  • 不过,小弹跳虽有绷带似的保护作用,却不能为女性的线条锦上添花。
    But for all its bandage? like protective advantages, the Minimal Bounce does little to flatter the female form.
  • 尽管坐在闷热的火车里经过长途旅行,简到达时仍显得干净整齐,容光焕发。
    In spite of the long, hot train ride, Jane arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox.
  • 经过了长途而又闷热的火车旅行,乔迪到达时,仍容光焕发。
    In spite of the long, hot train ride, Jody arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox.
  • 当里根显快要当选的时候,大家都开始倒向他的一边了。
    When it became apparent that Reagon was going to win the election, everybody began climbing on the bandwagon.
  • ,至少在带宽自费的前景实现之前,各公司需要找出创新的方法,最大限度地用足现有带宽和尽可能长远地发挥基础设施投资的效用。
    Clearly, at least until the promises of bandwidth freedom come to pass, companies need to find creative ways to maximize existing bandwidth and stretch their infrastructure dollars as far as they can.
  • 过量的广播是网络管理员的祸根,但有些广播是基本的。
    And although excessive broadcasts are the bane of network administrators, some broadcasts are essential.
  • 我们正在议论经理,就在这时他突闯了进来。
    We were just talking about the manager and bang he burst in.
  • 砰的一响,顿时把我们惊呆了。
    The sudden bang froze us in our tracks.
  • 中止流动时流动的水对装水的管子或容器面的冲击声。
    the banging sound of steam in pipes.
  • 那个冷漠的公共汽车司机突发动了车,她就重重地撞在了门上。
    the unaccommodating bus driver pulled out while she was banging on the door.
  • 该如何使用机器,我已经讲解了5次,但他仍不会操作——简直白费力气。
    I’ve tried five times to explain how to use the machine but he still cannot do it—I’m just banging my head against a brick wall.
  • 泰国同学:当有,它是东南亚的一颗明珠。
    Thai student: Yes. "Bangkok" is a bright pearl of the Southeast Asia.
  • 泰国还有其他更棒的潜水点,但从芭堤雅前往首都曼谷是最便捷的。
    While there are other, superior,dive sites in Thailand,Pattaya is the most convenient to Bangkok.
  • 飞机陡向左侧倾斜飞行.
    The plane banked steeply to the left.
  • 她封好火,后上街去采购。
    She banked up the fire and then went shopping.
  • 利率突下调,把这家公司从破产境地中拯救出来。
    The sudden fall in interest rates saved the company from bankruptcy.
  • 而,长期的法治生活,铸造了新加坡人特有的素质,凡事都要通过法规和社会政策引导,如建议“禁止携狗进入植物园”、“严格限制宠物狗入口”等等。
    Yet the long years of rule by law have made them dependent on decrees and bans to know their Dos and Don'ts. Hence the call for banning dogs from a park and for restricting the import of pets.
  • 约翰回答说:“我是用水施洗礼,但有一位站在你们中间,是你们不认识的,就是那位比我来得晚却比我提升得早的人。我给他解鞋带都不配。”既是“连给某人解鞋带都不配”,那自就是“远不如某人”、“配不上某人”了。
    John answered them, saying, I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
  • 社会突发现自己回到了一时的野蛮状态;
    Society suddenly finds itself put back into a state of momentary barbarism;
  • 日本战争的退步性和野蛮性是日本战争必失败的主要根据。
    The reactionary and barbarous character of Japan's war constitutes the primary reason for her inevitable defeat.
  • 后来果来了这一手;但是危机随即过去,原因之一是敌人采取了普遍的野蛮政策,实行公开的掠夺。
    True enough, she did resort to the scheme, but the crisis soon passed, one reason being that the enemy everywhere pursued a barbarous policy and practised naked plunder.
  • 这样,兵力不足(包括小国、寡民、资源不足和他是封建的帝国主义等等),异国作战(包括战争的帝国主义性和野蛮性等等),指挥笨拙,使得日本军阀虽处在进攻战和外线作战的有利地位,但其主动权却日益减弱下去。
    Thus, despite the advantage of being on the offensive and operating on exterior lines, the Japanese militarists are gradually losing the initiative, because of their shortage of troops (their small territory, small population, inadequate resources, feudalistic imperialism, etc.), because of the fact that they are fighting on foreign soil (their war is imperialist and barbarous) and because of their stupidities in command.
  • 如果国家还没有达到那样的发展阶段,还处于未开化或半开化状态,它的农业生产力甚至还没有脱离最原始情况,如果输入国外制成品输出原料时,仍可以使它一年一年地发展起来,可以使它的精神力量和社会力量不断有所启发和增长,如果这样的贸易关系能够继续下去,不致由于国外禁止输入原料品或由于战争而使贸易中断,或者如果这个农业国家是处于热带的;那么在这样情况下输人国与输出国双方的利得是均等的,也是符合于自规律的,因为处于这样地位的国家,在以本国农产品交换外国工业品的影响下,比之完全依靠它自己的力量时,可以更迅速、更稳健地实现文化的发展与生产力的提高。
    If it has not yet attained that stage, and still remains in a barbarous or half-civilised state, if its agricultural power of production has not yet developed itself even from the most primitive condition, if by the importation of foreign fabrics and the exportation of raw products its prosperity nevertheless increases considerably from year to year, and its mental and social powers continue to be awakened and increased, if such commerce as it can thus carry on is not interrupted by foreign prohibition of importation of raw products, or by wars, or if the territory of the agricultural nation is situated in a tropical climate, the gain on both sides will then be equal and in conformity with the laws of nature,because under the influence of such an exchange of the native products for foreign fabrics, a nation so situated will attain to civilisation and development of its productive powers more quickly and safely than when it has to develop them entirely out of its resources.
  • ,而且他们还会提供烤肉用的铁钎。
    Certainly.They also provide sticks along with the barbecue.
  • 由于可能同另一偶发生的事冲突,组织者决定把野餐外宴会从6月12日提前到6月5日。
    Because of the possibility of a clash with another event, the organizers have decided to bring the barbecue forward from the 12th to the 5th June.
  • 上一次你参加了我们举办的烧烤会,但它与野餐有些不同。因为举办烧烤会要事先准备好要烧烤的食物,而野餐却不必如此,你只需从家里带一些三明治或做好的食物就行了。
    Last time you joined us, we have a barbecue, and that's a little different because you actually prepare the food there you're grilling on the barbecue or grill. Whereas a lot of picnics you just bring cold sandwiches or cold food you prepare at home.
  • 先把杠铃举到肩部后再猛力举过头顶的举重动作。
    a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead.
  • 先把杠铃举到肩部后再平稳地举过头顶的举重动作。
    a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead.
  • 但在挺举时,运动员将本铃提到肩高,短暂保持,后用胳膊快速地把杠铃举过头项。
    But in the clean and jerk, the barbell is raised to the shoulder height, held there briefly, and then pushed overhead in a rapid motion of the arms.
  • 就像理发店前的红白两色旋转招牌仍象征着理发店一样,放在雪茄店前的木刻印第安人雕像在过去同样代表着雪茄店。
    A cigar-store Indian used to mean a cigar store in the same way a barber pole still means a barber shop.
  • 欣然接受一项协定
    Jump at a bargain.
  • 1895年,威廉·伦琴偶发现阴极射线管能使涂有一层氰亚铂酸盐钡的薄相纸发光,甚至当阴极射线管和相纸分别放在不同的房间时也能发光。
    In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms.