  • 它们用于造船、建筑和我们日常生活中的许多面。
    They are used in shipbuilding, construction and many aspects in our daily life.
  • 它们用于造船、建筑和我们日常生活中的许多面。
    They is used in shipbuilding, construction and many aspect in our daily life.
  • 砂眼的尖头(脓聚集的地)。
    the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates).
  • 汕头中国东南部一城市,位于中国南海岸,香港东北偏东。它是一个具有造船设施的贸易和工业中心。人口400,000
    A city of southeast China on the South China Sea east-northeast of Hong Kong. It is a trade and industrial center with shipbuilding facilities. Population,400, 000.
  • 率6636号信用证项下的缝纫机,请延长装船期及信用证有效期,分别为1月15日及1月30日。
    Lc6636 sewmachine plsextend shipment 15/1 validity 30/1.
  • 现已无存货可供十月份装船,便时再联系。
    October shipment stockless revert when available.
  • 26日贵来电可以接受,但须在三月装船。
    Yours 26th accepted provided shipment March
  • 装运期由卖选择,允许分批装运。
    Shipment during May with partial shipment and transshipment allowed, sellers option.
  • 能够更快一点装运吗?
    Can you possibly effect shipment more promptly?
  • 通过邮寄式购买的行为。
    buying goods to be shipped through the mail.
  • 按标准尺寸制作以运输到其他地、在其他地装配。
    manufactured in standard sizes to be shipped and assembled elsewhere.
  • 收到你信用证30天内发货。
    Goods will be shipped within 30 days after receipt of your L/C.
  • 保险商或托人即将着手解决你索赔问题。
    The underwriter or the shipper is about to tackle the problem of your claim.
  • 货主称,市场因卖空头操纵而受影响,价格过高的时间不会很长,请知通知福特公司。
    Shipper state market affected by bear manipulation however buoyancy most probably short-live inform Ford.
  • 由于节省了码头人力劳动,25%的节余就转到承运
    As the cost of dock labour was reduced, savings of as much as 25% could be passed on to the shippers.
  • 我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你市场。
    We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.
  • 媒体的责任是报道事实,但作者认为美国媒体的选择性报道式,已使它沦为政治的工具,在战争中更助长了恐怖行动的扩张。
    This is an abridged version of an article published in Taiwan's "The Journalist ", a weekly news magazine. In the article, the writer laments that the American media has become a political tool that assists the expansion of terrorism.
  • 在这篇报道里,作者认为美国媒体的选择性报道式,已使它沦为政治的工具,在战争中更助长了恐怖行动的扩张。
    In the article, the writer laments that the American media's abridged version has made it a political tool that assists the expansion of terrorism.
  • 便拿在手里的一种缩减的字典。
    an abridged dictionary of a size convenient to hold in the hand.
  • 中国并不需要很长时间就可以在导弹技术面与俄国并驾齐驱。
    It will not take China long to get abreast of Russian technology in guided missiles.
  • 这就是他们中间不少人往往把事情看得很容易,往往害怕困难,不愿吃苦耐劳,或者在改善物质条件面提出过高过急的要求。
    Many of them tend to regard things as very easy, try to shirk difficulty and are reluctant to bear hardship or do hard work. They sometimes make excessive and rash demands for better material benefits.
  • 雪丽打败了对方。
    Shirley got the best of her opponent.
  • 在科学方面与时俱进
    to keep abreast of the times in science
  • 灯芯绒的绒面上受压和磨擦的地易于结块。
    Mat down in areas subjected to pressure or abrasion.
  • 属于或关于林肯的,或以林肯的式的。
    of or relating to or in the manner of Abraham Lincoln.
  • 今晚鳕鱼将要大量群集在距岸三百浔的地
    tonight the haddock were shoaling massively in three hundred fathoms.
  • 冲击压缩曲线的基本测量
    fundamental methods for determining shock-compression curve
  • 弱点:查伯斯说他是在以一种“公平和光明正大”的式参与竞争的,但是联合贸易委员会(ftc)对查伯斯是否曾参与密谋瓜分市场表示怀疑。
    Weak spot: Chambers says he competes "in a fair and aboveboard way," but the FTC wonders if Cisco has conspired to divvy up markets.
  • 以骇人听闻的式或者到了骇人听闻的程度。
    in a shocking manner or to a shocking degree.
  • 晴天霹雳似的消息或事件如惊人的消息等在突然性和猛烈性面与一声响雷相似的东西
    Something, such as a startling or shocking piece of news, that is similar to a crash of thunder in suddenness or violence.
  • 我要说的是,你讲的英语相当地道,而多数讲英语的人说话带有各种各样的地口音,还有许多人的语法令人吃惊。
    What I mean to say is you speak almost perfect English whereas most English-speaking people speak with all kinds of local accents and quite a lot of people's grammar is shocking.
  • [6]shockwave就是这面一个很好的例子。
    [6] Shockwave is a good example of this.