  • 您坚持把大定为装运港,对吗?
    You insist that Dalian is the loading port, right?
  • 为了能在当地听到VCR播放,你必须接另一台扬声器到VCR(被放大的)。
    In order to hear the vcr playback locally, you must connect a second speaker(in this case, amplify) to the vcr.
  • 对元器件等进行固定、接及保护的物理处理方法(或过程)。
    The physical process of locating, connecting, and protecting devices, components, etc.
  • 用机车拖拉的和铁路线接在一起的车。
    a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive.
  • 另一个是“至少有三个中国”的说法。上海、北京的中国—区域型的大都会;省级首府如成都、重庆、大等的中国—大而充满活力的城市,但不及上海、北京般国际化;农乡地区的中国—黄土高原、中部山区、湖区等。
    The other is the "at least three Chinas" talk: the China of Shanghai and Beijing - metropolitan areas on a regional scale; the China of provincial capitals, big and vibrant but not as cosmopolitan as the two mega-cities - such cities as Chengdu, Chongqing and Dalian; the rural China - the Loess Plateau, the Central Mountain Block, the Lakes Region and so forth.
  • 贯的符合逻辑顺序的
    Marked by logical sequence.
  • 亲兄弟的婚礼都不参加,这太说不过去了。
    It looks bad not going to your own brother's wedding.
  • 在磁记录技术中,一种密封式续循环的盒式磁带。
    In recording, a sealed continuous loop of magnetic cassette tape.
  • ap处于服务中且相关的ds1已经装备在最新变更/验证(rc/v)子系统,但还没有半永久接(且没有在dsx板上被回送)。
    The AP is in service and the associated DS1 has been equipped in the Recent Change/Verify (RC/V) subsystem, but it has not been nailed up (and is not looped back at a DSX panel).
  • 他们公司去年在生意上接二三地亏本。
    Their company suffered loss on loss in business last year.
  • 对不起,先生。你能大点声说吗?电话接不好。
    I am sorry, sir. Can you speak a little louder, please? There's a bad connection.
  • 由于这场灾祸,更由于续各次修建把幸存的东西也毁了,所以时至今日也就所剩无几了,这座法兰西最早的王宫也就所剩无几了。堪称是卢浮宫长兄的这座宫殿①,早在美男子菲利浦②时代业已很老了,甚至有人还到里面去寻找罗贝尔国王③所建造的、埃卡迪斯④所描述的那些华丽建筑物的遗迹。
    Thanks to this disaster, and more still to the successive restorations which destroyed what the fire had spared, very little remains of this first residence of the Kings of France, of this original palace of the Louvre, so old even in the time of Philip the Fair, that in it they sought for traces of the magnificent buildings erected by King Robert and described by Helgaldus.
  • 小狗立时有反应,听到那女士的声音高兴得晃动尾巴。
    Molly (Lucy) instantly obeyed, wagging her tail in delight at the sound of the woman's voice.
  • 有的地方工资都不能按时发放,还在乱上建设项目,违反规定兴建楼堂馆所。
    Some local authorities launch unfeasible construction projects when they cannot even pay wages on time. Some local authorities build luxurious office buildings and halls in violation of relevant regulations.
  • 扁桃体圆形团状的小淋巴细胞组织,特别指结于口与喉开口联接处后壁上的两个这样的组织,其作用尚未完全确定,但一般认为能防止上呼吸道感染
    A small oral mass of lymphoid tissue, especially either of two such masses embedded in the lateral walls of the opening between the mouth and the pharynx, of uncertain function, but believed to help protect the body from respiratory infections.
  • 那根棒掉进机器里把杆给打弯了.
    The bar fell into the machinery and sheared a connecting-rod.
  • 狐猴一种体形较小、栖于树木的灵长目动物,常在夜间出来活动,主要是产于马达加斯加及其毗岛屿的狐猴科动物,长有大眼睛、细长的鼻口和长尾巴
    Any of several small arboreal, mostly nocturnal primates chiefly of the family Lemuridae of Madagascar and adjacent islands, having large eyes, a long slim muzzle, and a long tail.
  • 营业员:夫人,您喜欢这件衣裙吗?
    Assistant: Do you like this dress, madam?
  • 每逢他留客进餐,马格洛大娘总点上那两支烛,着蜡台放在餐桌上。
    When he had any one to dinner, Madame Magloire lighted the two candles and set the candlesticks on the table.
  • 这个疯子太凶暴了,护理人员不得不把他关起来,以便把他身带臂捆在一起。
    The madman was so violent that the attendants were obliged to put him into a straight waistcoat so as to pin his arms to his sides.
  • 那位y公爵,在马德里风传他在巴黎破了产,而在巴黎又风传他在马德里破了产,而实际上每年的年金都没有花完。这会儿他一面在跟m太太聊天,一面却在和n夫人眉来眼去调情。m太太是一位风趣诙谐的讲故事的好手,她常想把自己讲的东西写下来,并签上自己的大名。漂亮的n夫人经常在香榭丽舍大街上散步,穿的衣衫离不了粉红和天蓝两种颜色,有两匹高大的黑色骏马为她驾车,这两匹马,托尼向她要价一万法郎……
    the Duc d'Y, who is believed in Madrid to be ruining himself in Paris, and in Paris to be ruining himself in Madrid, and who, when all is said and done, cannot even spend all his income, while continuing to chat with Madame M, one of our wittiest tale-tellers, who occasionally agrees to write down what she says and to sign what she writes, was exchanging confidential glances with Madame de N, the beauty who may be regularly seen driving on the Champs-Elysees, dressed almost invariably in pink or blue, in a carriage drawn by two large black horses sold to her by Tony for ten thousand francs...and paid for in full;
  • 是吸引游客的地方。
    Dalian is a magnet for tourists.
  • 衔铁一片接磁极的软铁
    A piece of soft iron connecting the poles of a magnet.
  • 正是这个微笑使这幅画刚一面世就远近闻名,使艺术崇拜者们流忘返。
    It is this smile which has made the painting celebrated from the earliest times, and a magnet for admirers of art.
  • 而且最讲迷信的村民也不再向这种鹊类脱帽致敬并祝它早安了,
    And even the most superstitious villagers no longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning.
  • 手铐一种管束器具,由一对牢固接的箍组成,通常扣在手腕上,用于被监禁的犯人的一只或双手上。常用复数
    A restraining device consisting of a pair of strong, connected hoops that can be tightened and locked about the wrists and used on one or both arms of a prisoner in custody; a manacle. Often used in the plural.
  • 现代的学生不但华语讲得支离破碎,华文也写得一团糟。
    Nowadays, schoolchildren not only speak broken Mandarin but also write corrupted Chinese.
  • 有个狂徒在那幅价值城的画上乱凿了几个洞
    A maniac had gouged several holes in the priceless painting
  • 地慢羽被认为是米自地慢深处异常炽热的柱体,或许来自接地球液体核的地慢的底部。
    Plumes are thought to be columns of exceptionally hot material rising from deep within the Earth's mantle, perhaps even from its bottom, where the mantle contacts the Earth's liquid core.
  • 板块缓慢续地在软流圈上移动,该软流圈是指地幔中炽热柔软层。
    The plates move slowly and continuously on the atmosphere, a layer of hot, soft rock in the mantle.
  • 在一串喧闹的爆炸声之后,比赛开始了。
    After a great many loud explosions, the race began.
  • 一哩都跑不了,更不用说马拉松了。
    He can hardly run a mile, much less the marathon.