  • 哥伦比亚河的一支流。
    a tributary of the Columbia River.
  • 纳尔逊堡河流程约418公里(260英里)的一河流,位于加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚省东北
    A river, about418 km(260 mi) long, of northeast British Columbia, Canada.
  • 木折在饰有凹槽的柱子的缺口间的棱
    A ridge between the indentations of a fluted column.
  • 一种高大的云杉,蓝绿色针叶和茂密的圆锥形球果;年长的树种呈柱形,低矮的枝大面积下垂。
    tall spruce with blue-green needles and dense conic crown; older trees become columnar with lower branches sweeping downward.
  • 反对主观主义有两个方面,即反对教主义和反对经验主义。
    That is why we have been concentrating on combatting subjectivism, which has two aspects: dogmatism and empiricism.
  • 洗得干干净净而又梳得有有理的的家养宠物,会长得又笨又蠢——它们失去了跳蚤的刺激嘛。
    Well- washed and well-combe domestic pet grow dull; they miss the stimulus of flea.
  • 将输入的多个报文合并成一报文的过程。参阅concentrator。
    The process of combining incoming messages into a single message.
  • 第二十六 普查、勘探易损坏的特种非金属矿产、流体矿产、易燃易爆易溶矿产和含有放射性元素的矿产,必须采用省级以上人民政府有关主管部门规定的普查、勘探方法,并有必要的技术装备和安全措施。
    Article 26 In conducting general surveys and prospecting for special fragile nonmetallic minerals, fluid minerals, combustible, explosive and soluble minerals and minerals containing radioactive elements, methods prescribed by the relevant departments under the people's governments at or above the provincial level must be used, and necessary technical installations must be provided and safety measures applied.
  • 十年以前,恐龙开始以十万年来未有的声势卷土重来。人人都惊异到底什么吸引了孩子很简单,恐龙既大,又丑,而且是爬虫。如果你刚巧是六岁,这三个字(大,丑,虫)的意思就是“我爱你”。我知道,因为我也曾经六岁过。为一伊瓜那,我什么都肯做。
    Ten years ago, when dinosaurs began to make their greatest comeback in 100,000 years, everyone wondered what the appeal was for kids. It was simple. Big. Ugly. Reptiles. Three little words that mean "I love you." If you happen to be 6. I know, because I was 6 once, and I would have killed for an iguana.
  • 他喜欢自己舒适的生活件。
    He likes his comforts.
  • 戒律犹太法律的诫条
    A commandment of the Jewish law.
  • 掌握国家大权的资产阶级的第一个信,就是解除工人的武装。
    The disarming of the workers was the first commandment for the bourgeois, who were at the helm of the state.
  • 达赖肆意编造谎言,违背和践踏这一戒,这只能向世人暴露其打着宗教旗号进行分裂祖国活动的本来面目。
    The Dalai Lama's wanton fabrication of lies and his violation and trampling of this commandment serve only to expose him in all his true colors: He is waving the banner of religion to conduct activities aimed at splitting the motherland.
  • “妄语戒”是佛教的根本戒之一,达赖肆意编造谎言,违背和践踏这一戒,这只能向世人暴露其打着宗教旗号进行分裂祖国活动的本来面目。
    One of the fundamental commandments of Buddhism forbids the spreading of falsehoods. The Dalai Lama's wanton fabrication of lies and his violation and trampling of this commandment serve only to expose him in all his true colors: He is waving the banner of religion to conduct activities aimed at splitting the motherland.
  • 1988年9月祝贺中国和日本和平友好约缔结十周年,赴日本演出。
    September, 1988 Performed in Tokyo and other cities in Japan to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sino Japanese Friendship Treaty.
  • 南北走向的那大街叫做"自由之路",街上有方尖纪念塔和多得难以想像的空降部队展览馆。
    The road southward,marked with commemorative obelisks and more musees des troupes aeroportees than you'd care to imagine,is called the Way of Liberation.
  • 《岭南大学例》在一九九九年七月三十日生效,岭南学院亦于同日改名为岭南大学。
    On July 30, Lingnan College was retitled Lingnan University on the commencement of its new ordinance.
