Chinese English Sentence:
  • 一种柔软的起毛皮革,以前由岩羚羊皮制成,但现在由羊皮制成。
    a soft suede leather formerly from the sheep of the chamois antelope but now from sheepskin.
  • 但我要告诉你们,我是一位家长,也曾是一位毕业生。而且对这份家长的工作我做的比我所挣的学位花了的心思,更更专心的学习,更的金钱和感情投人。
    But I've got to tell you I've been both a parent and a graduate -- and parenting took more of my thoughts, more concentrated learning, more money, and a greater emotional toll -- than any sheepskin I've earned.
  • 鹿皮一种柔软的,黄灰色的革,常有一层麂皮抛光,以前由鹿皮制成,但现在由羊皮制成
    A soft, grayish-yellow leather usually having a suede finish, once made from deerskins but now generally made from sheepskins.
  • 他们纯靠人势众在争论中获胜。
    They won the argument by sheer weight of numbers.
  •  国际人口科学联盟(iussp)理事蒋正华指出:“从我们看到的情况来说,这个片子中描写的很事情,有一些完全是无中生有,有一些是被歪曲了。
    Jiang Zhenghua, council member of the IUSSP, pointed out, ``As far as what we have seen is concerned, of the many things described in the telefilm some are sheerly concocted out of thin air and some are distortions.
  • 尔后调用此风格单的每一页下载速度就快得了,改变一个网站的外观也简化了,因为你只须改几张风格单,而不是成千上万的html页。
    Every subsequent page that refers to that style sheet downloads much more quickly.Changing the look of the site is simplified because you have to change only a few style sheets, not thousands of HTML pages.
  • 单张地图用的比例大得
    Sheet maps use a much larger scale.
  • 十年来,各地妇联争取国际援助扶贫项目1000个,吸引外资6000万美元,直接参加项目活动的妇女近百万人。
    For over ten years, women's federations have won international financial support over 1,000 aid-to-the-poor projects with nearly one million women participating, absorbing over 60 million US dollars.
  • 珊瑚兰属的一种野花,根且坚硬寄生于菌类中、依赖菌类吸取林地中的养分。
    a wildflower of the genus Corallorhiza growing from a hard mass of rhizomes associated with a fungus that aids in absorbing nutrients from the forest floor.
  • 我的心像枚彩的贝壳。
    My heart is like a rainbow shell
  • 囊包裹着一定细菌的黏糖外壳
    A mucopolysaccharide outer shell enveloping certain bacteria.
  • 李树一种李属灌木或小树,结有果皮光滑、肉可食的果实,这种果实有一个包着种子的硬壳果核
    Any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Prunus, bearing smooth-skinned, fleshy, edible fruit with a single hard-shelled stone that encloses the seed.
  • 种调料的肉汤里煮成的米饭,有洋葱或芹菜,通常有家禽或野味或甲壳类动物的肉,有时还有番茄。
    rice cooked in well-seasoned broth with onions or celery and usually poultry or game or shellfish and sometimes tomatoes.
  • 炮击后,很人都失去了记忆力;有的人记忆力比别人好。
    After the shelling, many people lost the ability to remember; some remember better than others.
  • 罗斯和她的合作者雪莉·伦德伯格还发现,男孩子的父亲为家庭花的钱比女孩子的父亲要,而他们加班工作的时间也更一些。她们把这一结论刊登在五月的《人口统计学》杂志上。
    She and colleague Shelly Lundberg, writing in the May issue of the journal Demography, had earlier found that fathers of sons spend more money on their families and worked more additional hours than the fathers of girls.
  • 他在乡村生活,避免了很烦恼。
    He has led a sheltered life in the countryside.
  • 一种孔的硅石,有很强的吸收能力。
    a porous form of silica that is highly absorbent.
  • 我们少代以来都一直住在被屏蔽的山谷里。
    We have been living in a sheltered valley for generations.
  • 香港地瘠山,水源缺乏,唯一的天然资产就是优良的海港,有群山作为屏障,是停泊船只的理想港口。
    Its mountainous terrain deficient in fertile land and water, Hong Kong possessed only one natural asset - a fine and sheltered anchorage.
  • 缓冲器使震动减少了许.
    Buffers absorbed most of the shock.
  • 珍珠的光泽吸引了很人。
    The pearly sheen absorbed many people.
  • 碳链不能再吸收更氢的脂肪酸,主要存在于动物脂肪中。
    a fatty acid whose carbon chain cannot absorb any more hydrogen; found chiefly in animal fats.
  • 我们的书架不够用,放不下这麽书。
    We haven't enough shelves to keep all our books on.
  • 你认为那些书架撑得住这么书吗?
    Do you think those shelves can support so many books?
  • 罐头食品排列在货架上。
    Plenty of canned foodstuffs were lined up on the shelves.
  • 空气的温度越高,它能吸收的水蒸气就越
    The higher the temperature of the air, the more water vapor can it absorb.
  • 吃了许这种植物的兔子会把植物里所有的毒素都吸收进去。
    A rabbit eating many such plants may absorb the toxin in all the plants.
  • 按照冷静观察、沉着应对的方针和相互尊重、求同存异的精神处理国际事务,尊重世界样性,促进国际关系民主化,争取和平的国际环境和良好的周边环境。
    In handling international affairs, we should observe and cope with the situation cool-headedly, adhere to the principle of mutual respect and seek common ground while shelving differences. We need to respect the diversity of the world, promote democracy in international relations and strive for a peaceful international environment and a good climate in areas around China.
  • 坚持中国共产党的领导,巩固和完善人民民主专政的国体和人民代表大会制度的政体,坚持和完善共产党领导的党合作和政治协商制度以及民族区域自治制度。
    We will develop friendly relations and cooperation with all other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We will oppose hegemonism and power politics and promote the establishment of a fair and rational new international political and economic order. In handling international affairs, we should observe and cope with the situation cool-headedly, adhere to the principle of mutual respect and seek common ground while shelving differences.
  • 了,很难一下完全吸收
    It 's too much for me to absorb all at once
  • 了,很难一下完全吸收。
    It's too much for me to absorb all at once.
  • 一个不识字的放羊娃在有关羊的知识方面比饱读诗书的人所懂得要
    A shepherd who cannot read will known more about sheep than the wisest bookworm.