  • 对于玛丽嫁杰克这事我没感到奇怪。他们真是龙配龙,凤配凤;俩人都是寡言的书呆子。
    I’m not surprised that Mary has married Jack. Like begets like, and they are both rather silent bookish people.
  • 我一份介绍你方先进技术的小册子。
    Please give me an introduction booklet of your advanced technology.
  • 他们(英国广播公司)写了信索要那种小册子。
    They wrote off (to the BBC) for the special booklet.
  • 还有一次,有人看到他把洛克菲勒基金会他的一张1,5oo美元的支票当书签用,随后,那本书丢了!
    On another occasion he was oberved using a check for$ l,500 from the Rockefeller Foundation as a bookmark. Then he lost the book!
  • 好书给人以启迪。
    Good books give edification.
  • 他给他们书。
    He gave them books.
  • 孩子们看的、有插图的书。
    illustrated books for children.
  • 请把那本地图册从书架上取下来(递我).
    Please reach (me) the atlas down from the bookshelf.
  • 他把一捆就杂志卖了旧书店。
    He sold a bundle of old magazines to the second hand bookstore.
  • 伯:我是在书店里你打电话。
    I'm calling you from a bookstore.
  • 仅当由逻辑运算符连接的两个变量均为真时才出真值的布尔运算符。
    The Boolean operator that gives a truth table value of true only when both of the variables connected by the logical operator are true.
  • 给吊车装上吊杆
    Joint a boom on a crane.
  • 1997年,已故诗人柳北岸遗留下来的珍贵电影文献,捐赠香港电影资料馆,成为该馆的一批重要收藏。
    In 1997, valuable screenplays left behind by Singapore writer Chua Boon Hean, who wrote under the pen name Liu Beian, were donated to the Hong Kong movie museum and became one of its important collections.
  • 这就是合理的后果:只因为她全然不知道天下还有更好的人,她就嫁了那个乡下佬!
    Here is the consequence of being buried alive: she has thrown herself away upon that boor from sheer ignorance that better individuals existed!
  • 一股强劲的顺风正在予有利的推动。
    A stout tail wind was giving a friendly boost.
  • 我到街角的电话亭他打个电话。
    I'll give him a call from the phone booth on the corner.
  • 我到街角的电话亭他打个电话。
    I 'll give him a call from the phone booth on the corner.
  • 你可以在那个售票亭买票,或是上车时付一元五角司机。
    You can get it at that ticket booth or please pay one dollar fifty cents to the driver.
  • 他决定带去200只纸鹤,分发在他展台前驻足的人们。
    He decided to take along a couple hundred folded paper cranes to pass out to people who stopped at his booth.
  • 他们把战利品上缴了上级。
    They handed in their war booty to their leader.
  • 我拿不定主意他及格还是不及格,他处于两可的情况下。
    I'm not sure whether to pass him or fail him; he's a borderline case.
  • 你能我讲讲小口径步枪吗?
    Can you explain a small bore rifle?
  • 他那忠实的爱犬他做伴。
    His faithful pet dog bore him company.
  • 我让历史科烦透了--那些日期, 战争之类的事.
    I'm bored by history dates and battles and all that stuff.
  • 犯人分派工作,可避免他们因生活苦闷或无所事事而烦燥不安,并帮助他们养成从事有意义工作的习惯。
    Employment keeps inmates purposefully and gainfully occupied, thus reducing the risk of unrest due to boredom and lack of constructive activities. It also helps inmates develop the habit of doing meaningful work.
  • 他生了三个男孩。
    She has borne him three sons.
  • 他生育了六个孩子。
    She's borne him six children.
  • 自愿的自愿地或毫不吝惜地做的、的、接受的或忍受的
    Done, given, accepted, or borne voluntarily or ungrudgingly.
  • `我可以借用你的汽车吗?'`可以, 很愿意借你.'
    `May I borrow your car?' `Yes, with pleasure. '
  • 受票人签字是帮助另一公司(出票人)筹措贷款,这种汇票的予是以欠借款人的贸易债务为依据的。
    Bill of exchange where the drawee sign is helping another company(the drawer) to raise a loan; it is given on the basis of trade debt owed to the borrower.
  • 高利贷借他人钱并要求贷者付很高的利息的做法,尤其利息异常地或非法地高
    The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate.
  • 动产抵押书,借款人放款人的表示后者拥有作为货款抵押动产的文件。
    Document give to a lender by a borrower to show that the lender own the property as security for the loan.