  • 再过些时候,自会有更聪明的人现。
    By and by some wiser man will appear.
  • 所以,人得理性思考、正确判断,听取相左的意见并尽可能做最明智的决定。
    One uses reason and good judgment; listens to the opposing points of view and makes the wisest decision possible.
  • 我只想表现一种为中国最优越最睿智的哲人们所知道,并且在他们的民间智慧和文学里表现来的人生观和事物观。
    I am interested only in presenting a view of life and of things as the best and wisest Chinese minds have seen it and expressed it in their folk wisdom and their literature.
  • 他们从一种侥幸心理发,希望用几个台儿庄一类的胜仗就能打败日本,免得在持久战中动员人民力量,危及自己阶级的安全。
    Indulging in wishful thinking, this clique hoped that a few more victories of the Taierhchuang type would stop Japan's advance and that there would be no need to mobilize the people for a protracted war, which would threaten the security of its own class.
  • 他满怀渴望地沉溺于名的梦想之中。
    he wishfully indulged in dreams of fame.
  • 他们计划进行足够场次的演来满足所有想听的人。
    They scheduled enough performances to satisfy all those wishing to hear them.
  • 一绺头发从她的帽下露来。
    A wisp of hair had escaped from under her hat.
  • 一绺灰白头发从她的帽子下露了
    A wisp of gray hair sticks out from under her hat
  • lan几乎不敢再看yee,但是yee放了一团气雾来安慰lan。
    Lan was almost afraid to look at Yee,but Yee reached out a wisp of atmosphere in comfort.
  • 那男孩看著展的玩具,眼中流露渴望的神情。
    The boy looks with wistful eyes at the toy on display.
  • 那男孩看著展的玩具,眼中流露渴望的神情
    The boy looks with wistful eyes at the toy on display
  • “它非常高兴能来了,”玛丽若有所思地说,“我想我们再也见不到它了。”
    “He’s so glad to be out,” Mary said wistfully,” I don’t think we’ll ever see him again.
  • 他瞥了一眼在读信的朋友和桌上的书,眼里立即闪一种期待和渴望的光,有如饥饿的人看到了食物。
    He glanced around at his friend reading the letter and saw the books on the table. Into his eyes leaped a wistfulness and a yearning as promptly as the yearning leaps into the eyes of a starving man at sight of food.
  • 奥斯卡王尔德是个名的才子。
    Oscar Wilde was a famous wit.
  • 老板丢了一份与另一公司的重要合同,所以他正准备进行调查,并列了上周到过他办公室的人的名单。
    The boss has lost an important contract to another company, so now he's organizing a witch hunt and is making lists of those who were in his office during last week.
  • 他退出比赛。
    He withdrew from the race.
  • 将军决定撤他的士兵。
    The general decided to withdraw his soldiers.
  • 退比赛因失利而退游戏
    To withdraw from a game in defeat.
  • 你为什么从比赛中退
    Why do you withdraw from the competition?
  • 我们的部队已从危险地带撤
    Our forces have been withdraw from the danger area.
  • (指舰)退现役的。
    (of a ship) withdrawn from active service.
  • 他从自己账户中取200英镑。
    He has withdrawn £ 2 0 0 from his account.
  • 退者退某一社会团体环境的人
    One who has withdrawn from a given social group or environment.
  • 凡高的画因价未达拍卖底价而收回。
    The Van Gogh failed to reach its reserve and was withdrawn.
  • 锁簧锁上的金属条或杆,旋转锁可将其压进或抽锁孔
    A metal bar or rod in the mechanism of a lock that is thrown or withdrawn by turning the key.
  • 支左部队撤地方,人走了,影响还在。
    Although the army comrades who were sent to "support the Left" have been withdrawn from the civilian units, their influence persists.
  •  申请人要求本国优先权的,其在先申请自后一申请提之日起即视为撤回。
    Where the domestic priority is claimed, the earlier application shall be deemed to be withdrawn from the date on which the later application is filed.
  • 演出时请勿吸烟。
    Please withhold from smoking during the perfomance.
  • 西藏农业自然条件差,基础设施薄弱,粮食产水平低,抵御自然灾害的能力差。
    In Tibet, the natural conditions for agriculture are poor, infrastructure is weak, grain productivity is low and the capability to withstand natural disasters is low.
  • 亚洲金融危机以来,香港特区政府沉着应对,采取了一系列有效措施,经受住了严峻考验,显示管理香港社会、驾驭复杂局势的能力。
    Since the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis, the HKSAR government has calmly coped with the situation and withstood this severe test by adopting a series of effective measures, thereby demonstrating its ability to run Hong Kong society and deal with complicated situations.
  • 警方呼吁目击者挺身而
    Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.
  • 证人提了新的证据。
    The witness brought up fresh evidence.