  • 12.因此,我们决心在国家一级及全球一级创造一种有助于发展和除贫穷的环境。
    12. We resolve therefore to create an environment – at the national and global levels alike – which is conducive to development and to the elimination of poverty.
  • 妇女参战问题变成了一个政治足球,国会议员和女权主义组织主张取妇女在军事职业上的所有限制。
    The issue of women in combat became a political football,with members of Congress and feminist groups pushing for the elimination of all restrictions on women fill military jobs.
  • 香港特区根据《除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》提交的首份报告,已收纳在中国的第八和第九份报告内,并于二零零一年七、八月间由联合国除种族歧视委员会审议。
    The HKSAR's initial report under the ICERD — which formed part of China's eighth and ninth report — was examined by the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination in July/August 2001.
  • 为了除一切阻碍人类进步的不合理的、反动的和落后的现象,我们愿意和各国人民共同奋斗。
    We are willing to join hands with people of all countries in fighting for the elimination of all that is irrational, reactionary and backward and that hinders the progress of mankind.
  • 个人阅历中最引以为荣的事情:纳塞尔在澳大利亚的福特公司中开展了一个命名为“便士灭者”的行动,使所有的账簿都采用整数美元为单位。
    Resume highlight: Nasser started at Ford Australia in finance as a "penny eliminator," making the books balance in whole dollars.
  • 支单曲名列摇滚电台榜首,"信念"是有史以来首例乐队。在歌曲昙花一现随即逝的今天,这一业绩便更难能可贵了。
    Tremonti didn't have to suffer any pangs of regret.Creed was the first band in history to have four Number One Rock Radio singles from a debut album a feat even more impressive in these days of love 'em and leave 'em,one hit wonders.
  • 使瘦通常通过饥饿使变瘦;使
    To cause to become lean, usually by starvation; emaciate.
  • 衰弱的由于久病等脆弱和瘦的;衰弱的
    Frail and enfeebled, as from prolonged illness; emaciated.
  • 久病使他变得消瘦。
    He was emaciated by long illness.
  • 极度营养不良或瘦特别是儿童;由于对食物的吸收不足。
    extreme malnutrition and emaciation (especially in children); can result from inadequate intake of food or from malabsorption or metabolic disorders.
  • 黑热病一种主要流行于亚洲的致命的慢性疾病,由一种原生动物寄生虫引起(杜氏利什曼虫利什曼虫属),病状表现为不正常的发烧,脾和肝的肿大,以及
    A chronic, often fatal disease occurring chiefly in Asia, caused by a protozoan parasite(Leishmania donovani) and characterized by irregular fever, enlargement of the spleen and liver, and emaciation.
  • 勇新坐在北京一家声音嘈杂的电脑店,打开户号,在那里发了一个电子邮件,向玛丽·安妮表示感谢,说他已经收到加州大学洛杉矶分校的好息。
    In Beijing Yongxin sat in a nosy computer store, Where he had opened an account, and typed out an email thanking Mary Ann for the good new from U. C. L. A.
  • 这场改革废除了领主、贵族、头人等特权者的一切特权,灭了人剥削人、人压迫人的旧制度,使千百万少数民族群众翻身解放,获得人身自由,成为国家和自己命运的主人。
    This reform abolished all the privileges of the privileged few--feudal lords, nobles and tribal chiefs--and the old system of exploitation and oppression of man by man. As a result, tens of thousands of the minority people won emancipation and personal freedom and became masters of their homelands and their own destinies.
  • 禁运取消了。
    The embargo was taken off.
  • 但是我们必须看到,在社会主义社会,仍然有反革命分子,有敌特分子,有各种破坏社会主义秩序的刑事犯罪分子和其他坏分子,有贪污盗窃、投机倒把的新剥削分子,并且这种现象在长时期内不可能完全灭。
    But we must recognize that in our socialist society there are still counter-revolutionaries, enemy agents, criminals and other bad elements of all kinds who undermine socialist public order, as well as new exploiters who engage in corruption, embezzlement, speculation and profiteering.And we must also recognize that such phenomena cannot be all eliminated for a long time to come.
  • 这个息使他陷入痛苦。
    The news embittered him.
  • 陆军师行将失,某种新的更小的建制单位将应运而生。
    Army divisions will go away and some kind of new smaller units will emerge.