  • 岭南原为私立院校,一九七九年转为政府资助的专上学院,一九九二年升格为可颁授学位的院校,并于一九九九年根据新订例改名为岭南大学。
    It became a publicly funded post-secondary college in 1979 and was upgraded to a degree-awarding institution in 1992. In 1999, Lingnan College was retitled Lingnan University on commencement of its new ordinance.
  • 第二十九 在城市市区范围内,建筑施工过程中使用机械设备,可能产生环境噪声污染的,施工单位必须在工程开工十五日以前向工程所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申报该工程的项目名称、施工场所和期限、可能产生的环境噪声值以及所采取的环境噪声污染防治措施的情况。
    Article 29 The unit in charge of a construction project which may produce environmental noise pollution due to the use of machines and other equipment, must report, 15 days before commencement of construction, to the competent administrative department for environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level the name of the project, the construction site, the length of time needed for completion of the project, the possible level of environmental noise and the measures taken for prevention and control of such pollution.
  • 第七次大会所通过的党章虽然规定了奖励的文,但是,在过去十一年的执行过程中,证明并不是必要的。
    Although provisions regarding commendation were made in the Party Constitution adopted by the Seventh Congress, our experience over the past eleven years has proved them to be unnecessary.
  • 第十七 在保护、管理和建设草原、发展草原畜牧业等方面成绩显著的单位和个人,由各级人民政府给予精神的或者物质的奖励。
    Article 17. Units or individuals that have achieved outstanding success in protecting, managing and developing the grasslands or in developing animal husbandry on the grasslands shall be given commendation or material awards by the local people's governments at various levels.
  • 8.如果在“建立世界贸易组织协定”生效之日,某成员尚未在医药化工产品及农用化工产品的专利保护上,符合本协议第二十七规定的义务,则该成员:
    8. Where a Member does not make available as of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement patent protection for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products commensurate with its obligations under Article 27, that Member shall:
  •  第一百零七香港特别行政区的财政预算以量入为出为原则,力求收支平衡,避免赤字,并与本地生产总值的增长率相适应。
    Article 107 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall follow the principle of keeping expenditure within the limits of revenues in drawing up its budget, and strive to achieve a fiscal balance, avoid deficits and keep the budget commensurate with the growth rate of its gross domestic product.
  • 他对这糟糕的路发表评论。
    He made a comment about the bad road.
  • 他评论这糟糕的路。
    He commented on the bad road.
  • //这是一条单行注释
    // this is a one-line comment
  • 消息没有什么反响。
    The news went over without much comment.
  • 在商业上因为它们的引人注目的纹并长有羽状叶子和有圆锥花序的花的热带乔木的大的属。
    large genus of tropical trees having pinnate leaves and paniculate flowers and cultivated commercially for their dramatically grained and colored timbers.
  •  第十七受委托创作的作品,著作权的归属由委托人和受托人通过合同约定。
    Article 17 The ownership of copyright in a commissioned work shall be agreed upon in a contract between the commissioning and the commissioned parties.
  • 例由个人资料私隐专员执行。
    The ordinance is administered by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.
  • 一九九七年,私隐专员公署处理了约9356宗与《个人资料(私隐)例》有关的查询和227宗投诉。
    In 1997, the Privacy Commissioner's Office handled some 9 356 enquiries and 227 complaints relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  •  第一百零一香港特别行政区政府可任用原香港公务人员中的或持有香港特别行政区永久性居民身份证的英籍和其他外籍人士担任政府部门的各级公务人员,但下列各职级的官员必须由在外国无居留权的香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任:各司司长、副司长,各局局长,廉政专员,审计署署长,警务处处长,入境事务处处长,海关关长。
    Article 101 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may employ British and other foreign nationals previously serving in the public service in Hong Kong, or those holding permanent identity cards of the Region, to serve as public servants in government departments at all levels, but only Chinese citizens among permanent residents of the Region with no right of abode in any foreign country may fill the following posts: the Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of Departments, Directors of Bureaux, Commissioner Against Corruption, Director of Audit, Commissioner of Police, Director of Immigration and Commissioner of Customs and Excise.