  • 我刚要去,一个陌生人拽我的袖子。
    A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving.
  • 我刚要去,一个陌生人拽我的袖子。
    A stranger plucks at my sleeve as I am leaving.
  • 哈佛大学经济史专家克劳迪姬·戈尔丁说:“现在,开学校去找一份工作比在大学里苦读书要容易。
    "It's easier to go out and get a job now than to do the hard work and stay in college," says Claudia Goldin, an economic historian at Harvard University.
  • 弗雷德里克于1893年出生在德国,在希特勒掌权的时候开祖国。
    Perls was born in Germany in 1893 and left the country when Hitler came into power.
  • 这位推销员干得非常成功,到后来,他脱公司自行开业。
    The salesman was so successful that in the end he hived from the firm into his own business.
  • 杰基站住了,看着流浪汉去,但是仍做着跟随的准备。
    Jacky stood,watching the hobo walk away,still poised to follow.
  • 阻碍在冰球比赛中两手握球棍举冰面以阻挡对手前进,并且被认为是犯规的行为
    To check illegally in ice hockey by striking an opponent with one's hockey stick held in both hands and lifted off the ice.
  • 冰球中在远防守区时击(球)
    To shoot(the puck) far out of defensive territory in ice hockey.
  • 在隔检疫期升起的黄色的旗。
    yellow flag hoist on a ship in quarantine.
  • 她保持着长距游泳的世界纪录。
    She holds the world record for long distance swimming.
  • 1886年凡高永远地开了荷兰取道安特卫普前往巴黎,他的艺术风格也发生了重大的变化。
    In 1886 Van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled via Antwerp to Paris,and to major changes in artistic style.
  • 1886年凡高永远地开了荷兰取道安特卫普前往巴黎,他的艺术风格也发生了重大的变化。
    In 1886 Van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled via Antwerp to Paris, and to major changes in artistic style.
  • 此时他正住在一辆破旧的拖车里,身无分文,孤独寂寞。由于他在婚时没有获得对女儿霍莉的监护权,这个惟一给予他生活以意义的人也不在他身边。
    Now Stanley is living out his life in a broken? down trailer,penniless,alone and without the one thing that gives his life meaning his daughter Holly,whom he lost in a divorce.
  • 彻底开好莱坞回到话剧舞台
    Forsook Hollywood and returned to the legitimate stage.
  • 她远远地开故乡在外地生活。
    She lives a long way from home.
  • 居住在远家乡但仍和家乡保持联系的人的团体。
    a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland.
  • 当他还在青年时代,就由于政治原因被迫开了祖国。
    When he was still a young man, he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.
  • 更重要的是,开了家乡和父母,看不到任何熟悉的面孔,他们不得不忍受思家之苦,这可能会导致严重的精神疾病。
    Most important of all, apart from their hometown and parents, students couldn't catch sight of any familiar face and have to suffer from homelessness, which can cause certain serious mental disease.
  • 就在华盛顿广场几步远处,竟有如些美好、舒适、隐蔽的一个就餐处,隐蔽得几乎让人看不见,使得在那儿就餐几乎有种偷欢的乐趣。
    That so good, so homely, and so secret an eating place should be almost within arm's length of Washington Square, and as good as invisible, gave meals there almost the sweet taste of stolen fruit.
  • 但是专家们确信,和平到来时,这些母亲会回到传统的生活方式,开劳动队伍,专心专意照管孩子,料理家务,以及从事一些自愿参加的活动。”
    But the experts were sure that when peace came, the mothers would return to their traditional ways, leaving the work force to devote themselves exclusively to child-rearing, homemaking, and volunteer activities.
  • 她拍着我的背说:“中国这儿很远,你一定很想家吧。
    She patted my back and said, "China is so far from here. You must be homesick.
  • 我父亲开家乡是违反他的意志的。
    My father left his hometown against his will.
  • 1980年,恩雅开家乡加入了这支乐队。
    She left her hometown in 1980 to join Clannad.
  • 能够形成匀质的混合物,既不能被化学反应分,也不能被化学反应改变。
    capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction.
  • 化合物一种纯净的宏观上性质相同的物质,它由两种或多种不同元素的原子或子按一定的比例化合而成,并且不能用物理方法将其分。化合物一般具有与其合成元素不同的性质
    A pure, macroscopically homogeneous substance consisting of atoms or ions of two or more different elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated by physical means. A compound usually has properties unlike those of its constituent elements.
  • 晶体一种由原子、子或分子作重复和立体型排列而形成的均质固体,在组成部分之间有固定的距
    A homogenous solid formed by a repeating, three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ions, or molecules and having fixed distances between constituent parts.
  • 美国的婚和私生子率很高,同性恋夫妻领养孩子越来越多,还有近三分之一的美国人过独身生活。
    The divorce and illegitimacy rates are high, homosexual couples are having and adopting children in greater numbers, and nearly a third of Americans live alone anyway.
  • 纽约离香港很远。
    It is a long distance from New York to Hongkong.
  • 我真的不开这些香烟。
    I'm a really hooke don these cigarettes.
  • 那房子正好公路很近。
    The house was just a hop and jump from the road.
  • 先是横越大西洋的长距飞行,最後从纽约飞到波士顿
    The long flight across the Atlantic, then the final hop from New York to Boston
  • 希望其他20多个大客户对港务集团不不弃。
    This, hopefully, will have a positive effect and PSA's more than 20 other big customers will also stick with it.