  • 这味道很好,不过我真的不能让胃得太胀了。
    It's delicious, but I really mustn't overwork my stomach.
  • 烤鸭闻起来不错,不过我真的不能让胃得太饱了。
    It smells good, but I really mustn't overwork my stomach.
  • 这味道很好,不过我真的不能胃得太胀了。
    It's delicious, but I really must not overwork my stomach.
  • 这味道很好,不过我真的不能胃得太胀了。
    It 's delicious, but I really must not overwork my stomach.
  • 吐司面包时候用的大的饮水玻璃杯(卵形的碗)。
    a large drinking glass (ovoid bowl on a stem) for drinking toasts.
  • 猫头鹰捉什么吃?
    What does the owl prey on?
  • 了别人的嘴软,拿了别人的手短。
    He have an ox on his tongue.
  • 牡蛎我得太多了,想换换口味。
    I've had oyster too much.I would like to have a change.
  • 蓝点牡蛎主要在美国东海岸水域中发现的一种小牡蛎,通常生
    A type of small oyster found chiefly in eastern coastal waters and usually eaten raw.
  • 当他最后说服我尝尝牡蛎时,我发现我相当喜欢
    I find I fairly like eating when he finally persuades me to taste the oyster.
  • 一天有个男孩去对他老师说:“老师,我爸想知道你是不是爱烤猪肉。”
    One day a boy came to his teacher and said: "Teacher, pa wants to know if you like roast pig."
  • 在野营中了两星期的罐头食品,现在我真想一顿象样的美味饭菜。
    After eating out of packets and tins for a fortnight while camping. I'm really looking forward to a decent square meal.
  • 教他希腊文是很力的事.
    Teaching him Greek was a painful (ie slow and difficult) process.
  • 过多的甜食会使人倒胃囗。
    Too much sweet food cloys the palate.
  • 在冬天结束以前,年轻的熊猫就可以从较软的竹笋开始试着一些固体食物了。
    By the end of the winter, the young panda starts to eat solid foods beginning with soft bamboo shoots.
  • 爸爸慢慢地走到牧场,马正在草。
    Papa slowly walked toward the field where the horses were eating grass.
  • 约翰在台湾喜欢木瓜,因为他在英国从未过。
    John liked eating papaya in Taiwan as he had never eaten it in England.
  • 别给他钱,他是个好懒做的人。
    Don't give money to him; he is a parasite.
  • 这种水果,你要用刀将厚皮削掉。
    To get at the fruit, you pare off the rather thick peel with a sharp knife.
  • 做这个菜要把蔬菜切成细块,因为它是生
    To make this dish, pare the vegetables down into fine pieces, as they are eaten raw.
  • 我们在巴黎尽情地喝。
    we wined and dined in Paris.
  • 人们在教堂交谊厅意大利面晚餐。
    People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house.
  • 母亲陪着吉英坐了一会儿工夫,彬格莱小姐便来请她早饭,于是她就带着三个女儿一块儿上饭厅去。
    After sitting a little while with Jane, on Miss Bingley's appearance and invitation the mother and three daughters all attended her into the breakfast parlour.
  • 长岛对由情欲引起的犯罪已形成了本地独有的、表面壮烈实则鄙俗的处理手法,用谋杀代替离婚来解决争风醋方面的仇怨这一行径便是其中一例。
    Long Island has developed its own tawdry suburban version of the crime passional, in which murder supplants divorce as a solution to the eternal triangle.
  • 意大利细面条或其他意大利面食所用的各种沙司。
    any of numerous sauces for spaghetti or other kinds of pasta.
  • 饺子一种环状馅饼,通常以肉或奶油作馅,通常用来作汤或和着调料
    Small ring-shaped pasta stuffed usually with meat or cheese and served in soup or with a sauce.
  • 西红柿:科学家们很早就知道,那些熟西红柿制品,如意大利面调味汁的男性患前列腺癌的机率较小。
    Tomatoes:Scientists have long known that men who eat cooked tomato products such as pasta sauces tend to have lower rates of prostate cancer.
  • 在农村和牧区学校推行寄宿制,对部分藏族中小学学生实行包、包穿、包住的政策。
    Boarding schools have been introduced in rural and pastoral areas, where Tibetan primary and middle school students enjoy free food, clothing and accommodation.
  • 从1985年起,又对部分藏族中小学学生实行包、包穿、包住政策,在广大农牧区学校推行寄宿制。
    Since 1985, free food, clothing and accommodation have been provided for some Tibetan primary and middle school students, and boarding schools have been introduced in the vast rural and pastoral areas.
  • 谁把点心全吃完了?
    Who has scoffed all the pastries down?
  • 你吃的点心太多了。
    You eat too much pastry.
  • 我们已经把牛放到牧场上草去了。
    We have put our cattle out to pasture.