  • 快速而且续的传递语言信息(说或写)。
    the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written).
  • 许多链环在一起组成链条。
    A lot of links fitted together form a chain.
  • 这两个城镇由一条铁路接起来。
    The two towns are linked by a railway.
  • 它们在哪里连接?
    Where do they link up?
  • 微弱的无线电信号;薄弱的接。
    a weak radio signal; a weak link.
  • 在计算机程序设计中提供一种接(的操作)。
    In computer programming, to provide a link.
  • 铁路把各个城镇与首都接起来。
    Railway lines link country towns with the capital.
  • 首次两卫星在太空中
    The first link-up of two satellites in space
  • 果蝇基因分为四个锁群。
    the genes of Drosophila fall into four linkage groups.
  • 联盟不大可能的同伴或因素之间的接或联系
    A linkage or connection, often between unlikely associates or factors.
  • 有时用于说明接编辑程序或接装入程序的功能的一种术语。这种功能可把两个或多个代码模块组合在一起以产生一个单一的装入模块。
    A term sometimes applied to the function of a linkage editor or linkage loader in combining two or more modules of code to produce a single load module.
  • 方向盘接到机动车辆的转向联动装置的传动装置。
    a gear that couples the the steering wheel to the steering linkage of a motor vehicle.
  • 当方便这种直接接所需的技术开发出来时,san对网络管理员来说就变得更重要了。
    When the technology needed to facilitate this direct linkage is developed, SANs will become even more important to network managers.
  • 但当我们看到股票和期货市场的活动与货币市场的活动有很清楚的锁关系,我们会做我们所应该做的事。
    But if we see speculative activities with clear linkage in the stock and futures markets on the one hand and the currency market on the other, we will continue to do what is necessary.
  • 接机动车辆前轮的杆或杠杆系统;操作系统推动转向杆系左右运动使得车辆旋转运动。
    a system of rods and levers connected to the front wheels of a motor vehicle; the steering gear pushes the steering linkage left or right which swivels the front wheels causing the vehicle to turn.
  • 两个星期前,我们叁与股票和期货市场的交易。我们这样做,是因为有充分证据显示,股票和期货市场的投机活动与货币市场的投机活动是相的。
    When we entered the stock and futures markets some two weeks ago, we did it because there was strong evidence of linkage in the speculative activities between stock and futures markets on the one hand and the currency market on the other.
  • 在网络中,指由数据链路接的或共享公共控制的设备、程序或区域。
    In a network, pertaining to devices, programs, or domains that are connected by a data link or that share common control.
  • 密切关联的;在一起的
    Closely associated; linked together
  • 我们的心是紧紧相的。
    Our hearts are closely linked.
  • 这些紧连在一起。
    These are closely linked together.
  • 他把所有的东西接起来。
    He linked all the things together.
  • 所有的房间都与主开关接。
    All rooms are linked to the main switchboard.
  • 接的或者联合的或者结合的。
    be or become joined or united or linked.
  • 象用燕尾槽紧密接在一起。
    linked or locked closely together as by dovetailing.
  • 他们用电话把两个地区接起来。
    They linked up the two areas by telephone.
  • 这些河流由一条新运河接起来。
    These rivers were linked by a new canal.
  • 两个城镇有运河相
    The two towns are linked by a canal.
  • 事物之间接的方式。
    the means of connection between things linked in series.
  • 像链子一样接在一起的状态。
    the state of being linked together as in a chain; union in a linked series.
  • 锁系列紧密相接的系列,尤指节录作品或评论
    A closely linked series, especially of excerpted writings or commentaries.
  • 虽然他住院了,他的心还和群众在一起。
    Although in hospital, his heart remained linked with the masses.
  • 他和群众心连心。
    His heart is linked with the hearts of the masses.