  • 一个器有机的生长过程;一个生物体由简单形态逐步向复杂形态转变的纯粹生物学上的展开过程。
    the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level.
  • 有两倍体细胞的器官
    An organism having diploid cells.
  • 或生物体的其它部份
    An organ or other part of an organism.
  • 小孔小口或小洞,如在人体器或人体内的通道上的
    A small opening or orifice, as in a body organ or passage.
  • 土耳其帝国一个地区或省市的长
    the governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire.
  • 周二上午裁定佛州重计票期限。
    DaimlerChrysler said to oust CEO.
  • 法官发出驱逐令。
    The judge makes an ouster order.
  • 器官表面的突起
    An outgrowth on the surface of an organ.
  • 骨突某一器或部位的自然膨胀,突起或外延,如脊椎突
    A natural swelling, projection, or outgrowth of an organ or part, such as the process of a vertebra.
  • 在樟宜国际机场,这种行为基本上是违法的。方鼓励游客拒绝支付一些高级饭店附加在帐单上的10%的服务费。
    It's basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists not to add to the 10% service charge that many highend hotels tack on to the bill.
  • 供应移植网络(optn)数据显示,现在捐献肾脏的活人比死人数量多。
    Living kidney donors now outnumber donations from the dead, according to data from the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN).
  • 即使政府彻底禁止克隆人类,还是很难治理那些在私人实验室里进行的实验,他们不接受方资助,或者那些在海外实验室进行的实验。
    Even if governments ban human cloning outright, it will not be so easy to police what goes on in private laboratories that don't receive public money -- or in pirate ones offshore.
  • 知道会议内情的美国军说,伊拉克开会是对联军进驻杜胡克市的任何行动表示“深切关注”。美军现距该城郊区仅数英里,而且美军攻击飞机不断在该城上空低飞。
    American officers privy to the meeting said the Iraqis had called it to express their "deep concern" over any allied move into Dohuk. American forces are now but a few miles from the outskirts of the city, and American attack planes have been regularly flying low over the city.
  • 雄的,公的属于、表明是或与某种性别有关的,此性别具有能产生使成熟卵子受精的精子的器
    Of, relating to, or designating the sex that has organs to produce spermatozoa for fertilizing ova.
  • 小腔动植物器或身体部分内的小腔或小室。如植物子房内的众多小室
    A small cavity or compartment within an organ or a part of an animal or a plant, as any of the cavities within a plant ovary.
  • 改造军队的政治工作,使兵一致,军民一致。
    Overhaul the political work in the army in order to achieve unity between officers and men and between the army and the people.
  • 1997年行政长董建华上台后,委任以他的变相内阁行政会议成员梁锦松为首的教统会,全盘检讨教育制度,制定新世纪的教育目标。
    After taking over as Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR, Mr Tung Chee Hwa entrusted EC then headed by Mr Anthony Leung Kam-chung, member of his de-facto Cabinet, with the task of overhauling the education system and setting goals for the 21st century.
  • 我们不应该染上“当做老爷”的坏习气。
    We must not catch the bad habit of"acting as overlords".
  • 这位日本外交在谈判中小心谨慎以做到不过高估计自己的力量。
    The Japanese diplomat was careful not to overplay his hand during the negotiations.
  • 法官宣布撤销原判。
    The judge overruled the previous decision.
  • 有海关员驻扎检查进出口人员和货物的港口。
    a port where customs officials are stationed to oversee the entry and exit of people and merchandise.
  • 香港的英国署有时似乎唯北京之命是从。
    British overseers of Hong Kong sometimes seem to be doing Beijing's bidding.
  • 他们和军密谋,以图推翻政府。
    They plotted with the army officers to overthrow the government.
  • 共和党参议员们立刻把问题集中在希尔教授十年以前的动机、行为和决定上,包括何以在托马斯法对她提出她所谓的性要求以后仍愿在另一处与他共事,是否她不易与一般男人相处,当她不再受雇于托马斯法以后为何打电话给他。
    Republican Senators immediately zeroed in on Professor Hill's motives, conduct and decision 10 years ago, including why she took another job with Judge Thomas after he first made what she called sexual overtures, whether she had difficulty in general dealing with men, why she called Judge Thomas after leaving his employ.
  • (植物学)有雌蕊,或雌蕊群的,种子植物产生胚珠的器组织。
    (botany) having gynoecia, or pistils, the ovule-bearing organ of a seed plant.
  • 闭孔肌器性构造,如软腭,用以关闭身体开口
    An organic structure, such as the soft palate, that closes an opening in the body.
  • 吏属于或有关于宫廷吏的
    Of or relating to a palatine or palatinate.
  • 宫庭吏的办公室,职权和领地
    The office, powers, or territory of a palatine.
  • 这是个值得关注的现象,某个程度上,它透露了方与民间互信不足,也暗示了阴影的确缠绕人们心头。
    This should be viewed with some concern. To a certain extent, it reveals a lack of sufficient trust between the government and the people. It also hints at the very real shadows that cast a pall over the people.
  • 同少校阶者在其他军事或者准军事组织中的相同军衔
    A similar rank in another military or paramilitary organization.
  • 一位军手持白旗来和我们的将军谈判.
    An officer came forward with a white flag to parley with our general.
  • 敌军举着白旗走过来要和我们司令谈判。
    The enemy officer came forward with a white flag to parley with our general.