  • 美国“自由军团”的一个目的是保障本土安全:美国需要退休的医生和护士能够在重大的紧急情况下自愿行动起来,需要自愿者来帮助警方和防部门;
    One purpose of the USA Freedom Corps will be homeland security. America needs retired doctors and nurses who can be mobilized in major emergencies ... volunteers to help police and fire departments?
  • 有一位朋友说,兄弟大多数已移居,他也表示有意离开新加坡,但他的高龄老母却以“死谏”为要挟:如果他移居,她就从高楼跳下来,那位朋友,只好打念头。
    A friend of mine told me he had planned to emigrate likemost of his brothers, but his mother threatened to jump to her death from a tall building if he insisted. At last the son had to give up the idea.
  • 有一位朋友说,兄弟大多数已移居,他也表示有意离开新加坡,但他的高龄老母却以“死谏”为要挟:如果他移居,她就从高楼跳下来,那位朋友,只好打念头。
    A friend of mine told me he had planned to emigrate like most of his brothers, but his mother threatened to jump to her death from a tall building if he insisted. At last the son had to give up the idea.
  • 特纳的3个慈善机构中最大的联合国基金会最近在一个月内出资2220万美元,用于在越南儿童中灭肠寄生虫,减少中国的温室气体排放量和帮助布基纳法索妇女起动销售坚果酱的业务。
    Turner's UN Foundation,the biggest of his three charities,recently spent $22.2 in one month combating intestinal parasites in Vietnamese children,reducing China's greenhouse-gas emissions and helping women from Burkina Faso start businesses selling nut butter.
  • 而从天然气费区来看,兰州和西宁两市大气污染严重,均为煤烟型污染。
    In light of the natural gas production regions, there is severe air pollution in Lanzhou and Xining, especially the smoke pollution emitted from coal burning.
  • 任何处所如发出过量噪音,该署可向处所拥有人发出减噪音通知书,?令在限期内减噪音。
    The department may serve notice to require the owners of premises emitting excessive noise to reduce it within a given period.
  • 七种消极情绪为:
    There seven negative emotions are:
  • 我们可将这些感情分为七种极和七种积极的情绪。
    There are seven negative emotions and seven positive.
  • 通讯技术用于传输息的技术
    The technology employed in transmitting messages.
  • 为履行职能,委会致力倡议费者保障政策、调解投诉、提供谘询服务、测试产品、进行市场调查及服务研究、出版刊物和举办费者教育活动。
    The council seeks to empower consumers and strives for a fair market through its consumer policy work, complaint and advice service, research and survey programmes, publication and consumer education activities.
  • 她的目的是要除一切不利于她实现发女皇宏图的政治对抗。
    Her goal was to snuff out all political opposition to her empress ambitions.
  • 欧元是欧盟的单一货币。欧盟的十一个成员国经过多年的谈判及准备,于1999年1月1日成立经济与货币联盟(emu),欧元也以非现款形式出现,同时欧元与各国现行货币的汇率也被固定,且不可撤
    The euro is the European Union's single currency, which arrived in cashless form after years of negotiations and preparation on January 1 1999 when 11 EU countries formed an Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and irrevocably locked the exchange rates of their currencies against the euro.
  • 保护费者权益法使任何受损害的费者有向公司索赔的权利。
    The rights protection law for the comsumers enables any impaired comsumer to claim money from the company.
  • 如果国会和总统颁布的某项法律违背了宪法,最高法院就可以把它撤
    Thus,if Congress and the President enact a law that violates the Constitution, the Supreme Court can strike it down.
  • 到2003年,根据实际制定、加强或实施有关立法、规定和其他措施,以除针对艾滋病病毒携带者/患者和脆弱群体成员的各种形式的歧视,确保他们充分享有各项人权和基本自由,尤其是确保他们有机会享受教育权、遗产继承权、就业权、医疗保健权、社会和健康服务权、预防、支持和治疗权、信息权以及法律保护权等。
    By 2003,enact,strengthen or enforce as appropriate legislation,regulations and other measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination against,and to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by people living with HIV/AIDS and members of vulnerable groups; in particular to ensure their access to,inter alia education,inheritance,employment,health care,social and health services,prevention,support,treatment,information and legal protection.