  • 一个不识字的放羊娃在有关羊的知识面比饱读诗书的人所懂得要多得多。
    A shepherd who cannot read will known more about sheep than the wisest bookworm.
  • 和其他任何法一样,static法也能创建自己类型的命名对象。所以经常把static法作为一个“领头羊”使用,用它生成一系列自己类型的“实例”。
    Like any method, a static method can create or use named objects of its type, so a static method is often used as a “shepherd” for a flock of instances of its own type.
  • 我不知道地址,但地点是离sheratonhotel北边两条街的地
    I do not know the address, but it's two block north of the sheraton hotel.
  • 我不知道地址,但地点是离sheratonhotel北边两条街的地
    I do not know the address, but it 's two blocks north of the Sheraton Hotel.
  • 被难住了,於是请福尔摩斯前来侦查。
    The police is baffle, and sherlock holm is call in to investigate.
  • 被难住了,于是请福尔摩斯前来侦查。
    The police were baffled, and Sherlock Holm was called in to investigate.
  • 没有什么地像设得兰群岛那样完好地保存着过去,在那里还可以看到石器时代留下的部落遗迹。
    Few places have preserved the past like Shetland, where remains of settlements dating from the Stone Age endure.
  • 的确,在该公司108年的历史当中,常常不愿在任何面领先。柯达本来能在60年代复印机市场上成为xerox强大的竞争对手;可是柯达不此之图,在复印机最后行将完成阶段竟花了10年之久。
    Indeed, for most of the company's 108-year history, it shied away from being first with anything. Kodak could have given Xerox a run for the dry copier market in the 1960's; instead. Kodak spent a decade putting the finishing touches on its copiers.
  • 那个羞怯的女孩坐在不显眼的地
    The shy girl kept in the background.
  • 饰章一种放在盾形纹章上的饰物
    A device placed above the shield on a coat of arms.
  • 这种特殊的金属盾将使子弹改变向。
    This special metal shield will deflect a bullet from its course.
  • 纹章右上角的形部分盾上的一块小角,通常位于右上角
    A small, square division of a shield, usually in the upper right corner.
  • 他遮住头顶上荧光灯曲目的光以保护眼睹。
    He shielded his eyes from, the glare of the overhead fluorescent lights
  • 步兵阵举着搭接着的盾牌和长矛的步兵队伍,由马其顿的菲利普二世发明,被亚历山大大帝使用
    A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, developed by Philip II of Macedon and used by Alexander the Great.
  • 风以逆时针向转变。
    shift to a counterclockwise direction, of the wind.
  • 如果不能打时,就应不失时机,迅速地转移到另一向去。
    if not, they should lose no time in shifting elsewhere.
  • 分散、集中和变换,是游击战争灵活使用兵力的三个法。
    Dispersal, concentration and shifting of position are the three ways of flexibly employing forces in guerrilla warfare.
  • 不思进取的学生;以懒惰的式学习。
    a shiftless student; studied in a shiftless way.
  • 毕业典礼之日,约翰卧病在床,校缺席授予他学士学位。
    On Commencement Day, John was sick in bed and the college gave him his bachelor's degree in absentia.
  • 有的地冰面闪烁着黑色的光芒,而在别的地它清澈晶莹,像一面透镜那样能把景色放大。
    The ice was shimmering black in some places and other places was clear and magnifying as a lens.
  • 它是站在海岸遥望海中已经看得见桅杆尖头了的一只航船,它是立于高山之巅远看东已见光芒四射喷薄欲出的一轮朝日,它是躁动于母腹中的快要成熟了的一个婴儿。
    It is like a ship far out at sea whose mast-head can already be seen from the shore; it is like the morning sun in the east whose shimmering rays are visible from a high mountain top; it is like a child about to be born moving restlessly in its mother's womb.
  • 毕业典礼那天,乔生病卧床。在他缺席的情况下,校授予他学士学位。
    On Commencement Day, Joe was sick on bed the college gave him his bachelor's degree in absentia.
  • 根据提出这条法律的韩国裔参议员保罗-申所说,该项法律得以通过,是因为“东人”是个带贬损味道的专用词,是得罪人的。
    According to the law's sponsor, Korean-American state senator Paull Shin, the law was passed because the term "Oriental" is "pejorative terminology" and "offensive".
  •  根据申先生以及其他对“东人”一词持批评态度的人士所说,这个词得罪了亚洲人,是因为该词隐含着欧洲是世界中心的观点。
    According to Mr Shin and other critics of the word Oriental, the word is offensive to Asians because it implies a Europe-centered view of the world.
  • 的朋友;远的父母
    Absent friends; absent parents.
  • 日本被作为官信仰的神道教的分枝。
    the branch of Shinto recognized as the official state religion of Japan.
  • 作为买,您应该负责租船或订舱位。
    As buyer, you is to charter a ship or book a shipping space.
  • 你们买负责租订船只舱位。
    The buyer is responsible for chartering a ship or booking the shipping space.
  • 因为船期的缘故,我无法在11月底以前将货物装船。
    Owing to the shipping schedule, it will is impossible for us to ship the goods until the end of november.
  • 把船驶向北方。
    Steer the ship north.
  • 余弦以笛卡儿坐标系原点为圆心的单位圆的圆弦端点的横坐标,弧的长度为x,如果x为正,弧的长度则从(1,0)点按逆时针向算起,若x为负,则按顺时针向从(1,0)点算起
    The abscissa at the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system, the arc being of length x and measured counterclockwise from the point(1,0) if x is positive or clockwise if x is negative.
  • 在造船面英国已落在日本后头了。
    Britain has fallen behind Japan in shipbuilding.