  • 英国音乐
    music of United Kingdom
  • 国正努力巩固它在北大西洋的地位。
    Britain is trying to consolidate her position in the North Atlantic.
  • 英语有24个辅音音素.
    English has 24 consonant phonemes.
  • 女警员梅克多西曾在事故现场。
    Woman police constable macintosh is at the scene of the accident.
  • 女警员梅克多西曾在事故现场。
    Woman police constable Macintosh was at the scene of the accident.
  • 成功之秘诀乃为目标之有恒。语谚语
    The secret of success is constancy of purpose.English Prover
  • 国的有极少数选民的议会选区。
    an English parliamentary constituency with few electors.
  • 国的组成国会一员的城镇。
    an English town that forms the constituency of a member of Parliament.
  • 格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成联合王国。
    "England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland constitute / compose / make up the United kingdom."
  • 美国的宪法是依计划制定的,国的宪法是自然演进的。
    The American constitution was planned , the British constitution evolved.
  • 国有不成文的宪法,美国有成文的宪法。
    Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United State has a written constitution.
  • 国有不成文的宪法,美国有成文的宪法。
    Britain have an unwritten constitution, and the united state have a write constitution.
  • 国是君主立宪制国家。
    Britain is a constitutional monarchy.
  • 帝国是个君主立宪制国家。
    The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.
  • 最近他在写一本关于15世纪国宪政的书。
    Recently, he has been working on a book on British Constitutionalism in the 15th century.
  • 一种不开裂的豆荚,如被套车轴草的果实。通常压缩于种子之间,成熟时分成包有一籽的小室
    An indehiscent legume, as of the tick trefoil, usually constricted between the seeds and separating at maturity into one-seeded segments.
  • 把优美的文译成拙劣的汉语。
    To construe good English into bad Chinese.
  • 第一场在英国领事处
    Scene 1 In the British Consul's office
  • 一位年轻的中国妇女步入国领事处。
    A young Chinese woman enters the British Consul's Office.
  • 领事裁判权,是帝国主义国家强迫旧中国政府缔结的不平等条约中所规定的特权之一,开始于一八四三年的中《虎门条约》和一八四四年的中美《望厦条约》。
    Consular jurisdiction was one of the special privileges provided in the unequal treaties which the imperialist powers forced on the governments of old China -- beginning with the supplementaq treaty to the Sino-British Treaty of Nanking, signed at Humen (the Bogue) in 1843, and with the Sino-American Treaty of Wanghia in 1844.
  • 所有先前由入境处签发的国国民(海外)护照的纪录,亦已移交该总领事馆。
    All records ofBN(O) passports issued previously by the department were transferred tothe Consulate-General.
  • 由一九九七年四月一日起,国总领事馆已接替入境事务处负责有关签发和更换国国民(海外)护照的工作。
    With effect from April 1, 1997, the British Consulate-General has taken over from the Immigration Department responsibility for issuing andrenewing British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) passports.
  • 年内,研资局与国文化协会、德国学术交流服务处及法国驻港领事馆继续推行联合研究计划,以加强香港与海外高等教育院校的联系。
    During the year, the RGC continued to operate joint research schemes with the British Council, the German Academic Exchange Service and the French Consulate General in Hong Kong to strengthen existing links between local and overseas tertiary institutions.
  • 我查阅了大博物馆里许多法律书籍。
    I have consulted a number of law books in the British Museums.
  • 国政府中保护消费者以免遭不公平或非法交易伤害的一个部门。
    British government department which protect consumer against unfair or illegal business.
  • 国研究者5月15日说,尽管人们通常认为做家务是一种费时耗力的体力劳动,可以促进身体健康或者有助于消除体内多余脂肪,但是事实却并非是这样的。
    It's exhausting, time consuming and although it counts as physical activity, housework does not improve health or help to shed those excess pounds, British researchers said Wednesday.
  • 年轻的凡高对宗教痴迷不悔并在随后的几年中遍游国,比利时和荷兰,试图使自己成为传教士,然而未能如愿。
    The young Van Gogh made religion a consuming interest and during the next few years traveled in Britain,Belgium and Holland,trying to establish himself as a preacher,but without success.
  • 年轻的凡高对宗教痴迷不悔并在随后的几年中遍游国,比利时和荷兰,试图使自己成为传教士,然而未能如愿。
    The young Van Gogh made religion a consuming interest and during the next few years traveled in Britain, Belgium and Holland, trying to establish himself as a preacher, but without success.
  • 在一单位长度内包含的有用信息单位数。通常用每寸多少单位表示。
    The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension, usually expressed in units per inch.
  • 相对于同侪施加的无谓压力,在讲语的大环境中以母语表达自己的想法,我从来不觉得丢脸,因为我有自信,我更珍视中华文化的价值。
    Never mind the unnecessary pressure from my contemporaries. I've never felt ashamed of using my mother tongue to express my views in an English-speaking environment. This is because I have absolute confidence and I value Chinese culture.
  • 雄人物的业绩和普通人们的劳动、斗争和悲欢离合,现代人的生活和古代人的生活,都应当在文艺中得到反映。
    The deeds of heroes, the labour, struggles, joys and sorrows, partings and reunions of ordinary people, and the life of our contemporaries and of our predecessors -- all these should be depicted in our works of literature and art.
  • 国方面,彭玛斯顿勋爵也大表不满,认为香港是"一个杳无人烟的荒芜小岛",不足以代替通商条约。
    Palmerston was equally dissatisfied with Hong Kong, which he contemptuously described as 'abarren island with hardly a house upon it', and refused to accept it as the island station that had been demanded as an alternative to a commercial treaty.