  • 很高興告知你方,你們所訂的貨物今天已運
    We wish to advise you that the goods your ordered have been shipped today.
  • 貨物由“ Eli:”號直航船在5月10號運,預計在6月1日前到達上海
    The goods were shipped by the direct steamer “ Eli:” on May 10th and are estimated to reach Shanghai before June 1st.
  • 我們已把你方訂購的印度地毯運,將在下周五到達你方港口
    We have dispatched your order for Indian rugs which are scheduled to arrived at your port next Friday.
  • 我們希望你做必要的安排以使貨物準時到達
    We hope that you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods on time.
  • 你能確認在十月份將該訂單的貨發
    Can you effect shipment of the order in October?
  • 如能及時安排此貨發,我們將不勝感激
    We should be obliged if you could arrange for the immediate shipment of this order.
  • 我們希望你能盡早將空調發,因為炎熱的季節馬上逼近
    We hope you will send the air-conditioners as soon as possible, for the hot season is rapidly approaching.
  • 仲裁委員會做的决定應為最終並對雙方有約束力
    the decision made by the arbitration commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties.
  • 經中國入境檢驗檢疫局密切檢查和認真測試,表明一些話筒存在質量缺陷
    A close inspection and a careful test by the China National Import & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau showed that some amplifiers are inferior quality.
  • 我們就因為相關産品缺陷産生的損失提索賠
    We have to ask for compensation of the loss incurred as a result of the interior quality of the goods concerned.
  • 我們進口的技術應針對適合口的生産性産品
    The know-how we import should be directed toward manufacturing products suitable for export.
  • 你方的技術應該先進、可靠,並有利於口型經濟的發展
    Your technology should be advanced, reliable , and helpful to the development of our export-oriented economy.
  • 以鍛煉消耗精力,不用拳頭。當你的原腦感覺到危險的時候,它會發“打或逃”的激素鏈。選擇逃而非打,通過鍛煉消耗掉多餘的腎上腺素和皮質醇。即便是一次輕快的散步也會有助於你平和情緒。
    --Get physical, without fists. When your primitive brain senses a threat, it sets off the 'fight or flight' cascade of hormones. Opt for flight instead of fight and burn off the extra adrenaline and cortisol with exercise. Even a brisk walk will help calm you down.
  • 一個建設性的解决辦法應對手頭的問題。問問你自己:我現在需要怎麽做才能保持平靜?這樣就會將註意力轉移,從專註於考慮對方必須受到怎樣的懲罰,轉移到要怎樣才能以一種良好的方式應對。
    --Find a constructive solution to the issue at hand. Ask yourself: What do I need to be okay right now? That shifts the focus from how the other person needs to be punished to how I need to respond in a healthy way.
  • 性交後有出血。
    She has some bleeding after intercourse.
  • 他的陰莖排一些流膿。
    He has had some discharge from his penis.
  • 他多半時間咳濃濃的痰。
    He coughs up a lot of phlegm (thick spit) on most days.
  • 他牙床有出血。
    His gums do bleed.
  • 他的肛門出血。
    He has some bleeding from his rectum.
  • 他體會到過度的汗和難以解釋的疲倦。
    He has noticed excessive sweating and unexplained tireness.
  • 這種情況現有多久了?
    How long have you had the problem?
  • 他多半時間咳濃濃的痰。
    He coughs up a lot of phlegm thick spit on most days.
  • 麥剋唐納是在美國國傢科學基金會資助開設的社區學院納米技術課程上發現她的職業興趣的,該基金會中的一名官員預測,在未來5年中,該領域內將現數十萬個工作機會。其它信息來源包括政府預測、中高等院校的職業顧問和在成長型行業中工作的鄰居與朋友們。
    Ms. McDonald found her passion through a community-college nanotechnology program funded by the National Science Foundation, where one official foresees hundreds of thousands of job openings in the field in the next five years. Other sources include government forecasts, school or college career counselors, and neighbors and friends employed in growing fields.
