  • 使某人明白某问题 an
    enlighten sb. on a subject
  • 我不明这条建议,你能不能启发我一下。
    Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposal.
  • 没有人急于使我明导致这场争执的事件。
    Nobody seemed to be anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute.
  • 怎么能把努力钻研业务和扯到一起呢!
    How can one pin the "white" label on a person who studies hard to enrich his knowledge and improve his skills?
  • 胰蛋酶原胰朊酶的惰性前体;由胰制造并由肠激酶在小肠内转化为胰朊酶
    The inactive precursor of trypsin, produced by the pancreas and converted to trypsin in the small intestine by enterokinase.
  • 我讨厌天黑夜地总是招待托尼,他又不是没有家。
    I'm tired of entertaining Tony at all hours of the day and night. It's not as if he hadn't a home of his own to go to.
  • 其他大型湖泊洞庭湖、达赉湖、洪泽湖、兴凯湖、南四湖、博斯腾湖、洋淀、洱海、镜泊湖和洪湖10个淡水湖泊中,洱海、兴凯湖、博斯腾湖和洪湖水质良好,湖体水质均达到ⅲ类标准;
    Other Large Lakes In the ten fresh water lakes - Dongting Lake, Dalai Lake, Hongze Lake, Xinkai Lake, Nansi Lake, Bositeng Lake, Baiyangdian Lake, Erhai Lake, Jingpo Lake and Hong Lake, the water quality of Erhai Lake, Xinkai Lake, Bositeng Lake and Hong Lakeis good, attaining standards for Grade III;
  • 洋淀、达赉湖和南四湖污染严重,均为劣ⅴ类水质。
    and Baiyangdian Lake, Dalai Lake and Nanxi Lake are seriously polluted, all at Grade V.
  • 母亲和她吻别时,她不禁热泪盈眶;火车喀嚓喀嚓驶过她父亲上班的面粉厂,她喉头又一阵哽咽;而当她熟悉的绿色村庄在车窗外向后退去时,她发出了一声叹息。不过,那些把她和故乡和少女时代联系在一起缕缕细丝却是永久地割断了。
    A gush of tears at her mother's farewell kiss, a touch in her throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review, and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken.
  • 酶原酶的非活性或近似非活性的前体,通过蛋质水解过程转变成活性酶
    The inactive or nearly inactive precursor of an enzyme, converted into an active enzyme by proteolysis.
  • 可消化蛋质的酶,从未熟的番木瓜中获得,用作肉的柔嫩剂。
    a proteolytic enzyme obtained from the unripe papaya; used as a meat tenderizer.
  • 胰肮酶水解蛋质以形成较小多肽单位的胰液酶
    An enzyme of pancreatic juice that hydrolyzes proteins to form smaller polypeptide units.
  • 关系到一些酶的活性的小分子(不是蛋质分子)。
    a small molecule (not a protein) essential for the activity of some enzymes.
  • 酶对防止血红蛋氧化成不能携带氧气的高铁血红蛋是很重要的。
    Enzymes are also important in preventing hemoglobin from being oxidized to methemoglobin, which cannot carry oxygen.
  • 在肉类和鱼中所含有的人体必需的氨基酸、赖氨酸,是蛋质中酶的运输所必需的。
    The essential amino acid lysine, in meat and fish, is needed for the transportation of enzymes found in protein.
  • 研究者正在寻找解决这个问题的办法,包括血红蛋交联所需要的酶,或者进一步改善血红蛋的分子结构。
    Researchers are studying ways to solve this problem, including cross-linking the required enzymes to hemoglobin or further modifying the molecular structure of hemoglobin.
  • 开花期短的马齿苋属植物,花色有粉红、、红、或紫。
    a plant of the genus Portulaca having pink or red or purple or white ephemeral flowers.
  • 这部史诗的主人公被描绘成发苍苍的老人。
    The hero of the epic poem was described as being hoary with age.
  • 流行病学专家里查德·多尔爵士在20世纪60年代发现了吸烟与肺癌之间的联系。本周,他警告说,住在高压电线附近的孩子得血病的危险更大。
    Sir Richard Doll, the epidemiologist who discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer in the 1960s, will this week warn that children living near electricity power lines are at an increased risk from leukaemia.
  • 在莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中, 由福丁布拉斯念收场.
    Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare's Hamlet'.
  • 酪氨酸一种色晶体状氨基酸,c9h11no3,从酪蛋等蛋质的水解中产生,是肾上腺素、甲状腺素、黑色素的母体
    A white crystalline amino acid, C9H11NO3, that is derived from the hydrolysis of proteins such as casein and is a precursor of epinephrine, thyroxine, and melanin.
  • 墨西哥的一种附生兰,花淡绿色或黄绿色,唇瓣色、有紫色脉纹。
    Mexican epiphytic orchid having pale green or yellow-green flowers with white purple-veined lip.
  • 虽然她们居住的小镇远离海洋(玛吉的家乡在纽约州北部,而埃琳来自伦敦北部),但这两个性格相似的姑娘在模特界热化的生存竞争中结成了深厚友谊。
    And even though their towns are an ocean apart (Maggie is a native of upstate New York and Erin is from north of London), these two kindred spirits have formed a friendship that's surviving the ultracompetitive world of modeling.
  • 色的毛皮,价格昂贵。
    the expensive white fur of the ermine.
  • 这同样的情欲使得弗兰西斯一世把这幅作品展示于他在枫丹露离宫的浴室套房里。
    The same eroticism led Francis I to show the work in his suite of bathrooms at Fontainebleau where he had a palace.
  • 建议我们到这儿来借钱的人让你跑了一趟了,我从不借钱。
    The people who advised to come to me for money sent you on a fool’s errand. I never lend money.
  • 有清晰内外红的斑痕的皮肤发痒和出疹:通常由于对虫咬,食物或药物过敏引起。
    an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs.
  • 我赞美杨树那挺拔的株干。
    I eulogize the tall and straight trunk of the white poplar.
  • 非洲和欧亚大陆南部的小兀鹫,大部分是色。
    small mostly white vulture of Africa and southern Eurasia.
  • 欧亚大陆和美洲普通的燕鸥,灰羽背。
    common tern of Eurasia and America having white black and gray plumage.
  • “白天热,夜里凉。
    “The heat in the day. The cool evenings.
  • 调整版面,调整行距调整(例如文件中的字行)的行距,可使字行长短一致,两边留出垂直的页边空
    To adjust the spacing within(lines in a document, for example), so that the lines end evenly at a straight margin.