  • 柬埔寨爆發戰後,中國使館積極幫助生命財産受到嚴重威脅的臺灣商人和旅遊者安全轉移和撤離。
    When the civil war in Cambodia broke out, the Chinese embassy lost no time in helping Taiwanese business people and tourists whose lives and property were seriously imperiled by the war to move to safe places.
  • 在得不到新鮮食物和水的時候,駱駝可以消耗它肉峰儲存的脂肪維持生命。
    When fresh food and water are not available, the camel can feed off its hump.
  • 它們多生活在非洲,喀麥隆和加納和幾亞。
    They live in Africa, from Cameroon to Gabon and Guinea.
  • 雖說有過一些友善的調情信號,坎貝爾還嚮巴斯滕保證,如果她送給自己一張照片的話,他會把它當作偶像照片釘在墻上。這位前海員稱兩人談及的容純粹是關於各自家乡和學校的事。
    Despite some mild flirting - Campbell assured Batstone if she sent him a picture he would make her the pin-up girl of the ship - the former sailor says the contacts were purely innocent messages about their hometowns and school backgrounds.
  • 復方樟腦酊,止痛劑一種用於緩解腹瀉和腸痛的含樟腦的服鴉片酊劑
    A camphorated tincture of opium, taken internally for the relief of diarrhea and intestinal pain.
  • 雷剋雅未剋有各種不同層次的居住條件:設有良好會議設施的國際標準大酒店,各種小型賓館和舒適友好的客房。當然你還可以在市最大的公園裏選擇宿營。
    A full range of accommodations is available in Reykiavík, from international-standard hotels with good conference facilities, through smaller hotels and cozy guesthouses, to a campsite in the city's biggest park.
  • 我住在校園內。
    I live on campus.
  • 校園的持不同意見者
    The dissident element on campus.
  • 然而,園區出現的新要求正在挑戰這種佈置。
    However, new requirements emerging in the campus are challenging this arrangement.
  • 參照17日貴電,價格c&f含貴公司1.5%佣金在
    Yours 17th price candy including yours 1.5%
  • 這些青少年接受的調查容包括對大麻、安非他明、興奮劑、迷幻藥、鎮靜劑等藥物的服用和酗酒的情況。
    They were questioned about their use of cannabis, amphetamines, ecstasy, LSD, tranquilizers and alcohol.
  • 然而,這些司機中也有許多酒精測試陽性者,即使是僅僅涉及大麻的案例也不能與受大麻影響的駕車者劃等號,因為大麻在體停留的時間很久。
    However, many of these drivers also test positive for alcohol, and even the cases involving just cannabis cannot be equated with people driving under the influence because the drug lingers so long in the body.
  • 庫魯病一種致命的、漸進性變性的神經係統疾病,由一種慢性病毒引起,在新幾亞的某些部落中發現,由吃人肉的習俗傳染
    A fatal progressive, degenerative neurological disease caused by a slow-acting virus, found in certain peoples of New Guinea and transmitted by cannibalism.
  • 一種能在相對近的射程高角度射擊的大炮。
    a cannon that can be fired at a high elevation for relatively short ranges.
  • 管子進入身體部的插入。
    the insertion of a cannula into a body cavity.
  • 末道漆用於塗在食物罐頭或飲料罐頭壁的末道漆
    A finish that is baked onto the inside of food and beverage cans.
  • 裝在紙板箱的罐頭;盛牛奶的紙盒
    Cans packed in cartons; a milk carton.
  • 肉類、魚和蔬菜常裝於罐
    Meat , fish and vegetables are often packed in cans.
  • 原油庫存減少無法保證年交貨甚歉。
    Crudeoil stock running low regret cant guarantee delivery thisyear.
  • 有酒;水壺有淡水;鐵罐有水。
    The jar carries wine; The canteen holds fresh water; This can contains water.
  • 內眥褶
    fold of inner canthus
  • 紅磡灣填海區已開拓的36公頃土地,將用作興建私人及公共房屋、進行商業發展計劃、擴建現有的九廣鐵路貨運場、興建政府、團體及社區設施、學校、遊憩用地,以及進行道路工程。
    The 36 hectares of land formed at Hung Hom Bay Reclamation will be used for private and public housing, commercial development, extension of the existing Kowloon-Canton Railway freight yard, government, institutional and community facilities, schools, open space and road works.
  • 文物年的主要活動包括二月二十一日在遮打花園舉行大型開幕典禮、三月九日在粉嶺竜躍頭舉行"文物日",讓市民藉參觀古老村落、觀賞粵劇及舞獅和品嚐盤菜,從而體驗昔日別具特色的鄉村生活,以及分別在前九竜英童學校、九竜寨城公園前寨城衙門和東涌炮臺舉行4個古跡音樂會。
    Highlights included a grand opening ceremony in Chater Garden on February 21; a Heritage Day at Lung Yeuk Tau, Fanling, at which members of the public were able to enjoy the unique past of a historic rural area through tours of historic villages, a Cantonese opera performance, lion dance and a basin meal on March 9; and four heritage concerts held at the former Kowloon British School, the former Yamen Buildings in the Kowloon Walled City Park and the Tung Chung Fort respectively.
  • 物體在一定距離被清晰看到的程度。
    capability of providing a clear unobstructed view.
  • 多數商品化的路由器都有某種建的包過濾功能。
    Most commercial routers have some kind of built-in packet filtering capability.
  • 部充滿物體而飽滿堅硬的狀態。
    (biology) the normal rigid state of fullness of a cell or blood vessel or capillary resulting from pressure of the contents against the wall or membrane.
  • 在密封的毛細管的底部有裝有水銀的球狀物,嚮上通有小管隨着溫度的上升水銀會上升。
    mercury contained in a bulb at the bottom of a graduated sealed capillary tube expands with a rise in temperature causing a thin thread of mercury to rise in the tube.
  • 人均國生産總值由1952年的166元提高到2001年的7913元。
    The per-capita GDP rose from 166 yuan in 1952 to 7,913 yuan in 2001.
  • 截至二零零一年年底,香港股票市場的資本總值為38,850億元,是世界上排行第十的市場,在亞洲則排行第三,緊隨日本市場和地巿場(上海與深圳)。
    With a total market capitalisation of $3,885 billion as at end 2001, the Hong Kong stock market ranked 10th in the world and third in Asia, following Japan and the Mainland (Shanghai and Shenzhen).
  • 在行使特區政府在貿易,財政與經濟事務上自主權的同時,我們亦會好好利用香港與地兩者之間的競爭優勢,為雙方帶來最高的經濟效益。
    While maintaining our autonomy in trade, financial and economic matters, the Special Administrative Region Government will work with the Mainland to capitalise on our relative competitive advantages and maximise our mutual economic benefits.
  • 這些都是使國民黨不易投降妥協和不易舉行全國反共戰爭的國條件。
    These are the domestic factors which render it difficult for the Kuomintang to capitulate or compromise, or to launch a nationwide anti-Communist war.
  • (二)中國其他黨派(包括國民黨在)的黨員,懍於民族危亡的巨禍,必有很多不願意投降和戰的。
    Many members of other parties and groups (including the Kuomintang) who are apprehensive of the disaster of national subjugation certainly have no wish to capitulate and fight a civil war.