Chinese English Sentence:
  • 我朋友捎来口信他很好。
    My friend sent word that he was well.
  • 到身材颀长、一本正经的费吉·德曼和她的个子矮小、彬彬有礼的搭挡韦恩·斯利普的滑稽表演,那简直让观众笑得肚子疼。
    As for the slapstick performances of all, cool Vergie Derman with her diminutive, adoring partner, Wayne Sleep, it has them rolling in the aisles.
  • 科学家们,这层令人窒息的烟雾阻挡住了10%到15%射向地面的阳光,而且业已改变了南亚地区的气候,使得地面温度下降而大气温度升高。
    By slashing the sunlight that reaches the ground by 10 to 15 percent, the choking smog has also altered the region's climate, cooling the ground while heating the atmosphere, scientists said.
  • 小姐,1977年1月31日已经把202635号保险单发给了汤姆先生。
    Miss stated that Policy No.202635 had been issued to Mr. Tom on January31, 1977.
  • 明姓名、年龄和职业。
    Please state your name, age and occupation.
  • 我有些耳聋,请把话仔细地清楚。
    I'm a little deaf, please articulate your words carefully.
  • 我今天早晨没零钱卖报纸,但报刊经营人可以赊帐,我可以明天再给他钱。
    I had no change to buy my paper this morning but the newsagent put it on the slate and said I could pay him tomorrow.
  • “格拉瓦诺是一个充满邪恶、奸诈、权术和虚荣的小人。他为了洗清犯罪记录而承认曾犯下19件谋杀案。”克里格,他宏亮的男中音响彻拥护的布鲁克林法庭。
    "Mr.Gravano is a little man full of evil, connivance, manipulation and vanity who has tried to clean his slate by admitting to 19 murders," Krieger said, his booming baritone filling the jammed Brooklyn courtroom.
  • 快别这么,你没有目睹什么屠杀,这是一部电影。
    Come on. You won't witness any slaughter. It's a movie.
  • 这里的,是作为人类流血的政治的所谓战争,两军相杀的战争,它的根本目的是什么。
    Here we are dealing with the elementary object of war, war as "politics with bloodshed", as mutual slaughter by opposing armies.
  • 一群孩子闯了进来,捣毁了实验室。实验室主任大发其火,威胁要报复,但他至今未找到肇事者。
    Some kids had got in and mucked up the labs. The Head's breathing fire and slaughter, but he hasn’t found the culprits yet.
  • 冯内古特,小库尔特生于1922美国作家,作品在现代生活的暴力和变异中显示同情和幽默。他的小包括猫的摇篮(1963年)和五号屠宰场(1969年)
    American writer whose works show compassion and humor in the midst of the violence and alienation of modern life. His novels include Cat's Cradle(1963) and Slaughterhouse Five(1969).
  • 奴隶贩子的残忍是不完的。
    The cruelty of the slave traders knew no bounds.
  • 波兰人的塞而维克语。
    the Slavic language of Poland.
  • 保加利亚人的塞而维克语。
    a Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria.
  • 白俄罗斯人的塞而维克语。
    the Slavic language spoken in Belarus.
  • 斯洛伐克人的塞而维克语。
    the Slavic language spoken in Slovakia.
  • 捷克人的塞而维克语。
    the Slavic language of the Czech people.
  • 斯洛文尼亚人的塞而维克语。
    the Slavic language of the Slovene people.
  • 乌克兰人的塞而维克语。
    the Slavic language spoken in the Ukraine.
  • 老板一定会对办公室聚会的食品所需的费用表示怀疑,我们对他的他喝的酒非常便宜,从而打消他的疑虑。
    The boss is bound to question the cost of the food for the office party, so let's spike his guns by pointing out that he's getting the drinks very cheaply.
  • 东欧或俄罗斯东部的斯拉夫语的民族的人。
    any member of the people of Eastern Europe or Russian Asia who speak a Slavonic language.
  • 大卫犹大和以色列的第二任国王,据旧约记载,他杀死了腓力斯巨人歌利亚,并且接替索尔任国王,他是许多赞美诗的据的作者
    The second king of Judah and Israel. According to the Old Testament, he slew the Philistine giant Goliath and succeeded Saul as king. He is the reputed author of many of the Psalms.
  • 他将兴我全力合作拒绝让步。
    He said he would join me sled-length in declining to yield.
  • 放学后,学生们三三俩俩地离开了,边走边着即将到来的圣诞节:家中的圣诞树旁将发现自己心系已久的自行车和崭新发亮的雪橇。
    After school the children left in little groups, chattering about the great day yet to come when long-hoped-for two-wheelers and bright sleds would appear beside their trees at home.
  • 如同写小一样,程序设计也是一个艺术创造的过程。
    Just as writing a fiction, programming is a process of creating art.
  • 谈到圣诞礼物,全家都认为海伦姑妈到点子上了,那就是送给他们一付雪橇。
    As far as Christmas presents were concerned, the family agreed that Aunt Helen had hit the bull's eye by giving them a sledge.
  • 他戴了一个亚麻色的小假发,式样别致,鬈曲光泽,紧紧扣在头上。据是用头发做的,可看上去更像是甩真丝或玻璃丝纺出来的。
    He wore an odd little sleek crisp flaxen wig, setting very close to his head: which wig, it is to be presumed, was made of hair, but which looked far more as though it were spun from filaments of silk or glass.
  • 派来调查的警察,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理给撬开来的。
    The policeman who is sent down to examine, says my house has been broken open on the most scientific principle.
  • 阿兰在睡袋里翻了一下身,背对着她:“我很好,我们再睡一会儿吧!”
    Alan turned over in his sleeping bag. “I’m fine.”he said.“Let’s get some sleep.
  • 有一个密西西比河上的船夫,人家问他怎样设法争取睡眠时间时,他回答:“我有空就睡一下。”
    A boatman on the Mississippi, being asked how he managed to secure sleeping time, answered, "I sleep in spots."
  • 派来调查的警察,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理给撬开来的。
    The policeman who was sent down to examine, says me house has been broken open on the most scientific principles.