  • 该小组由一位助理处长领导,属下有7职级由总督察至总警司的资深警务人员。
    It was led by an Assistant Commissioner of Police, assisted by seven experienced officers ranging from the rank of Chief Superintendent to Chief Inspector.
  • 此人愿出一笔相当可观的报酬,唯一的条件就是:莫扎特永远不得探听委托人的姓
    He offered a generous fee, the only condition being that Mozart was never to try to discover the identity of the man who was commissioning the work.
  • 第二条本条例所称专利代理是指专利代理机构以委托人的义,在代理权限范围内,办理专利申请或者办理其他专利事务。
    Article 2 Patent commissioning stated here denotes patent application or the handling of other patent- related affairs by patent agencies on behalf of their consignors and within their authorized powers.
  • 后来,历史终于揭开这个事实,来访者是由一个叫冯·华塞格伯爵派来的,他专门聘请著作曲家谱写新作,事后他略施小技就变成是他的创作了。
    History has since uncovered the fact that the visitor had come from a certain Count von Walsegg, who was in the habit of Commissioning leading composers to write new works, which he later palmed off as his own.
  • 他们不沉溺于可鄙的追逐利和对舒适的迷恋。
    They have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort.
  • 玛丽是一有献身精神的护士。
    Mary's a committed nurse.
  • 中国地名委员会
    China Committee on Geographical Names
  • 过去5年,因触犯上述条例而按照记分制度被记分的司机共有475047
    Over the past five years, 475 047 drivers have incurred penalty points for committing scheduled offences under the system.
  • 过去五年,共有492886驾驶人士因触犯上述条例附表内所列出的罪行而被记分。
    Over the past five years, 492 886 drivers have incurred driving offence points for committing scheduled offences under the Driving Offence Points System.
  • 如今,唐恩公司年销售额已逾五百万美元,这使他的公司控制了豪华移动马桶的市场,其客户包括像黑领带公司总裁戴夫·班岛斯基,他本人就是一公厕供应商。
    Now, with more than $5 million a year in sales, his company dominates the carria ge?trade commode business, selling to people like Dave Bandauski, president of Black Tie services, a comfort?station supplier.
  • 度最高的数字集成电路当数微处理器。
    The most commonly known digital integrated circuit is the microprocessor.
  • 尽管墓志铭中提到的三个字在当时都很普遍,但勒迈里估计说当时的耶路撒冷最多只有20个詹姆士有叫约瑟夫的父亲和耶酥的兄弟。
    All three names were commonplace, but he estimates that only 20 Jameses in Jerusalem during that era would have had a father named Joseph and a brother named Jesus.
  • 下议院有458名议员。
    The House of Commons consisted of 658 members.
  • 位于太平洋东南部的占有两个主要岛屿和许多小岛的英联邦内的独立国家;以绵羊和引人入胜的景观闻
    an independent country within the British Commonwealth occupying two main islands and a number of minor islands in the southeastern Pacific; known for sheep and spectacular scenery.
  • 此外,netscape的communicator和微软的ie中的java虚拟机也支持对象签检查。
    Also, Java virtual machines in Communicator and Internet Explorer support object-sign checking.
  • 面包的专门称,用于弥撒或圣餐。
    a technical name for the bread used in the service of Mass or Holy Communion.
  • 公报没有提出要参加委员会的国家的字。
    The communique did not name the nations which will be asked to serve on the commission.
  • 马克思主义的另一个词就是共产主义。
    Another term for Marxism is communism.
  • 他是一名共产党员。
    He is a communist.
  • 他被说成是一共产党员。
    He was labelled as a communist.
  • 一个共产主义的支持者(但不是一共产党员。
    a communist sympathizer (but not a member of the Communist Party).
  • cpc是中国共产党的英文称缩写。
    CPC stands for the Communist Party of China.
  • ·作者是一社区工作者。
    (The writer is a community worker.)
  • 几个月前臭昭著的“爱虫”病毒就可看作是在计算机安全这一不长历史中的一个转折点。
    The infamous Love Bug virus of a few months ago arguably marked that turning point in the short history of comp uter security.
  • 儿子去了,两好心的护士小姐用手臂扶着我的肩膀把我领了出来。
    When it was over, the two compassionate nurses put their arms round my shoulders and led me away.
  • 图拉真罗马皇帝(98-117年),他的统治因大兴土木及怜悯对待穷人而闻
    Roman emperor(98-117) whose reign was marked by an extensive building program and compassionate treatment of the poor.
  • 而为了兼容大多数工具包,uddi规范2.0版允许即使用1.0的处理方法(为了兼容),也可以让这个字段包含api消息的字,而这个字同时也会在soapbody元素内出现的。
    For maximum tool compatibility, UDDI version 2.0 allows either the 1.0 treatment (for compatibility) or for this field to contain the name of the API message contained within the SOAP Body element found within the request.
  • 警察能迫使人服从法律。
    A policeman can compel obedience to the law.
  • 戴尔的历史是如此引人注目,使得在几年前曾计划推出一部由著影星johncusack饰演迈克尔的电影。
    The Dell story is so compelling that several years ago a movie was planned starring actor John Cusack as Michael.
  • 那位年轻的网球运动员常与著球员对抗比赛, 可是到目前为止, 他总是输的。
    The young tennis player has often compete d against famous players, but so far he has always been beaten.
  • 曲棍球比赛时,两个队各由11选手构成,进行对抗赛。
    In hockey, two teams of 11 players compete against each other.
  • 较优者地位、望、能力或智慧更高的人
    A superior, as in standing, competence, or intelligence.