  • jupitermediametrix互联网调查司一位名叫dannielleromano的副调查员说,其它司也在寻找一些可以为听众提供正确有效的指引的途径。
    Dannielle Romano, an associate analyst with market researcher Jupiter Media Metrix, notes that other companies are also looking to help steer music listeners to the right tunes.
  • 有消息称,这位前任美国总统克林顿的千金已经得到了麦肯锡司提供的一份"初级职位"的商业分析师工作,但她还没有接受。
    Sources confirmed that the daughter of Bill Clinton, the former President, had been offered an "entry level" position as a business analyst but had not yet accepted the job.
  • “克莱斯勒处境艰难,”西尔森·理曼[财务司]的一位汽车分析师菲利比说。“今后四年该司推出的每一种新车都必须成功。”
    "Chrysler is walking a tightrope," says Joe Phillippi, an auto analyst with Shearson Lehman. "Every one of its new products introduced over the next for years has to be successful."
  • 另外一位分析家表示,梅西(百货司)的策略不仅显示它需要争取额外的生意,而且显示很多零售业者深恐即将到来的假日季节的市况将奇惨无比。
    Another analyst noted that Macy's tactic reflected not only its need to drum up extra business, but the fear among many retailers that the upcoming holiday season will be a disaster.
  • meta集团的工业分析师mikekennedy认为,“如果最终目标是建立商业应用,那么必须有一定义每个部件的共基础框架。
    "If the ultimate goal is to build business applications, there has to be a common framework that defines the scope of each component," said Mike Kennedy, an industry analyst Meta Group Inc..
  • 国际数据司(idc)的分析师jillhouse列出了wap的三个强项:它得到了整个业界的支持、它不是专有的以及它很适合要移植到的设备。
    Jill House, an analyst at International Data Corp. (IDC), lists three of WAP's strong points:"It's got industry wide support, it's nonproprietary and it's well suited to the devices it's being ported to."
  • 波士顿yankee集团的高级分析师gregrunyan说:“大多数司不会构建仓库或者搞专有的库存和仓库管理软件。所以我们正在看到的是把订单的实现外包出去。
    "Most companies don't build warehouses or come up with proprietary inventory and warehouse-management software," says Greg Runvan, a senior analyst at The Yankee Group in Boston, "so what we're seeing is outsourced order fulfillment.
  • 据新泽西州费那市的一家咨询司——telechoice司的分析家约翰·享特称,56k位/秒的modem有几种可替代的产品,如数字用户线(dsl)和电缆modem服务——但它们可能不是更好的选择。
    According to John Hunter, an analyst at Tele-Choice, Inc., a consultancy in Verona, N.J., there are some alternatives to 56K bit/sec. modems, such as Digital Subscriber Line(DSL)and cable modem service -- but they may not be better choices.
  • 麻省坎布里奇市的forrester研究司预测,数据挖掘项目今后两年将有爆炸性的发展,forrester司的分析师frankgillett称,几乎达到目前已有数量的四倍。
    After all, Forrester Research Inc. in Cambridge, Mass., predicts that the next two years will see an explosion of data mining projects, with almost four times the number that currently exist, says Frank Gillett, a Forrester analyst.
  • 分析师诺布尔说,股东方面可能有些阻力。兰姆萨斯司的鲁宾告诉路透社说“优先股股东吃亏了”-该司拥有哈考特债券和优先股票。
    Mr. Noble, the analyst, said there would probably be some resistance from stockholders, and Jim Rubin of Lamle Sass & Rubin, whose firm owns Harcourt bonds and preferred stock, told Reuters that "preferred shareholders are getting a raw deal."
  • 股市周斯并不总会出现抛售高潮比里尼同仁司美国股市分析家莉萨·卡默特说,二战以来共出现过10次熊市,其中8次最终在抱怨声中结束,股市仍继续朝着跌势发展,没有出现抛售高潮。
    Capitulations don't occur in every market cycle. Of the ten bear markets since World War II, eight ended in a whimper, with the market steadily trending lower and no selling crescendo, says Lisa Kammert, U.S. equity market analyst at Birinyi Associates.
  • “1989年,迈克尔的司正在从pc'slimited成长为戴尔计算机司。”当时是一名记者,现在是技嘉信息集团分析员的patrickdryden回忆,“我采访了康柏的创始人之一rodcanion有关增长计划和目标的情况;
    "In 1989, Michael's company was growing from PC's Limited to Dell Computer," recalls Patrick Dryden, who was then a reporter and is now an analyst for the Giga Information Group. "I interviewed Rod Canion, one of the Compaq founders, about growth plans and targets;
  • (作者为在美国一电讯司从事分析工作的学者)
    ( The writer is a scholar engages in analytical work in a telecommunications company in the United States)
  • 政府化验所为政府各部门和其他共机构提供范围广泛的分析及谘询服务,协助这些机构推行各项保障众卫生计划。
    The Government Laboratory offers a comprehensive range of analytical and advisory services to various government departments and other public institutions to assist them in the implementation of programmes for the protection of public health.
