  • 他急切地要离开。
    He was in a hurry to leave.
  • 不必着急离开
    In no hurry to leave.
  • 抛弃家庭;开她的丈夫
    Leave home; left her husband.
  • 从谷穗或麦杆中把颗粒分出来的机器。
    a machine for separating seeds or grain from the husks and straw.
  • 我祖父的小屋海滩很近。
    My grandfather's hut is a stone's throw from the beach.
  • 重氮基一价阳子rn2,其中r是芳(旋)烃
    The univalent cation RN2, in which R is an aromatic hydrocarbon.
  • 一价阳子rn:n(r是芳香的烃),存在于用于制含氮染料的盐中。
    the univalent cation R-N:N- (where R is an aromatic hydrocarbon); found in salts that are used in manufacturing azo dyes.
  • 子供体一种可放出氢子的物质
    A substance capable of yielding hydrogen ions.
  • 带正电的氢子,即常态的氢原子核。
    a positively charged atom of hydrogen; that is to say, a normal hydrogen atomic nucleus.
  • 含氧子的,含氢子的含氧子或氢子的,用作盐
    Containing oxide or hydroxide anions. Used of a salt.
  • 以连字号连接用连字号分或连接(音节、词素或名字)
    To divide or connect(syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen.
  • 要做到这一点,就必须分出这种假想的元素。
    To do that the hypothetical elements had to be isolated.
  • “找工作找了这么多年,一直都遭到拒绝,现在能到真正需要自己的行业中工作很不错。”她一边说,一边用冰块冰着她在平行泊车练习中几小时踩合器而出汗的膝盖。
    “After years of being met with rejection, it's nice to be in an industry where they really want you,” she says, icing her knee after hours of clutching during parallel?parking practice.
  • 理想主义,是按和问题的距成正比例而增大的。
    Idealism increase in direct proportion to one's distance from the problem.
  •  对我来说,当我开总统宝座时,我充满更多的理想,比初进白宫时更加充满希望,并且坚信美国的好日子还在后面。
    As for me, I'll leave the presidency more idealistic, more full of hope than the day I arrived and more confident than ever that America's best days lie ahead.
  • 马克思主义的思想理论工作是不能开现实政治的。
    Marxist ideological and theoretical work cannot be divorced from current politics.
  • 党内理论家谴责她背了党的信条.
    Party ideologists accused her of deviation.
  • 由于现时中国革命不能开中国无产阶级的领导,因而现时的中国新文化也不能开中国无产阶级文化思想的领导,即不能开共产主义思想的领导。
    And since the Chinese revolution today cannot do without proletarian leadership, China's new culture cannot do without the leadership of proletarian culture and ideology, of communist ideology.
  • 它创立了巨大的城市,使城市人口比农村人口大大增加起来,因而使很大一部分居民脱了农村生活的愚昧状态。
    It has created enormous cities, has greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has thus rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life.
  • 3个小孩和我准备搬到伊利诺州,我家人和朋友的感情支持更近一些。
    The three children and I prepared to move back to Illinois to be closer to the emotional support of family and friends.
  • 12点活字的字行长度排版计量的等义单位,相当于12点活字长度,用来确定行与行之间、插图与插图之间或打印页之间的距
    An equivalent unit of composition measurement used in determining the dimensions of lines, illustrations, or printed pages.
  • 对她来说, 不得不开伦敦大概是能想像到的最大的损失.
    It would be the greatest imaginable privation for her to have to leave London.
  • 对她来说,不得不开伦敦大概是能想像到的最大的损失。
    It will be the greatest imaginable privation for her to have to leave london.
  • 对她来说,不得不开伦敦大概是能想像到的最大的损失.
    It would is the greatest imaginable privation for her to have to leave London.
  • 请马上离开这儿!
    Please leave here immediately!
  • 患者立即隔了起来。
    The sufferers immediately isolated.
  • 那些病患立刻被隔检疫。
    The patients were immediately quarantined.
  • 她更远更深的地方是一片巨大的岩山风景。
    Beyond her and far below is an immense rocky landscape.
  • 以不道德为特点;偏了被认为是正确的、合适的或者良好的东西。
    marked by immorality; deviating from what is considered right or proper or good.
  • 他急於要开那些人。
    He was full of impatience to leave those people.
  • 忍受不了责难,他开父母出走了。
    Impatient of reproof, he left his parents and went away.
  • 由于无法忍受天气的酷热,他城到乡下去了。
    Impatient of the heat, he left town for the country.