  • 第二,它给这一解放开辟了广大的可能性和现实的道路,这就大大地促进了西方和东方的被压迫民族的解放事业,把他们吸引到胜利的反帝国主义斗的巨流中去;
    2) It has opened up wide possibilities for their emancipation and the right paths towards it, has thereby greatly facilitated the cause of the emancipation of the oppressed peoples of the West and the East, and has drawn them into the common current of the victorious struggle against imperialism;
  • 为了取中华民族和劳动群众的解放,为了使反对民族投降主义的斗坚决有力,必须反对共产党内部和无产阶级内部的阶级的投降倾向,要使这一斗开展于各方面的工作中。
    We must fight this tendency inside the Communist Party and the proletariat and extend the fight to all spheres of our work, in order to invigorate the struggle against national capitulationism, and in order to achieve the liberation of the Chinese nation and the emancipation of the toiling masses.
  • 在战期间,他们禁止与敌国通商。
    During the war, they laid an embargo on commerce with enemy countries.
  • 挣扎扭动,挣扎,如在痛苦、斗中或在尴尬的状态下
    To twist, as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment.
  • 路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞对手。
    Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
  • 体现了正确路线的方针和政策,变成了群众的行动,得到了群众的拥护,经过抗日战时期,党员从三万人发展到一百二十多万人,军队也从三万人发展到一百万人,解放区人口达一亿多。
    Having won the support of the masses, the principles and policies that embody the correct line have been translated into action by the masses. After the War of Resistance Against Japan, the number of Party members jumped from 30,000 to over 1.2 million, the army from 30,000 to one million and the population in the liberated areas to over a hundred million.
  • 奥运会的文化环境建设,将突出“人文奥运”的理念,强调“以人为本”的思想,体现“辉煌而又朴素”的文化品格,以“体育健身、文化美心”和“奥运兴业、文明兴都”为主要内容,广泛吸引民众参与,动员整合各类文化资源,在未来6年中力将北京建成文化人才集中、文化设施完备、文化市场完善、文化产业发达、文化气息浓厚的城市,为承办一届历史上最出色的奥运会创造一个具有“古都特色、中国风格、东方气派”的文化环境,向世界展示北京城市繁荣文明的崭新形象和北京市民昂扬向上的良好风貌。
    In the development of a cultural environment for the 2008 Olympic Games, prominence will be given to the concept of a “People’s Olympics”, and great emphasis will be placed on the idea of “People First” in order to embody the city’s “Splendid yet Simple” cultural disposition. Focused on “Improve Your Health through Sports and Better Your Soul through Culture” and “Invigorate the Economy with the Olympics and Enrich the Capital with Civilization”, the development of the cultural environment is set to attract broad citizen participation and integrate various cultural resources. In the upcoming six years, efforts will be made to build Beijing into a city with concentrated cultural talent, complete cultural facilities, a developed cultural market, an advanced cultural industry, and rich cultural styles. These will lead to the creation of a rich cultural environment radiating with “Ancient Capital Charm, Chinese Style and Eastern Grandeur”, which will allow Beijing to hold the most successful Olympic Games in history and present to the whole world a new image of Beijing as a city that enjoys prosperity and advanced civilization with highly motivated citizens.
  • 约翰和彼特在吵,但玛丽不愿卷入他们的纠纷中。
    John and Peter were quarreling, but Mary refused to get embroiled in it.
  • 他们使彼得卷入了他们的论。
    They embroiled Peter in their quarrel.
  • 这个国家起初不想卷入到战中去
    The country at first did not want to become embroil in the battle
  • 这个国家起初不想卷入到战中去。
    The country at first do not want to become embroil in the battle.
  • 这个国家起初不想卷入到战中去。
    The country at first does not want to become embroil in the battle.
  • 当然这种领袖是在群众斗中自然而然地产生的,而不能是自封的。
    Of course, such leaders emerge naturally out of mass struggle, and cannot be self-appointed.
  • 所以,力时局好转,同时提起可能发生突然事变(在目前是局部的、地方性的突然事变)的警觉性,这就是党的目前政策的总方针。
    Therefore, the present general policy of the Party is to strive for a turn for the better and at the same time to be on guard against any emergencies (such emergencies, so far, being on a limited and local scale).
  • 中大规模的逃难移民被新闻界广泛报道。
    The mass emigration of refugees in the war was reported widely by the press.
  • 指令或争论中的强调
    Emphasis or stress, as in instruction or argument.
  •  强调通过多边程序解决与贸易有关的知识产权端,从而缓解紧张的重要性;
    Emphasizing the importance of reducing tensions by reaching strengthened commitments to resolve disputes on trade-related intellectual property issues through multilateral procedures;
  • 佛教的二大流派之一:流行于中国,西藏和日本,强调共同通过信仰取集体救赎。
    one of two great schools of Buddhist doctrine emphasizing a common search for universal salvation especially through faith alone; chiefly in China; Tibet; Japan.
  • 另一个爸爸则信奉完全的经济自立,他反对这种“理所应当”的心理,并且认为正是这种心理造就了一批虚弱的、经济上依赖于他人的人。他提倡竞
    The other believed in total financial self-reliance. He spoke out against the "entitlement" mentality and how it was creating weak and financially needy people. He was emphatic about being financially competent.
  • 我与他们吵之後就辞掉了工作。
    I left their employ after an argument.
  • 在战紧急时期,政府有时不得不征用民船,加以武装,拨充海军使用。
    In a sudden employ of war, a government is sometimes obliged to employ armed ships in its navy.
  • 合法斗方式也是必须采用的。
    A legal struggle should also be employed.
  • 具有竞或效仿的特征,或由竞或效仿引起。
    characterized by or arising from emulation or imitation.
  • 政治动员是反“围剿”斗中第一个重要问题。
    Political mobilization is a problem of prime importance in the struggle against "encirclement and suppression".
  • “围剿”和反“围剿”,是战形式的反复。
    An "encirclement and suppression" campaign and a counter-campaign against it -- such is the repeated pattern of the war.
  • 十年的红军战史,就是一部反“围剿”史。
    The history of the Red Army's decade of war is a history of counter-campaigns against "encirclement and suppression".
  • (五四)包围和反包围——从整个战看来,由于敌之战略进攻和外线作战,我处战略防御和内线作战地位,无疑我是在敌之战略包围中。
    54. Encirclement and counter-encirclement. Taking the war as a whole, there is no doubt that we are strategically encircled by the enemy because he is on the strategic offensive and operating on exterior lines while we are on the strategic defensive and operating on interior lines.
  • 可歌可泣的遭遇战、英勇的斗、伟大的成就
    Pic encounter, struggle, achievement
  • 蔚山之行打响了郑要使韩国的汽车生产者成为全球性的竞者的战役。
    The encounter at Ulsan was the opening salvo in Chung's battle to turn the Korean auto maker into a global player.
  • 校长鼓励参加全国数学竞赛的选手们取最好的成绩。
    The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results.
  • (六九)怎样解释战中提倡勇敢牺牲呢?
    69. How do we justify the encouragement of heroic sacrifice in war?
  • 何以解释战中提倡勇敢牺牲呢?
    How then do we justify the encouragement of heroic sacrifice in war?