  • 用一种或所有的感感知。
    perceive with any or all of one's senses.
  • 具有实质或者物质的存在;能被感察觉。
    having substance or material existence; perceptible to the senses.
  • 物体,实物用一种或多种感,尤指用视觉或触觉可以感觉到的东西;实物
    Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing.
  • 证据是一个很广泛的类别,可以包括任何可被五感觉到的东西,具体包括书证、物证、双方同意的事实、证人证词等。
    It is a broad category embracing anything perceptible to the five senses including documents, exhibits, facts agreed to by both sides, and the testimony of witnesses.
  • 直觉通过生理感之外的途径进行的沟通和感知
    Communication or perception by means other than the physical senses.
  • 这些工厂由政府员定期检查。
    These factories are periodically inspected by government officials.
  • 传入的传入到中央器或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊柱腱的神经
    Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord.
  • 假发假发,尤其指17世纪和18世纪男子所佩戴的假发;法用的假发
    A wig, especially one worn by men in the17th and18th centuries; a periwig.
  • 1990年比萨方关闭了斜塔,当时塔身偏离垂线13英尺。
    Officials closed the tower in 1990, when it leaned by a dangerous 13 feet off the perpendicular.
  • 垂周的细胞壁与某植物器表面相垂直的或有关垂周的
    Of or relating to the plane of a cell division perpendicular to the surface of a plant organ.
  • 主要是,国内有效需求不足和供给结构不适应市场需求的变化;农民和部分城镇居民收入增长缓慢;失业人员增多,有些群众的生活还很困难;收入分配关系尚未理顺;国有企业改革任务还相当繁重;市场经济秩序有待继续整顿和规范;重大安全生产事故时有发生;有些地方社会治安状况不好;部分地区生态环境恶化;一些政府工作人员脱离群众,形式主义、僚主义作风和弄虚作假、奢侈浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然突出。
    They are, in the main, as follows: insufficient domestic effective demand and inability of the supply structure to respond to changes in market demand, slow growth in the income of farmers and some urban residents, rise in the unemployed and serious difficulties in some people's livelihood, continued inequities in the distribution of income, arduous tasks remaining in the reform of state-owned enterprises, the need to continue to rectify and standardize the order of the market economy, sporadic occurrence of major industrial accidents, poor public security in some places, degradation of the ecological environment in some areas, continued isolation from the people and perpetration of formalism, bureaucracy, falsification, extravagance and waste among some government officials, and certain types of corruption remaining conspicuous.
  • 在美国,仁慈基本是由地区、犯罪性质、罪犯的态度和身份而定。当一个外国人被怀疑,或者有被拘捕的危险时,他应该总是说“是的,长”,同时挥舞着欧洲护照。
    The quality of mercy meted out in the U-nited States depends largely on the region of the coun try, the nature of the offence, and the attitude and identity of the purported perpetrator. When in doubt or in danger of arrest, a foreigner should say "Yes, sir, officer" a lot, and wave a European passport.
  • 与许多饱受战争创伤的国家的难民所处的困境相比,政府员和商业管理者失去所享受的特权就相形见绌了。
    The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries.
  • 代表(团)被方选举出或任命的,代表其它个人、团体的人或团体
    A person or group of persons officially elected or appointed to represent another or others.
  • 以听取案情并根据法律作出决定为任务的法或一群法
    A person or body of persons whose task is to hear and submit a decision on cases at law.
  • 我个人认为这位首席执行是一个合格的领导。
    Personally, I consider the CEO a qualified leader.
  • 指军;从征募的人中指定的。
    of military officers; appointed from enlisted personnel.
  • 监察干事被安排维持纪律的微不足道的军
    A petty officer assigned to maintain order.
  • 菲律宾的方语言;以塔加路语为基础;从其它菲律宾语言中形成它的全部词汇。
    official language of the Philippines; based on Tagalog; draws its lexicon from other Philippine languages.
  • 菲律宾语用作基于塔加拉语的奥特罗尼西亚语的名称,从其它菲律宾语言中提取词素,并且做为菲律宾的方语言
    Used as the name for the Austronesian language that is based on Tagalog, draws its lexicon from other Philippine languages, and is the official language of the Philippines.
  • 这些问题,就是为何菲律宾员经常被指贪赃枉法、朋党营私的答案。
    This explains why Philippine officials are often accused of taking bribes and cronyism.
  • 菲律宾的宿务人所说的语言;它的词汇形成菲律宾的方语言。
    language of the people of Cebu in the Philippines; its lexicon contributes to the official language of the Philippines.
  • 叶子连接在茎上的结构,通常是绿色、扁平且侧生,在多数植物中是光合作用和呼吸的主要器
    A usually green, flattened, lateral structure attached to a stem and functioning as a principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in most plants.
  • 一词在英式英语中很少使用,除非用於某些方用语中
    Highwaybis seldom used in British English except in certain official phrases
  • (生理学)指性器;挺直、坚硬。
    (physiology) of sexual organs; stiff and rigid.
  • 生理上对神经、器等的刺激作用。
    (physiology) the effect of a stimulus (on nerves or organs etc.).
  • (生理学)感(例如眼睛)能对变化的环境做出反映(例如光)。
    (physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light).
  • 指挥给他的飞行员发去“干得好”的消息。
    The commander messaged"well done" to his pilots.
  • 高级房舱船上包括水手和长住处的结构
    A structure on a river steamboat containing the pilothouse and the officers' quarters.
  • 该州还有3个非方的名称;因其大规模的菠萝加工业被称为菠萝州;因其美丽的自然风光而被称为太平洋的天堂;还应为其最后加盟美利坚而被称为最年轻的州。
    Hawaii is also known unofficially as the Pineapple State for its extensive pineapple industry, the Paradise of the Pacific for its natural beauty, and the Youngest State because it is the last state to join the Union.
  • 海盗船一种很快的海盗船,通常有方允许
    A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction.
  • 雌蕊群花的生殖器;作为一个群体的雌蕊
    The female reproductive organs of a flower; the pistil or pistils considered as a group.