  • 你暑假期去过什麽地方吗?
    Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation?
  • 事件时间ecpsdpap指示器
    event timeECP SDP AP indicator
  • ap状态页显示apap-lan的状态。
    The AP Status Page shows the status of the AP-LAN between the APs.
  • 没有,影印机太贵了,而且我没有足够空摆放。
    No, it's too expensive to buy a photocopier and I don't have enough apace for one.
  • 对西藏民族民文化艺术遗产进行大规模、有系统的普查、搜集、采录、整理、研究和编辑出版的工作一直在加紧进行。
    The work to systematically investigate, collect, record, collate, study, compile and publish the traditional cultural heritage of Tibet on a large scale is continuing apace.
  • 这几个市镇相距有很多英里;两腿叉开站着;出生时相距两年。
    These towns are many miles apart; stood with his legs apart; born two years apart.
  • 远离的在空上分离或分开的
    Separate or apart in space.
  • 栏杆之相距两英尺;出生相隔三年
    Railings spaced two feet apart; born three years apart.
  • 公寓,卧室某人的公寓或房
    One's apartment or room.
  • 你可以带我们看看这公寓吗?
    Will you show us the apartment?
  • 我们有一层两个房的公寓。
    We have a 2-room apartment.
  • 公寓里有家具,是吧?
    The apartment is furnished, isn't it?
  • 他的电话号码;房
    His telephone number; the apartment number.
  • 房间的视野好吗?
    And does the apartment have a view?
  • 他和弟弟同住一公寓。
    He shares an apartment with his brother.
  • 我正在找一层有两卧房的公寓。
    I'm looking for a two bedroom apartment.
  • 这套房本来是准备给5口人住的。
    The apartment was originally meant for five.
  • 与工作接踵而来的是一免交租金的公寓。
    with the job came a rent-free apartment.
  • 没有电梯大楼的楼上房
    an apartment in a building without an elevator.
  • 在意大利罗马繁华的购物街,当大多数人聚在酒吧享受鸡尾酒的时候,在一新潮的酒吧里,女士们品味的却是另一道"开胃酒":香水。
    It's cocktail hour in Rome's posh shopping district, but women at one trendy bar are trying a new kind of aperitif: perfume.
  • 一个暗的空隙通过表面的缝隙外面物体的影像可以投射的暗的空
    a darkened enclosure in which images of outside objects are projected through an aperture onto a facing surface.
  • 吹口哨通过迫使空气穿过牙齿隙或穿过由噘嘴形成的小缝隙而发出清晰的乐音
    To produce a clear musical sound by forcing air through the teeth or through an aperture formed by pursing the lips.
  • 梁腋,拱腋拱门上任意一个从拱顶到拱墩的部分
    Either of the sides of an arch, curving down from the apex to an impost.
  • 顶点处有一块空白的拱;这个隙通常充满了装饰品。
    an arch with a gap at the apex; the gap is usually filled with some decoration.
  • 她的名声越来越大,一段时以后,人们开始传说她的美不可能是人所有的,她一定是一位女神。于是人们渐渐地不再去美与爱之神阿芙洛狄特的神庙,转而膜拜波西卡。
    Her popularity and her fame grew and after a while,people came to say her beauty was too great for that of a mere mortal. She must in fact be a goddess,and they began to desert the temple of Aphrodite,Goddess of Beauty and Love. They actually began to worship Psyche.
  • 港口区总经理奥斯卡·贝纳说:"我们需要更多的时才能决定这些假猫头鹰是不是真的不起作用。"他说这些每只价值40美元的假猫头鹰,只能吓退百分之三十至四十盘旋在附近的海鸥。
    "We need to give them more time before we decide they don't work," said Oscar Pena, the Port District's general manager, who noted the owls, which cost about $40 apiece, only are supposed to scare 30 percent to 40 percent of the gulls that land nearby.
  • 然而空行星多不可数;
    But with planets aplenty;
  • 阿波罗号宇航员们预定在当地时下午3时溅落在海面上。
    The Apollo astronauts scheduled to splash down at 3 pm local time.
  • 阿波罗号宇航员计划当地时下午两点在海上降落。
    The Apollo astronauts are scheduled to splash down at 2 p.m. local time.
  •  随后,他们在小房里向我道歉。
    After that, they apologized to me in the small room.
  • 尽管挤得汗流浃背,上气不接下气,却只是白费劲:好象一只楔子深陷在木头里,越用力反而越卡得紧,他越是挣扎,大脑袋瓜越是紧夹在左右旁边人的肩膀中,又气又恼,充血的大脸盘涨得紫红。
    but he puffed and panted in vain. Like a wedge being driven into wood, his struggles only served to fix his broad apoplectic face, purple with anger and vexation, more firmly between the shoulders of his neighbours.
  • 例如说,在全国解放以后,不到两三年的时,我们就改变了旧社会那种极端腐败的社会风气,树立了具有优良道德品质的新的社会风气,难道没有广大人民群众自觉自愿的行动和群众之的相互教育、相互劝导和相互帮助,能够收到这样的效果吗?
    Here is yet another example. In less than three years after nationwide liberation, we got rid of the appallingly corrupt social conduct of the old days and fostered new social conduct with fine moral character. How could such results have been obtained without the conscientious and voluntary participation of the masses, without their learning from each other, offering advice to each other and helping each other?