  • 根据交易所每日公布的结算价格,张三每天的损益点数就如附表第4栏所示,每天的损益金额则于第5栏。
    This daily computation of profits and losses will be carried out until the position is squared off by an offsetting trade. In the table, Mr Tan's daily gains (or losses) are shown in Columns (4) and (5).
  • 根据交易所每日公布的结算价格,张三每天的损益点数就如附表第4栏所示,每天的损益金额则于第5栏。
    Then, his daily gain (or loss) will be determined by the settlement price at the end of each day. This daily computation of profits and losses will be carried out until the position is squared off by an offsetting trade. In the table, Mr Tan's daily gains (or losses) are shown in Columns (4) and (5).
  • 你把华滋华斯为哪一类诗人?
    How do you rank Wordsworth as a poet?
  • 最近,一位名叫友吉中元寺的九州岛老人被为世界上最长寿的男人。
    Recently, another Kyushu resident was hailed as the world's oldest man.
  • 在同一届奥运会上获得7块金牌,(马特-波因迪以五块的成绩紧随其后);在同一届奥运会上夺得奖牌数第一,(与马特-波因迪并)。
    has the most gold medals at one Olympiad at 7 (Biondi trails at 5), and has the most total medals in one Olympiad (tied with Biondi).
  • 年,举重被入了奥运项目。
    Weightlifting became an Olympic sport in 1896.
  • 车员:我们有英文的,也有其他几种语言的。
    We have English ones, and also ones in several other languages.
  • 我搭上列车。
    I get onto a train.
  • emsap主动告警表ecpsdp2131,cell#或apcli或emscli,使用op:apstatus命令获得基站状态ecpsdp2131-小区设备状态页用来查看信令链路告警的ems告警表检查ap及相关的被管理对象活动omp上的ropmon日志文件
    EMS AP Active Alarm listECP SDP 2131, cell # or AP CLI or EMS CLI, using the OP:AP STATUS commandobtain base station statusECP SDP 2131 - Cell Equipment Status PageEMS Alarms List to see signaling link alarmsreview AP and associated managed object activity ROPMON log files on the OMP
  • 车一出发就开饭了。
    It opens as soon as the train starts.
  • 操作的操作的,与操作或一系操作有关的
    Of or relating to an operation or a series of operations.
  • 是一系相关活动的运作中心。
    the operational center for a group of related activities.
  •  营业性场所有下行为之一的,责令限期改正;
    Operational places with one of the following conducts shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit;
  • 1840年鸦片战争以后,新疆受到沙俄等强的侵略。
    Following the Opium War of 1840, Xinjiang was subject to aggression from Tsarist Russia and other powers.
  • 马克思宁主义者要权,不能让权被机会主义者拿到手上。
    Marxist-Leninists want power and they see to it that it is not seized by opportunists.
  • 狄摩西尼希腊演说家,他的成名主要基于勉励雅典市民起来反抗马其顿国王腓力二世的一系演讲强烈抨击
    Greek orator whose reputation is based mainly on his Philippics, a series of orations exhorting the citizens of Athens to rise up against Philip II of Macedon.
  • 将两个或多个有序子集中项目集合的排按所指明的顺序改变成一个或多个子集,每个子集包含若干个(通常为一个)来自每个原先子集中的项目,但不一定和任何原先子集中的排序一样。
    To alter the arrangement of a set of items from two or more ordered subsets to one or more other subsets each containing a number of items, commonly one, from each of the original subsets in a specified order that is not necessarily the order of any of the original subsets.
  • 排列安排或排序
    An arrangement or ordering.
  • 兹向贵公司订购下货品:
    We have now much pleasure in ordering from you the following goods:-
  • 表数据中的一种有序排,尤指其中的数据按基本上构成一个矩形的竖行和横行进行排的一张表格
    An orderly arrangement of data, especially one in which the data are arranged in columns and rows in an essentially rectangular form.
  • 系统的有秩序的排
    a systematic orderly arrangement.
  • 在规则时间的一系有秩序的活动。
    a series of orderly actions at regular hours.
  • 一连串有联系的事件或思想的有序连续;一系
    An orderly succession of related events or thoughts; a sequence.
  • 第十五在一系中排在第十五的序数
    The ordinal number matching the number15 in a series.
  • 第十四一序数词,一系数中的第十四个
    The ordinal number matching the number14 in a series.
  • 按计数顺序五十的序数。
    the ordinal number of fifty in counting order.
  • 按计数顺序四十的序数。
    the ordinal number of forty in counting order.
  • 按计数顺序九十的序数。
    the ordinal number of ninety in counting order.
  • 按计数顺序七十的序数。
    the ordinal number of seventy in counting order.
  • 按计数顺序六十的序数。
    the ordinal number of sixty in counting order.
  • 按计数顺序十亿的序数。
    the ordinal number of one billion in counting order.
  • 按计数顺序一百的序数。
    the ordinal number of one hundred in counting order.