  • 用旧的经济观点来看,你会考虑把飞机的维修迟六个月吗?
    To put it in old?economy terms, can you imagine postponing maintenance on an aircraft for six mont hs?
  • 星期五杨教授要来,而这就是我把会议迟到下星期的原因。
    Professor Young is coming this Friday, and that's my reason for postponing our meeting till some time next week.
  • 星期五杨教授要来,而这就是我把会议迟到下星期的原因。
    Professor Young will come these Friday, and that's my reason for postponing our meeting till come time next week.
  • 星期五杨教授要来,而这就是我把会议迟到下星期的原因。
    Professor Young is coming these Friday, and that 's my reason for postponing our meeting till comes time next week.
  • 星期五杨教授要来,而这就是我把会议迟到下星期的原因。
    Professor Young is coming this Friday, and that 's my reason for postponing our meeting till comes time next week.
  •  中央人民政府本着民族团结的精神,一再责成西藏地方政府负责惩办叛乱分子,维护社会治安,并对西藏地方政府的噶伦表示,“中央不改变西藏地区迟改革的决定,并且在将来实行改革时仍要采取和平改革的方针”。
    The central people's government, in the spirit of national unity, repeatedly urged the Tibetan local government to punish the rebels to maintain public order. Meanwhile, it told the Galoins of the Tibetan local government, "The central government will not change its decision on postponing reform in Tibet and in the future, when the reform is conducted, the policy to be followed will still be one of peaceful reform."
  • 67.科学家不知道恐龙为何绝种了,但是一些理论断是地理,气候和海平面的变化造成的。
    67. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changers in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible.
  • 始石器时代的与定的旧石器时代早期的人类文化的最早时期有关的
    Of or relating to the postulated earliest period of human culture preceding the Lower Paleolithic.
  • 而这部电影的来头可不小。如今排在全球票房排行榜第二位的正是去年秋季另一部在美国影坛大行其道的影片《哈里·波特与魔法石》,票房高达9.65亿美金。而即将出的《哈里·波特与密室》正是该片的续集。
    The new "Harry Potter" is the follow-up to last fall's other smash hit movie, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," which hit No.2 on the all-time worldwide box office charts with $965 million.
  • 高压运行或高压动。
    operating on or powered by a high voltage.
  • 电子行业积极做好现代企业制度试点工作,进大公司战略,以新产品为龙头、资本为纽带、市场为契机,加快培育具有经济、技术、资本经营、国际贸易等综合竞争实力的企业集团。
    The electronics industry was committed to doing a good job in the pilot projects for building a modern enterprise system and promoting big corporation strategy. With new products as the powerhouse, the capital as the ties with the parties involved and the market as the development opportunity, the sector sped up the pace of fostering conglomerates with overall competitive strength in economy, technology, capital operation, international trade, etc.
  • 不实际的或不可行的;测的,不确定的。
    not practical or realizable; speculative.
  • 经过广,这些方法已广泛实行了。
    After being popularized, these methods were widely practised.
  •  其他参加这项教育试验的老师也找到了自己行"尊重教育"的方法。
    Other teachers taking part in the experiment all have their own way of practising respect education in their teaching.
  • 新加坡能够行务实的政策,除了政府的强势,高效和廉洁之外,还有一个重要的基础,这就是新加坡有着稳定和谐的劳资政三角关系。
    Besides having a strong, clean and efficient administration, Singapore has been able to pursue such pragmatic policies because it enjoys a stable and harmonious tripartite relationship among employers, workers, and the government.
  • 台湾当局极力在国际上行所谓“务实外交”,扩大所谓“国际生存空间”,其实质是制造“两个中国”、“一中一台”。
    The Taiwan authorities have spared no effort to promote "pragmatic diplomacy" in the international arena and enlarge their "international space of survival," the essence of these being to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan."
  • 近几年,台湾当局在国际上竭力行“务实外交”,谋求同一些与中国建交的国家发展官方关系,行“双重承认”,达到制造“两个中国”、“一中一台”的目的。
    In recent years the Taiwan authorities have vigorously launched a campaign of "pragmatic diplomacy" to cultivate official ties with countries having diplomatic relations with China in an attempt to push "dual recognition" and achieve the objective of creating a situation of "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan".
  • 玛丽着四轮婴儿车在街上走。
    Mary wheeled the pram along the street.
  • 看到布朗先生着一辆送牛奶的手车我非常吃惊。
    I was struck all of a heap to see Mr Brown pushing a pram.
  • 商店的橱窗外聚着那么一大群人,着婴儿车的年轻妇女无法走过去。
    There was such a crowd outside the shop window that the young woman with the pram couldn't get by.
  • 测没有足够的材料而预言(某一结果或事件)
    To predict(a result or an event) without sufficient information.
  • 我们会继续行开明稳健的政策,以及维持低税率而明确的税制。
    We will continue with transparent and predictable government policies and a low and predictable tax structure.
  • 透明度高和可断的政策,以及可靠的法律制度,都是稳定的投资气候的必要条件。
    Transparent and predictable policies and a reliable legal system are essential for a stable investment climate.
  • 我们知道,坚守法治精神、维护廉洁的社会、政府行明确的政策,以及资讯自由传送、资金自由流动,在在皆是令本地和海外投资者安心的非常重要因素。
    We know strict adherence to the rule of law, the need for a corruption free society, predictable government policies as well as free flow of information and capital are other important factors which will put investors, local and international at ease.
  • 我们知道,坚守法治精神、维护廉洁的社会、政府行明确的政策,以及资讯自由传送、资金与人才自由流动,在在皆是令本地和海外投资者安心的非常重要因素。
    We know strict adherence to the rule of law, the need for corruption free society, predictable government policies as well as free flow of information and capital and people are some other very important other factors which will put investors, local and international alike, at ease.
  • 我们知道,坚守法治精神、维护廉洁的社会、政府行明确的政策,以及资讯自由传送、资金与人才自由流动,在在皆是令本地和海外投资者安心的非常重要因素。
    We know strict adherence to the rule of law, the need for corruption free society, predictable government policies as well as free flow of information and capital and people are some of the other very important factors which will put investors, local and international alike, at ease.
  • 英国人所爱好的是他自己的语言、自己的法律、风俗和习惯,只要有可能,他将尽量用自己的力量和资本从事于发展他本国的工业,使他的工业产品广到世界各国市场,在这个情况下,自由贸易制度是最能适应他的目的的,他决不会喜欢或想到在法国或德国来建立工业。
    The Englishman, from predilection for his language, for his laws, regulations, and habits, would whenever it was possible devote his powers and his capital to develop his own native industry, for which the system of free trade, by extending the market for English manufactures over all countries, would offer him sufficient opportunity; he would not readily take a fancy to establish manufactures in France or Germany.
  • 市议会发现他们的交通规划已因政府先行作了决定而无法行。
    The council found that their traffic plans had been preempted by a government decision.
  • 把……当作逻辑理前提。
    take something as preexisting.
  • "如果你的前提成立,那么就很容易断出你的结论了。"
    "If your premise is established, your conclusions are easily deducible."
  • 论从一个或多个前提得出的结论性命题;
    The proposition concluded from one or more premises; a deduction.
  • 如果根据错误的前提进行论你舍得出错误的判断。
    You will make a wrong judgement if you reason from false premises.