  • 在17和18世纪,中国艺术、建筑学以及哲学,非常受到西方的欣赏。中国的奢侈品,例如丝绸、茶和瓷器大受欢迎,也深刻的改变了一西方人的生活方式。
    In the 17th and 18th centuries, Chinese art, architecture and philosophy were much admired in the West, and Chinese luxury goods like silks, teas and porcelain were in great demand and transformed their way of life drastically.
  • 临走的时候,阿巧带了一蚕卵和一袋桑籽。
    When she left, Aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her.
  • 这些蚕的吐丝量很大.
    The silkworms are producing well.
  • 她告诉阿巧,这雪白的虫子叫做蚕,它们吃的叶子叫桑叶。
    She told Aqiao that these white worms were called silkworms and the leaves they ate were called mulberry leaves.
  • 他用一愚蠢的问题打岔。
    He interrupted with silly questions.
  • 他老是问愚蠢的问题。
    He will ask silly questions.
  • 他老是提愚蠢的问题。
    He's always asking silly questions.
  • 把绳子放松些。
    Give the rope some play.
  • 不要老问这愚蠢的问题。
    Don't keep on asking such silly questions!
  • 懂技术的工商管理硕士现在"最大的就业市场"是《财富》杂志所列"500强":如联邦特快、gte通讯公司、花旗集团。这公司正全力拓展与消费者和供应商这两方面的电子商务。
    And “ the biggest market” for tech? savvy M.B.A.’ s is now the Fortune 500: companies like FedEx,GTE,and Citibank that are aggressively preparing to deal online with both consumers and suppliers.
  • 他们把那银杯子熔化开了。
    They melted down the silver cups.
  • 书蛀虫那污染书本并以粘合物中的浆糊为食的昆虫中的任一种,尤指书虱和蠹虫
    Any of various insects, especially booklice and silverfish, that infest books and feed on the paste in the bindings.
  • 蛹某昆虫,如蠹虫和蚱蜢的幼虫形态。通常和成年形状相像但形状小并且缺少完全发育的翅膀
    The larval form of certain insects, such as silverfish and grasshoppers, usually resembling the adult form but smaller and lacking fully developed wings.
  • 在那银器以外,还有两个粗重的银烛台,是从他一个姑祖母的遗产中得来的。
    To this silverware must be added two large candlesticks of massive silver, which he had inherited from a great-aunt.
  • 在相应的某品质上具有类同性。
    similarity by virtue of correspondence.
  • 相似,类似不同事物的某方面具有的相似性
    Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
  • 由于格调、式样和气势相类似,各有一定数量的民房与上述每座独具特色的历史古迹紧密相联系。这民房分散在不同的街区,但行家的目光还是一眼便可把它们区分开来,并确定其年代,只要善于识别,哪怕是一把敲门槌,也能从中发现某个时代的精神和某个国王的面貌。
    To each of these characteristic monuments there is attached by a similarity of taste, fashion, and attitude, a certain number of houses scattered about in different quarters and which the eyes of the connoisseur easily distinguishes and furnishes with a date. When one knows how to look, one finds the spirit of a century, and the physiognomy of a king, even in the knocker on a door.
  • 参加奥运会的运动员们也发出了同样的感慨,他们对这个极具挑战性的场地给予了高度的评价。
    The Olympic athletes were similarly impressed.They spoke very highly of the challenging courses.
  • 掏出一些钱
    Taking out some money
  • 同样,饮酒的妇女智商比那完全不喝酒的妇女要高2.5个百分点。
    Similarly, the IQ of women drinkers showed an improvement of 2.5 points over their teetotal sisters.
  • 把肉汤炖得稍稍再稠吧。
    Let the broth simmer down a bit more.
  • 给我放派特·赛门最近灌制的唱片。
    Play me Pat Simon 's latest disc.
  • 女性喜欢处理事务的老办法。
    Some like the older ways of doing things.
  • 西蒙各处兜了一下,看看他的建议能够得到一什么支持。
    Simon was shopping around to see what support he could get for his proposals.
  • 在某方面你是对的。
    In some ways you are right.
  • 有颜色更浅一的吗?
    Have you got anything simpler?
  • 操纵起来与真飞机一样,只不过更简单,是给小孩子预备的。
    It operates just like a real plane, but only simpler and meant for a kid.
  • 头脑简单的年轻人看不清生活中的那虚假外表,而为它们的美所倾倒,就像音乐一样,它们先令人陶醉松弛,继而令人意志薄弱,最后诱人走上岐路。
    Unrecognised for what they are, their beauty, like music, too often relaxes, then weakens, then perverts the simpler human perceptions.
  • 我们班有同学心不在焉,就连最简单的问题,他们也答不上来。
    Some of the kids in my class are out to lunch. They can't even answer the simplest questions.
  • [戈尔巴乔夫夫人]传记的特点是神秘兮兮,可是也被克里姆林宫学专家们抢购一空。这专家们连有关苏联第一夫人最简单的事实也被蒙在鼓里,无从得知。
    The biography was characteristically cryptic but was snapped up by Kremlinologists who have been kept in the dark on even the simplest facts about the Soviet First Lady.
  • 系统调试中重要的第一步,用单步方式检查出可使信息送入寄存器的最简单的指令以及那允许建立系统状态的指令。
    An important first step in system debug which checks out in a single step mode the simplest instructions that enable information to is entered into registers and which permit system states to is set up.
  • 莎士比亚在他的悲剧中经常安排一小丑、傻瓜或头脑简单的人物插科打诨,使观众得到片刻轻松的场面。
    Shakespeare, in his tragedies, often includes a few short scenes where the antics and conversation of jesters, simpletons, or homespun wits provide comic relief.