  • 最豐富的就業增長信息渠道是美國勞工部對45類、300多種職業的需求、薪酬與競爭情況的10年預測。美國勞工部上個月發佈的最新半年編《職業前景手册》對大多數職業領域的長期前景進行了權威預測。這項預測通常是很有預見性的──舉例來說,它準確地預測了這十年中特殊教育教學職位的快速增長和熱門醫療職業範圍的擴大。
    The richest vein of job-growth information is the Labor Department's 10-year forecast for demand, pay and competition for more than 300 jobs in 45 categories. The department's latest biannual compilation, published last month as the 'Occupational Outlook Handbook,' is great for sizing up the long-term outlook for most fields. The forecasts have often been prescient--accurately predicting this decade's fast growth in special-education teaching jobs and the widening range of hot health-care careers, for example.
  • 這些預測也有局限性。美國勞工部的宏觀經濟模型建立在兩個重要假設的基礎之上──一是經濟將反彈並實現長期增長,二是不會再現像2007-2008年經濟衰退那樣的大型衝擊。因此,它無法預測經濟不穩定時容易發生的就業市場大幅波動或勞動力供給的突然變化。
    The forecasts have limitations. The Labor Department's macroeconomic model works on two noteworthy assumptions--that the economy will rebound to long-term growth and that there won't be any more big shocks like the 2007-2008 recession. Thus its forecasts don't predict the big job-market swings or sudden changes in the supply of workers that can easily happen in a volatile economy.
  • 研究人員得了驚人的發現。他們發現,與完全在辦公室工作的人相比,在工作和家庭現衝突之前,實行彈性工作製的在傢辦公者每周可以多擠19個小時工作。研究的主持者之一是楊百翰大學家庭生活學院教授、工作家庭問題資深研究人士希爾。
    In a startling finding, researchers discovered telecommuters on flextime schedules can cram in 19 more hours of work a week, compared with people who work entirely in the office, before they begin to report work-family conflict. The study was co-authored by E. Jeffrey Hill, a professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University and a long-time researcher on work-family issues.
  • 希爾發現,完全在辦公室辦公的人在工作了38小時後開始抱怨工作與家庭現衝突。然而,那些通過在傢辦公延長了工作時間、而不是在辦公室花更長時間的人,在開始感到壓力之前可以工作57個小時(把在辦公室和在傢工作的時間都計算在內)。
    Those who did all their work in the office began to complain of work-family conflict after 38 hours of work. However, those who were able to extend their workday from home by telecommuting, rather than putting in longer hours at the office, could log 57 total hours before starting to feel the strain, counting both hours at the office and at home, Dr. Hill found.
  • 時間的計算是根據兩組員工--在辦公室工作和實行彈性工作製、在傢辦公室的人中--各有25%表示工作與家庭現衝突。研究結果將發表在本月的《家庭心理學期刊》上。
    The hourly tallies are based on the point at which 25% of each of the two groups of employees-the office-bound workers and the telecommuters on flextime-reported work-family conflict. The study is set for publication in this month's issue of the Journal of Family Psychology.
  • 你忙裏忙外的生活中是否會現極限點?漫長的工作時間是否讓你走到了工作和家庭現衝突的邊緣?
    Do you have a "breaking point" for your juggle-a point where long work hours send you over the edge into work-family conflict?
  • 這個職位需要差嗎?
    Will traveling be required in this position?
  • 2010.滿意的薪水、專業的培訓、完善的福利--大型跨國公司及國有企業開的這些極具吸引力的條件使得高校學生無不為之神往。但根據人力資源咨詢公司麥可思的一項調查顯示,2010年有約半數的畢業生在私企供職。
    Handsome pay, professional training, good benefits – appealing packages offered by large multinational and state-owned companies make them the most desired employers among college students. But according to the annual graduate survey by employment research company MyCOS, about half of all graduates will end up working for privately-owned enterprises in
  • 首先,他明確指,根據《勞動合同法》規定,一旦不能按時發放工資,雇主須嚮員工額外支付薪金的25%。他建議李文迪嚮勞動仲裁委員會尋求幫助。
    First, he made it clear that according to Labor Contract Law, an employer has to pay the employee an extra 25 percent of their salary if they don't pay the salary on time. He suggested that Li turn to a labor dispute arbitration committee for help.