Chinese English Sentence:
  • 后它便坐在那里直叫到有人放它出去为止。
    Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out.
  • 的狗叫声吓了他一跳。
    The sudden barking scared him.
  • 这突的声响惊得狗汪汪叫起来。
    The sudden noise set the dog barking.
  • 外面突有狗叫,母亲马上吹熄了灯。
    Suddenly there was the barking of dogs out-side and mother at once blew out the lamp.
  • 她认为我已报了警,而她错怪了人。
    She thought I'd made the report to the police, but she was barking up the wrong tree.
  • 但我依记得当年那首流行的军歌中骄傲的迭句:一个老兵永不死亡,他只是淡出舞台。
    But I still remember the refrain of one of the most popular barrack ballads of that day which proclaimed most proudly that old soldiers never die, they just fade away.
  • 还得补充一句,凡是一座建筑物,其建筑艺术必须与其用途结合得天衣无缝,以至于人们一眼见到这建筑物,其用途便一目了,这是司空见惯的,因此任何一座古迹,无论是王宫,还是下议院、市政厅、学堂、驯马场、科学院、仓库、法庭、博物馆、兵营、陵墓、寺院、剧场,都令人惊叹得无以复加。
    Let us add that if it is according to rule that the architecture of a building should be adapted to its purpose in such a manner that this purpose shall be immediately apparent from the mere aspect of the building, one cannot be too much amazed at a structure which might be indifferently--the palace of a king, a chamber of communes,a town-hall, a college, a riding-school, an academy, a warehouse, a court-house, a museum, a barracks, a sepulchre, a temple, or a theatre.
  • ,那流浪汉问道:"孩子,你们有桶圈吗?
    Suddenly the hobo asked,"Do you have a barrel hoop,boy?"
  • 用塞块塞住圆桶,不它会滚过去。
    Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over.
  • 撒哈拉沙漠是北非与中非之间的天屏障。
    The Sahara Desert is a natural barrier between north and central Africa.
  • 在这些岛上仍实行著物物交换的制度。
    On these islands a system of barter is used.
  • 而,易货贸易显是一种不方便且.不精确的交易方法。
    but barter is obviously an inconvenient and inexact method of trading.
  • 尽管经济萧条,这家餐厅依维持住了原来的生意。
    The restaurant bas maintained the same volume of business in spite of the recession.
  • 搭往巴黎的火车后在巴赛尔换车。
    Take a train for Pairs and change trains in Basel.
  • 可以,发球者站在自己场地底线中间标志一边的后面,把球击到球网对面同自己所处位置成对角一的那个接发球区。
    Yes, of course. The server stands behind his own baseline, to one side of the center mark, and the hits the ball over the net into whichever service court is diagonally opposite.
  • 投手彼得见跑垒员不在垒上就猛把球投给一垒手,一垒手跑垒员夹杀在二垒前。
    Peter, the pitcher, saw that the base runner was not on base, so he surprised him by throwing the ball to the first baseman, who ran him down before he reached second base.
  • 我们对敌方基地实施了突袭击。
    We launched a bombing raid on enemy bases.
  • 植物中天形成的含氮碱。
    natural nitrogen-containing bases found in plants.
  • 前几天我偶地读到一篇关于同拿破仑作战的有趣文章。
    The other day I came across an interesting essay on the war with Napoleon.
  • 5.柴达木盆地涩北-西宁-兰州天气输气管道
    Natual gas pipeline from Sebei of the Chaidamu Basin -Xining-Lanzhou
  • 盐池天的或人工的盆地,用来蒸发海水取盐
    A natural or artificial basin used to obtain salt by evaporating brine.
  • 把你的鸡子儿全放进一只篮子里去,后——好好守着篮子吧。
    Put all your eggs in one basket, and—watch the basket.
  • 把你的鸡子儿全放进一只篮子里去,后—好好守着篮子吧。
    Put all your egg in one basket, and watch the basket.
  • 我用两只粘着面糊的手指夹起听筒,当听出是bates太太的声音时,我茫不知所措。
    I picked up the reciver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Mrs Bates.
  • 我用两只粘着面糊的手指夹起听筒,当听出是bates太太的声音时,我茫不知所措。
    Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the reciver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Mrs Bates.
  • 我要去洗个热水澡,後睡觉。
    I shall have a hot bath and go to bed.
  • 当然要有浴室的。
    With a bath of course.
  • 除参观世博会外,还可上西山,登龙门,游滇池,逛翠湖,看野生动物,沐安宁温泉,尽观自风光,体味民族风情,享受冬无严寒、夏无酷署、四季如春的独特气候。
    Besides visiting the World Horti-Expo Garden, visitors can mount the Western Hills, climb up to the Dragon Gate, tour the Dianchi Lake, visit the Green Lake Park, watch the wildlife, bathe in the hot spring in Anning, enjoy natural scenery, appreciate ethnic folklore, and experience the unique spring-like climate all the year round.
  • 护士细心地给他把伤口清洗干净,后将它包扎好。
    The nurse bathed his wound carefully before binding it up.
  • 走远路之后,我脱下袜子,洗洗疼痛的双脚,后觉得舒服多了。
    After along walk, I drew off my socks, bathed my sore feet, and then felt much more comfortable.
  • 但最引人注目的仍是峡湾中的声声海浪和沐浴在夏日阳光下的片片轻舟。
    But the grand spectacle is still the beating of the waves of the sea and the boats bathed in the golden light of the summer.
  • 这些dna链被挂到一块覆盖着金片的玻璃上,后反复地浸入不同的酶溶液中,这些溶液中的酶与dna发生相互作用,剔除掉不合格的答案。
    Those DNA strands were fastened to a piece of glass covered with a thin sheet of gold, then bathed repeatedly in different solutions of enzymes that interacted with the DNA to weed out the wrong answers.