  • 加快流通体制改革,发展现代流通式,使假冒伪劣商品难以进入市场。
    We need to accelerate the reform of the system of distributing goods and develop modern methods of distribution to make it difficult to put counterfeits and shoddy goods on the market.
  • 紧紧围绕当前的突出问题,着力抓好以下几个面:一是进一步严厉打击各种制售假冒伪劣商品的违法犯罪活动,特别是狠狠打击严重危害人民生命健康的食品、药品、医疗器械等面的制假售假行为。
    We need to pay great attention to the current outstanding problems and concentrate on the following tasks: First, we need to severely crack down on all illegal and criminal activities related to the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, especially food, medicines and medical apparatus that seriously endanger people's lives and health.
  • 英语是一种习惯表达法丰富的语言。
    English is a language abounding with idiomatic turns of expression.
  • 面的例子多得很。
    Examples of this abound.
  • 一种人工流产法;在怀孕十四个星期以前胎儿与胎盘分离。
    a method of induced abortion; prior to the 14th week of gestation the embryo and placenta are removed by applying suction to the dilated cervix.
  • 据警透露,22日在马里兰抓获这两名嫌犯的现场发现,他们的车是经过改装的,可以通过车后的一个孔瞄准射击而且不被车外的人发现。
    Law enforcement sources said Thursday that the car in which two men were arrested at a Maryland rest area had been modified, with a hole through which the shooter could aim and fire unseen out the back of the vehicle.
  • 因为医学面的原因而进行的合法人工流产(当母亲的生命受到威胁)。
    a legally induced abortion for medical reasons (as when the mother's life is threatened).
  • 即使在西,堕胎也会给人留下心灵上的创伤。
    Even in the West, having an abortion is a traumatic experience.
  • 我逐步学会了他们管理秧苗的法。
    I gradually learned their methods of caring for the rice shoots.
  • 在20世纪50年代消费者转向设在郊外的大型购物中心之前,街道购物区一直是美国人购物的地
    The main street was where Americans shopped until the 1950s,when con sumers shifted to suburban shopping malls.
  • 假动作向上一短暂的假的或未完成的改变,用以误导对手或对
    A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team.
  • 他用欺骗小店主的法骗取了50,000美元。
    He make $50, 000 by swindle small shopkeeper.
  • 元朝在全国实行行省制度,在南部分少数民族聚居的府、州设置土官(以少数民族首领充任并世袭的地行政长官),在西藏设立主管军政事务的宣慰使司都元帅府,西藏从此成为中国领土不可分割的一部分,还设立澎湖巡检司管理澎湖列岛和台湾。
    The Yuan Dynasty practiced a system of xingsheng (province, or branch secretariat, a paramount administrative agency in a provincial area) across the country and appointed aboriginal officials or tu guan (hereditary posts of local administrators filled by chiefs of ethnic minorities) in the prefectures and subprefectures of the southern regions where minority peoples lived in concentrated communities. It established the Pacification Commissioner's Commandery in charge of military and administrative affairs in Tibet, whereby Tibet has became thenceforth an inalienable part of Chinese territory, as well as the Penghu Police Office for the administration of the Penghu Islands and Taiwan.
  • 丛林漫游暂时回归传统的原始生活式,在白人社会中尤其在工作或居住的间隔期开展,通常包括穿越丛林的一段漫游
    A temporary return to traditional aboriginal life, taken especially between periods of work or residence in white society and usually involving a period of travel through the bush.
  • 一个印度土著种族的人(曾经被高加索人逼迫到了南,但现在又与他们杂居在一起。
    a member of one of the aboriginal races of India (pushed south by Caucasians and now mixed with them).
  • 美国消费者越来越追求那种不拘常规、个性独特的购物式:如跳蚤市场、古董展卖、家庭现场旧货出售和每样商品只有一件的工艺品展销会。
    American shoppers are increasingly seeking out offbeat and unique shopping options like flea markets, antique shows, garage sales and craft fairs that offer one-of-a-kind goods.
  • 客车中或小汽车的后部放行李或放买的东西或放工具的地
    carries luggage or shopping or tools.
  • 滩头堡,登陆场在侵略部队之前军队占领的敌海岸线上的一个位置
    A position on an enemy shoreline captured by troops in advance of an invading force.
  • 另一面,在研究公元前4000年以来的最早期文化时,无疑要考虑到环境不断转变,其间海平面由低于目前水平100米不断上升,淹没沿岸的广阔平原,今日的海岸线和环境生态基本上也在该段期间形成。在这地区生活的人必须适应环境,否则便会遭受淘汰。
    There is little dispute, on the other hand, that these earliest periods, from the close of the fourth millennium BC, must be seen within the framework of a changing environment in which sea levels rose from depths of 100 metres below the present - inexorably submerging vast tracts of coastal plain and establishing a basically modern shoreline and ecology to which human groups had to adapt if they were not to perish.
  • 反是,我之优点可因我之努力而加强,缺点则因我之努力而克服。
    On the other hand, our advantages can be enhanced and our shortcoming remedied by our efforts.
  • 我指出那案的缺点,但他申辩说各项计划尚未完成。
    I pointed out the shortcoming of the scheme, but he countered that the plan was not yet finished.
  • 再者,对age的研究是一个费时的缓慢过程:正如哈里斯所说,目前还没有一个简便有效的法来测出人体中age的含量,这个缺憾会使研究工作复杂化。
    Moreover, AGE-related research tends to be slow: Harris points out that there is no easy, well-validated way to measure AGE in the body, a shortcoming that complicates trials.
  • 在目前,党的上下级关系中的缺点,从总的面说来,主要地还是对于发扬下级组织的积极性创造性注意不足。
    At present the main shortcoming in the relations between higher and lower Party organizations as a whole is still that not enough attention is being paid to bringing into play the initiative and creativity of lower organizations.
  • 第二个缺点是,不像股票,指数期货是有到期日的,而且到期日多半很短,近的就在当月月底,远的也不过就是一年又两个月以后。(当然,如果此合约受到市场欢迎,只要有这面的需求,交易所可推出更远的合约。)当我们自资买进股票、股价却不断下跌时,“不服输”(因此,不肯放手)的人可以把股票“收”起来,只要公司不倒,价格反弹的机会总是在的。期货就不同了,到期日一到,就得来个输赢总算帐。
    Compared with an actual investment in a basket of shares, taking a long position in SIF has another shortcoming. When the market drops, both shares and the long position in SIF will lose value. However, shares do not "expire" (unless the company goes bankrupt and is liquidated) and if an investor with the holding power decides to hold on to the shares, he can always do so. This however does not apply to SIF. Each SIF has a "maturity date" when any outstanding position in that contract must be closed. In other words, one can choose not to realise paper losses when one invests in shares; but, one will be forced to realise such losses with SIF contracts.
  • 我们法中的固有缺陷;潜在的意义。
    shortcomings inherent in our approach; an underlying meaning.
  • 他们接受对的要求并容忍对的缺点。
    They accept demands and put up with shortcomings.
  • 和c类似,java提供了丰富的快捷运算式。
    Java, like C, is full of shortcuts.
  • 这些捷径最常见出现的地是编程做法。
    The most common place for these shortcuts to occur is in coding practices.
  • 计算机能够采取捷径,作出选择,搜索和试验不同的答案,并能改变操作法。
    The computers can take shortcuts, make choices, search for and try out different solutotions, and change their methods of operation.
  • 两种很不错的快捷运算式是递增和递减运算符(常称作“自动递增”和“自动递减”运算符)。
    Two of the nicer shortcuts are the increment and decrement operators (often referred to as the auto-increment and auto-decrement operators).
  • 虽然这些新的面试技术能帮您更快地找到工作,但不管是通过因特网、电话还是面对面的式,明确地表达出你必须让老板了解的情况,才是获得工作最关键的因素。
    While these new interview technologies can shorten your job search, effectively conveying what you have to offer an employer whether over the Internet, by telephone or in person -- remains the key to getting hired.
  • (四九)速胜论者则不知道战争是力量的竞赛,在战争双的力量对比没有起一定的变化以前,就要举行战略的决战,就想提前到达解放之路,也是没有根据的。
    49. The exponents of quick victory, however, do not realize that war is a contest of strength, and that before a certain change has taken place in the relative strength of the belligerents, there is no basis for trying to fight strategically decisive battles and shorten the road to liberation.