  • 早期投资数字化网络系统以对顾客意见加以捕捉、分析和利用的司将使自己得以超越竞争。
    Companies that invest early in digital nervous systems to capture, analyze and capitalize on customer input will differentiate themselves from competition.
  • 分析实物证据的新技术正在迅速发展,私人司正在成为司法系统日益重要的资源。
    New technologies for analyzing physical evidence are growing rapidly and private companies are becoming an increasingly important resource for the legal system.
  • 贸易统计小组只负责调查分析中美双方布的贸易统计之间的差异,双方的贸易统计方法并没有进行相应的调整,美方对华贸易逆差高估的格局至今也没有实质性的改变。
    The trade statistics expert group was only in charge of investigating and analyzing the difference between the trade statistics published by China and the United States.The trade statistics methods adopted by the two sides have not been correspondingly adjusted, and the US side's over-estimation of its trade deficit against China has not since changed substantially.
  • 贸易统计小组只负责调查分析中美双方布的贸易统计之间的差异,双方的贸易统计方法并没有进行相应的调整,美方对华贸易逆差高估的格局至今也没有实质性的改变。
    The trade statistics expert group was only in charge of investigating and analyzing the difference between the trade statistics published by China and the United States. The trade statistics methods adopted by the two sides have not been correspondingly adjusted, and the US side's over-estimation of its trade deficit against China has not since changed substantially.
  • 美国十九世纪五十年代的一代;他们拒绝财产、正规工作或传统服饰;崇尚共生活、迷幻药和无政府主义。
    a US generation of the 1950s; rejected possessions or regular work or traditional dress; for communal living and psychedelic drugs and anarchism.
  • 希提人元前2000-1200年间居住在叙利亚北部及小亚细亚的古代部族
    A member of an ancient people living in Anatolia and northern Syria about2000-1200 b.c.
  • 卢维语小亚细亚语系中的一种印欧罗巴语,元前二千年见于史册,现已绝迹
    An Indo-European language of the Anatolian family, attested in documents from the second millennium b.c. and now extinct.
  • 吕底亚语的一种已绝迹的语言,是印欧语系小亚细亚的一个分支,见于元前4世纪土耳其西部的碑文
    A language of the extinct Anatolian branch of Indo-European, found in inscriptions of the fourth century b.c. in western Turkey.
  • 利西亚语已绝迹的印欧语系中小亚细亚的一个分支语种,发现的碑文可追溯到元前3世纪初,碑文发现于土耳其西南部
    A language of the extinct Anatolian branch of Indo-European, found in inscriptions down to the beginning of the third century b.c. in southwest Turkey.
  • 松岭邓祠是本港最大的宗祠之一,自建成后一直用作邓氏族人的宗祠,至今已有约470年历史。
    Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall is one of the largest ancestral halls in Hong Kong and has served its clansmen for about 470 years.
  • 年内,有两幢历史建筑物布为古迹,包括粉岭老围及松岭邓祠。
    Two historical buildings, Lo Wai walled village and Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall in Fanling, were declared as monuments in 1997.
  • 夜学经费,提取迷信款、祠堂款及其他闲闲产。
    The funds for the evening schools come from the "public revenue from superstition", from ancestral temple funds, and from other idle public funds or property.
  • 当局现正修复和修葺若干历史建筑物,包括老围、长山古寺、松岭邓祠及大埔文武庙。
    Restorations and repairs were undertaken at various historical sites including Lo Wai, Cheung Shan Kwu Tsz, Tang Ching Lok Ancestral Hall and Tai Po Man Mo Temple.
  • 为什么向众报道新闻的节目美元主持人挣的钱是肩负国事重担的总统的5倍呢?”
    Why does an anchorman, who presents the news to the public, make five times as much as the president of the country, who bears the burden of events?"
  • 哥伦比亚广播司主播丹·拉瑟显然改变了初衷,昨天拒绝应邀参加明天第二次总统辩论讨论会。他说他宁愿“报导辩论的过程而不愿参加讨论。”
    In an apparent change of heart, CBS anchorman Dan Rather yesterday turned down an invitation to be a panelist in tomorrow's second presidential debate, saying he preferred "to report on the process than to participate in it."
  • 摩尔人在元8世纪侵略西班牙的穆斯林人成员之一,直到15世纪晚期才在安达卢西亚建立文明社会
    One of the Moslems who invaded Spain in the8th century and established a civilization in Andalusia that lasted until the late15th century.
  • 斯查尔兹召集了他的人马——安得森咨询司——在他们的帮助下司完成了零售史上的最迅速的转变之一。
    Schulze called in the cavalry--well, Andersen Consulting, anyway--and with help pulled off one of the fastest turnarounds in retail history.
  • 去年,《艾尔帕索时报》的前制作助理,31岁的苏珊·卢伊德克在德克萨斯大学艾尔帕索分校上学时,通过电视会议参加了安德森咨询司的面试。
    Last year,Susan Luedke,31,a former production assistant at the " EI Paso Times" , interviewed via videoconferencing with Andersen Consulting while attending the University of Texas at EI Paso.