左右则是有关的设备维修、人员培训和用以保证福利院正常工作的费用,工作人员的工资、奖金以及退休人员的工资总共约占40%左右,根本不存在所谓的大部分资金被用作工作人员工资奖金的情况。
    In fact, the sum for bringing up children in urban welfare institutions of various kinds in China allocated by China's financial departments at different levels in 1994, for instance, totalled 169 million yuan, of which about 40 percent was used for the living expenses of the orphans and disabled children; about 20 percent was spent on equipment maintenance, staff training and daily operating expenses; finally, about 40 percent was used for staff salaries and bonuses and for retirement pensions. From the above figures it can be clearly seen that the claim that most of the funds were used for salaries and bonuses is inaccurate.
  •  第一条香港特别行政区是中华人民共和国不可分的部分。
    Article 1 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inalienable part of the people's Republic of China.
  • 对于不同关系的人,所有的文化都明确指出了什么样的社交距是恰当的,什么样的社交距是不恰当的,而它们之间的区别则在于恰当与不恰当是如何界定的。
    All cultures draw lines between what is an appropriate and what is an inappropriate social distance for different types of relationship.
  • 杰斐逊就任总统的那个年代我们已经很远了。
    Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration.
  • 至于服务输出,在岸贸易及访港旅游业持续增长的带动下,上半年表现较佳。
    Exports of services fared better in the first half of the year, bolstered by sustained growth in offshore trade and inbound tourism.
  • 服务输出在年内亦显着回升,访港旅游业持续增长,岸贸易亦随着内地出口回复快速增长而大幅增加。
    Exports of services likewise picked up markedly during the year, along with a further growth in inbound tourism and a sharp upturn in offshore trading activities upon the distinct turnaround in exports from the Mainland.
  • 在风速为110英里每小时的情况下,建筑偏中心的振动幅度不会超过四分之一英寸,也就是说,可测量的运动仅仅是半英寸,每一边只有四分之一英寸。
    With a wind of 110 miles per hour, movement off center is never greater than one quarter inch, thus measurable movement is only one half inch, one quarter inch on either side.
  • 整个演讲充满了题的陈述
    A speech full of inconsequent statements.
  • 毛泽东同志反对的是教育脱实际、脱群众、脱劳动,并不是不要读书,而是要读得更好。
    This too is inconsistent with Mao Zedong Thought. What Comrade Mao Zedong opposes is divorcing education from reality, from the masses and from labour. What he means is definitely not that students need not study but that they should study better.
  • 住得商店这么远会很不方便。
    Living such a long way from the shops can be very inconvenient.
  • 住得商店这麽远有时候非常不便。
    Living such a long way from the shop can be very inconvenient.
  • 住得商店这麽远有时候非常不便.
    Living such a long way from the shops can is very inconvenient.
  • 无躯体的,无形的无躯体的,无形的,无实体的;脱肉体的
    Having no body, form, or substance; incorporeal.
  • 在你儿子家前给他忠告是你义不容辞的事。
    It's incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home.
  • 抗日民族统一战线的组成、巩固及其任务的完成,民主共和国在中国的实现,丝毫也不能开这一争取群众的努力。
    The formation and consolidation of the anti-Japanese national united front, the accomplishment of the task incumbent on it and the establishment of a democratic republic in China are absolutely inseparable from our effort to win over the masses.