  • 直角三角形的个角的邻边与对边之比。
    ratio of the adjacent to the opposite side.
  • 直角三角形的斜边与个角的邻边之比。
    ratio of the hypotenuse to the adjacent side.
  • 直角三角形的斜边与个角的对边之比。
    ratio of the hypotenuse to the opposite side.
  • 直角三角形的个角的对边与斜边之比。
    ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse.
  • 直角三角形的个角的对边与邻边之比。
    ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side.
  • 那么,在日程问题上,我们基本上意见致了。
    So we're basically in agreement on that agenda.
  • 幅电图象的长宽比。广播电视的标准是4∶3。
    The ratio of the width to the height of an electronic image. For broadcast television, the standard aspect ratio is4∶3.
  • 双方人数对比是对四。
    The ratio between the two sides is one to four.
  • 男女的比例是二比
    The ratio of men to women was two to one.
  • 能不能讨论下日程安排?
    Would there be any possibility of discussing the agenda?
  • 能不能讨论下日程安排?
    Will there be any possibility of discussing the agenda?
  • 配给他的点点米并不能使他免除饥饿。
    The small ration of rice can hardly satisfy his hunger.
  • 箱标准的配给食物必须分给14个人。
    The standard ration pack had to be portioned out among fourteen men.
  • 所以,虽然我否认说诗人会垄断灵感,但我还是把他们列人命运宠儿这杰出人才的行列。
    And so, though I may deny poets their monopoly on inspi ration, I still place them in a select group of Fortune's darlings.
  • 他们直将布配发下去。
    They have been rationing out cloth.
  • 议程表上的下项是什么?
    What is the next item on the agenda?
  • 每周配给一个鸡蛋.
    People were rationed to one egg a week.
  • 分配星期外出野营的定额
    Allocate rations for a week-long camping trip.
  • 人们的定量供应被限制为星期磅肉。
    People were rationed to a pound of meat a week.
  • 我们讨论议程表上的下项吧。
    Let's go on to the next item on the agenda.
  • 让我们继续讨论议程上的下个项目。
    Let us go on to the next item on the agenda.
  • 咱们进行议事日程的下个项目吧。
    Let's pass on to the next item on the agenda.
  • 中国缺少种合理的体制
    China is lack of a rational system.
  • 我们先把这件事仔细研究下,再把它列入议事日程。
    Let's thrash the matter over before putting it on the agenda.
  • 政府的行政分部的个专业行政部门。
    an agency of the executive branch of government.
  • 事变让他焦虑不安,不能采取理智的措施。
    the incident left him unstrung and incapable of rational effort.
  • 管理义务兵役的个联邦机构。
    a federal agency that administers compulsory military service.
  • 政府设立了个消费者保护机构。
    The government instituted a consumer protection agency.
  • 这就是我们的统论,这就是真统论,这就是合理的统论,这就是实际的统论。
    This is our idea of unification, a genuine, rational, real unification.
  • 她向代理处提交份建议。
    She submitted a proposal to the agency.
  • 这就导致了个合理的结论,即“道德必须是个公共体系”。
    This leads to the rational statement that "morality must be a public system".
  • 我们好好精打细算,合理规划,争取在九七○年达到这个目标。
    We should try to achieve this objective by 1970 through careful and rational planning.