  • 长春类植物任何一种属于长春属的直生草类,尤指长春朵有玫瑰粉色或白色的托盘状
    Any of several erect herbs of the genus Catharanthus, especially C. roseus, having flowers with a rose-pink or white salverform corolla and a closed throat.
  • 龟头几种产于北美洲的龟属的多年生草木植物的一种,尤指龟头冠呈白色或粉红色,下部呈披针形
    Any of several perennial North American herbs of the genus Chelone, especially C. glabra, having a white or pink bilabiate corolla with a bearded lower lip.
  • 小长春一种灌木状的蔓生常绿植物,长春属,尤指小长春属,有光滑、深绿色的对生叶,朵上有蓝色漏斗状的雄蕊
    Any of several shrubby, trailing, evergreen plants of the genus Vinca, especially V. minor, having glossy, dark green, opposite leaves and flowers with a blue, funnel-shaped corolla.
  • 钓钟柳属一种源于北美和东亚的长有对生叶和双唇形及多色冠和子荚孢的钓钟柳属植物
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Penstemon, native to North America and eastern Asia, having opposite leaves, flowers with a usually two-lipped, variously colored corolla, and capsules containing many seeds.
  • 驱虫草一种美国东南部的多年生植物(赤根驱虫草),具有带内黄外红的管状冠的朵。其根茎与根部曾被用来做驱虫药
    A perennial plant(Spigelia marilandica) native to the southeast United States having flowers with a tubular corolla that is red outside and yellow inside. The rhizomes and roots were once used as a vermifuge.
  • 头奖是一辆冠轿车,接下来依次是摩托车,日本电视机,中国产重型自行车,现金最高奖尽管只有大约30美元,但是这笔钱差不多是一个阿富汗老百姓一个月的收入。
    Up for grabs are a top prize of a Corolla car, followed in descending order by a motorcycle, a Japanese TV, a heavyweightChinese bicycle and a top cash prize of about $30, almost a month's pay for many Afghans.
  • 这些脖子上戴着环的当地少女看上去很相似。
    Those native girls looked alike with the coronets of flowers around their necks
  • 批改作文去了老师的大部分时间。
    The correction of composition took a large part of the teacher's time.
  • 人们不用费很大力气就能发现抽烟和癌症之间的直接联系。
    One doesn't have to look far to realize the direct correlation between smoking and cancer.
  • 带女朋友参加正式舞会以前先送她胸,这已成为时尚。
    It has become quite the thing to send your date a corsage before taking her to any formal dance.
  • 具有美丽的复叶和有距的管状的紫堇科植物。
    a plant of the genus Corydalis with beautiful compound foliage and spurred tubular flowers.
  • 紫堇属紫堇属多种草本植物的一种,原产于北方温和地区。叶多会分裂,有刺,多黄、粉红色
    Any of various herbs of the genus Corydalis native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having finely divided leaves and spurred, often yellow or pinkish flowers.
  • 指甲染料从该种植物的干的碎叶片中提炼出的一种棕红色染料,用于化妆或为皮革和纤维染色
    A reddish-orange dyestuff prepared from the dried and ground leaves of this plant, used as a cosmetic dye and for coloring leather and fabrics.
  • 大部分杂货店里的化妆品都与大商店里陈列的知名品牌有姻亲关系:如欧莱雅与兰寇,简和埃斯特·劳德……这意味着使用相同质量的化妆品可以少钱。
    Most drugstore cosmetics are related to department store brands: L'Oreal to Lancome, Jane to Estee Lauder.... That means the cheaper versions use the same cutting-edge technologies as their dearer sisters.
  • 开白的陆生兰的一个世界性大属。
    large cosmopolitan genus of white-flowered terrestrial orchids.
  • 严重的园害虫,褐色的壳上有z形条纹;几乎是四海为家。
    serious garden pest having a brown shell with paler zigzag markings; nearly cosmopolitan.
  • 一个常绿或落叶性灌木或草本大属,几乎为世界性生长,通常美丽;除热带苏格兰东南部低地和北极圈或高纬和沙漠地区外世界性生长。
    large almost cosmopolitan genus of evergreen or deciduous shrubs and herbs with often showy yellow flowers; cosmopolitan except tropical lowlands and arctic or high altitudes and desert regions.
  • 一种开白的欧亚草本植物,几乎成为全世界的一种引进杂草,角果三角形,具缺刻。
    white-flowered annual European herb bearing triangular notched pods; nearly cosmopolitan as an introduced weed.
  • 这东西要花多少钱。
    What does it cost.
  • 要花36美元。
    That will cost 36 dollars.
  • 要花36美元。
    That would cost 36 dollars.
  • 这顶几十了我十美元。
    This hat cost me $10.
  • 你花了多少钱?
    How much did they cost?
  • 它花去我3千美元。
    It cost me 3 big ones.
  • 只想想花了多少钱!
    Just think of the cost!
  • 又是一个婚礼?!这些贺礼真钱。
    Another wedding?! These wedding gift is costing me a lot.
  • 比标准价格费少些。
    costing less than standard price.
  • 费近百万美元的设备
    Equipment costing on the order of a million dollars.
  • 又是一个婚礼?!这些贺礼真钱。
    Another wedding?! Thest wedding gifts are costing me a lot.
  • 又是一个婚礼?!这些贺礼真钱。
    Another wedding? ! These wedding gift is costing me a lot.
  • 这辆汽车让我费的钱比你想的要多得多。
    The car is costing me a sight more to run than you'd think.
  • 当美元对日元出现贬值,来自日本的进口商品在美国市场上的价格会更贵,而美国出口到日本去的商品则使日本人更少的钱就能买到。
    When the dollar is down against the yen, imports from Japan are costing more in the United States, but exports to Japan are costing the Japanese less.