  • 在她演出结束后,人们献她一束玫瑰花。
    At the end of her performance she was presented with a bouquet of roses.
  • 管理部门免费送每个套间一束花和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit are left in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 管理部门免费送每个套间一束花和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit is leif in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 管理部门免费送每个套间一束花和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit is sent in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 我从眼角瞥见了那由玫瑰和康乃馨组成的情人节花束。那是我丈夫戴维送我的。
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Valentine's Day bouquet of roses and carnations my husband,David,had given me.
  • 这使他们感觉自己很重要,又长了脸面。”ng女士说自己有时也在情人节先生送上一束别致的鲜花。
    It makes them feel important and gives them face,” says Ms Ng, who sometimes comes up with a special bouquet for her husband on Valentine's Day.
  • 我波本酒加苏打水。
    Bourbon with soda water, please.
  • 这时,只是在这时,我才根本地改变了资产阶级学校所教我的那种资产阶级的和小资产阶级的感情。
    It was then, and only then, that I fundamentally changed the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois feelings implanted in me in the bourgeois schools.
  • 马上玛丽打电话怎么样?
    What bout ringing Mary at once?
  • 给他寄封信怎么样?
    What a bout send him a letter?
  • 杰夫:不能鞠一个,每人鞠一个!
    Jeff: Not one bow. You should give each of us a bow.
  • 过去我母亲在送客时常客人鞠躬。
    My mother used to bow out guests.
  • 在日本,饭店服务员在迎送顾客时总是要客人鞠躬。
    In Japan, waiters are used to bowing visitors in and out at the restaurants.
  • 但当英国内阁对她说一旦嫁汤森她就会失去头衔、特权和年收入时,玛格丽特终于屈服于这道最后通牒,在1955年结束了这段恋情。
    Marry Townsend, the British cabinet told her, and you'll lose your title, privileges and annual income. Bowing to the ultimatum, Margaret ended the liaison in 1955.
  • “不过,夫人,”我弯了弯腰,好不容易讲了一句勉强听得清的话,“我有幸早已被人介绍您过了。”
    'I should perhaps say, madame, ' I said, bowing and managing to make more or less intelligible sounds, 'I have already had the honour of being introduced to you.'
  • 他的祖父了她一个陶碗。
    His grandfather gave her an earthenware bowl.
  • 请把糖碗给我。
    Hand me the sugar bowl, please.
  • 从肩下把球扔回玩保龄球的人。
    The ball was thrown back underarm to the bowler.
  • 他传投手一个落点好球。
    He played a good-length ball back to the bowler.
  • 此次访问带来一缕悲哀的情调,不过人们对那位头戴黑礼帽,当众亮相的随员印象更深。
    The soldier's death added a note of tragedy to the king's visit but people remember best the exhibition the man in a black bowler hat had made of himself.
  • 机床进给箱
    feed box of machine tool
  • 我要这个箱子盖上盖儿。
    I will top the box.
  • 拳击运动员双方回到本角休息一分钟,助手为运动员处理受伤的部位,教练员在战术上予指点。
    The boxers return to their corners for a one minute rest. The seconds attend to the boxers' injuries. The coaches give the boxers advice on tactics.
  • 我给他两箱蜜柑。
    I gave him two boxes of oranges.
  • 把那两只箱子我拿下来,好吗?
    Lift me down those two boxes, will you?
  • 仆人一元钱作赏钱。
    She gave theboyone dollar for a tip.
  • 而手工业的发展,正可以推动农业的生产,正可以抵制敌货的大量倾销,实现自自足的经济。
    Development of this industry, in turn, can propel agricultural production and allow us to boycott the enemy's dumping of goods, bringing about a self-sufficient economy.
  • 刚才你男朋友你打电话了。
    Your boyfriend called you just now.
  • 我男朋友给我选的。
    My boyfriend chose it for me.
  • 把一个男朋友(或女朋友)介绍你的母亲
    introduce a boyfriend (or girlfriend) to your mother
  • 这个漂后的首饰盒是她以前的男朋友送她的。
    The pretty casket is given to her by her former boyfriend.
  • 我们盖新屋顶时得墙壁加上支架。
    We had to brace the walls when we put the new roof on.