  • 他大致估算了一下费用,发现印一张20分的钞票要40分钱。
    He made a rough stab at working out the expenses and found out it was costing us 40 centavos to print one 20-centavo bill.
  • 我初步算了一下费用,发现印一张20分的钞票要40分钱。
    I made a rough stab at working out the expenses and found out it was costing us 40 centavos to print one 20-centavo bill.
  • ”去年,在反对加拿大的环保提案的报纸专栏文章中,芒罗先生说,美国的立法仅产生了有限的环保效益,而费了几千个代木工作岗位的代价来保护像斑点猫头鹰这样的物种。
    " In newspaper columns opposing the Canadian proposal last year, Mr.Munro said the American legislation had produced only modest conservation benefits, while costing thousands of logging jobs to save species like the spotted owl.
  • 费很大的旧校舍的修复工程受到大多数老师的批评。
    The costly renovation of the old college building was criticized by most teachers.
  • 这既允许实现安全性,又没有什么钱对每台计算机进行改造。
    This allows security to be implemented without costly changes to each computer.
  • 维修这样一所大房屋一定得不少钱。
    It must be very costly to keep up a large house like this.
  • 它们不得过于复杂或费过高、或包含不合理的时效或无保障的拖延。
    They shall not be unnecessarily complicated or costly, or entail unreasonable time-limits or unwarranted delays.
  • 安装这些机器要的钱相当多,但从长远来说是上算的。
    It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run.
  • 她还说:"往事让我付出了惨痛的代价,我了好长时间才从过去的阴影中走出来。"
    It was "a costly experience for me and has taken me a long time to get over," she said.
  • 枸子属蔷薇科枸子属的直立或匍匐灌木的一种,原产于旧大陆,白或粉红色,果实小,红或黑,苹果状,种植用来装饰
    Any of various erect or creeping shrubs of the genus Cotoneaster in the rose family, native to Eurasia, having white to pinkish flowers and tiny, red or black applelike fruits, and frequently cultivated for ornament.
  • 这个地区过去大量种棉
    This district grew cotton on a large scale.
  • 直到很晚之后,欧洲才知道棉布料。
    Cotton material was not known in Europe until much later.
  • 印度向许多国家出口茶叶和棉.
    India exports tea and cotton to many different countries.
  • 像棉;像棉一样柔软。
    resembling cotton; as soft as cotton.
  • 棉花容易着火。
    Cotton catches fire easily.
  • 在这里长得极其茂盛。
    Cotton grows wild here.
  • 他经营棉花生意。
    He trades in cotton.
  • 这东西摸起来像棉
    It feel like cotton.
  • 他们在采棉花
    They were picking cotton.
  • 棉花纺成了线。
    Cotton is spinned into thread.
  • 棉花纺成了线。
    Cotton is spun into thread.
  • 棉花产量430万吨。
    Cotton output was 4.3 million tons.
  • 棉花涨价。
    The price of cotton improves.
  • 用棉纤维制作的线。
    thread made of cotton fibers.
  • 什么时候种棉花?
    When will cotton be planted?
  • 棉绒一种似丝绒的棉绒毛织物
    A cotton pile fabric resembling velvet.
  • 中国棉花栽培史
    history of cotton cultivation in China
  • 棉籽棉作物的种子,用来制造棉籽油
    The seed of the cotton plant, the source of cottonseed oil.
  • 覆盖着浓厚的、像棉一样的毛发或者毛发一样的丝。
    covered with dense cottony hairs or hairlike filaments.
  • 北美东部已引入的欧亚多年生植物有多刺的白色棉似的叶子和麝香味的深红色的头状序;水果原汁。
    Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern North America having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads; valuable source of nectar.
  • 在萌芽阶段单子叶(胚胎叶)开植物科。
    family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed.
  • 种子中有一片子叶(胚芽)的开植物属。
    genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed.