  • 解热剂,退热剂种退烧的药剂
    An agent that reduces fever.
  • 杀掉精子的种作用物。
    an agent that kills spermatozoa.
  • 杀螨刹种杀死螨的药剂
    An agent that kills mites.
  • 有丝分裂素种诱导有丝分裂的物质
    An agent that induces mitosis.
  • 杀菌剂种杀死细菌的药剂
    An agent that destroys bacteria.
  • 一种毒物或毒剂
    A poison or poisonous agent.
  • 值得或者有定的等级级别。
    be worthy of or have a certain rating.
  • 等级数字的资质测试;个数学天才。
    tests for rating numerical aptitude; a mathematical whiz.
  • 在测验中得到某分数或级别。
    achieve a certain score or rating on a test.
  • 监督者监督或指导另情报人员的情报人员
    An intelligence agent who supervises or instructs another agent.
  • 单位种单位,如计数、测试或测量中所用的单位
    A single unit, as in counting, rating, or measuring.
  • 分级:限制级,有“暴力、色情、禁语和些吸   毒”内容。
    Rating: R, for strong violence, sexuality, language and brief drug content
  • r级,电影的限制级种电影分级,允许定年龄以下(通常为17岁)的人在家长或保护人陪同下才能观看
    A movie rating that allows admission only to persons of a certain age, usually17, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • 要进步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
    For further information, contact your local agent.
  • 元数据的例子有文档的作者、拥有者、日期、题目、保密等级、定价信息、版权范围等——与文档有关但又不是文档部分的任何东西。
    Examples of metadata are document authorship, ownership, date, subject, security rating, pricing information, copyright over age -- anything that is about the document but not part of it.
  • 他曾是位著作经纪人。
    He used to be a literary agent.
  • 当时,那是个春意盎然的早晨,灿烂的阳光普照大地,我和我的邻居们正在观看位年轻的海军上尉和位金发士兵工作。
    And now, this spring morning, with the honest light of day on the world, my neighbours and I were watching the young naval lieutenant and the fair-haired rating at work.
  • 整体而言,市民对警队的服务质素甚为满意,有73%的被访者认为警队的整体表现值得赞赏,与九九五年的调查结果比较下降5%。
    In general, the respondents were more than satisfied with the quality of police services with 73 per cent rating overall performance as worthy of praise, down from the 1995 opinion survey result by 5 per cent.
  • 虽然某些女子项目也有很大的成绩,但是由于未受到球迷足够的关注,电视收视率不高或者是门票收入上不去,也是很难与男子的同类项目样受到重视。
    Although some women's events have achieved great results, they have not received enough attention from the fans, and the audience rating of TV and the income of tickets are not high enough, it is hard to get equal attention with that of the men's.
  • 我们继续进行议程上的下个项目。
    Let us proceed to the next item on the agenda.
  •  比率分析就是将间公司资产负债表与损益表中的这五项数字,转化为可供比较的财务比率。
    Financial ratio analysis is based on these five categories of data in a com-pany's balance sheet and income state-ment,and turns them into ratios for com-parison.
  • ,把政治体制改革提到议事日程上来;
    First, placing reform of the political structure on the agenda;
  • 比率分析就是将间公司资产负债表与损益表中的这五项数字,转化为可供比较的财务比率。
    Financial ratio analysis is based on these five categories of data in a com-pany's balance sheet and income state-ment, and turns them into ratios for com-parison.
  • 我们将它分为二与之比。
    We divided it in the ratio 2∶1.
  • 些债券还给投资者进步的保护,例如在大股东减持股权或些财务比率无法达到个水平时,债券持有人可把债券卖给发行机构。
    Some bond cove-nants provide further protection to the in-vestors by stipulating that the bonds can be put back to the issuer in the event the ma-jority shareholder sells down his stake or when certain financial ratios, eg. debt to e-quity ratio, breach a set level.
  • 议事日程上的下个项目是妇女解放。
    The next item on the agenda is women's liberation.
  • 十五与五的比率是三比
    The ratio of 15 to 5 be 3 to 1.
  • 那么在日程问题上,我们基本上意见致了。
    So we is basically, in agreement on that agenda.
  • 十与五的比率是二比
    The ratio of 10 to 5 is 2 to 1.
  • 那么在日程问题上,我们基本上意见致了。
    So we are basically, in agreement on that agenda.
  • 让我们来进行下项议程。
    Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda.
  • 直角三角形的个角的邻边与斜边之比。
    ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse.