Chinese English Sentence:
  • 最近在大屿山白芒、滘西洲、马湾东湾仔进行的抢救发掘工作,均发现大量层次排列整齐的汉代遗物,包各类陶瓷器皿及铁器。
    Recent rescue excavations at Pak Mong on Lantau Island, on Kau Sai Chau Island and Tung Wan Tsai on Ma Wan Island all yielded considerable quantities of Han Dynasty finds in well-stratified sequences, which included pottery vessels of various kinds and iron implements.
  • 特区政府将坚定地按照《基本法》的规定发展民主,使到香港各个阶层,包所有不同意见的合法政治团体,都有机会叁与。
    The Special Administrative Region Government will resolutely move forward to a more democratic form of government in accordance with the provisions in the Basic Law. We will provide opportunities for every stratum of the society and legitimate political organisations, and people with different shades of opinion, to participate in the political process.
  • 生长于池塘和缓慢溪流中;有时包大叶藻科。
    plants that grow in ponds and slow streams; sometimes includes family_Zosteraceae.
  • 链丝菌一种链霉菌属的放线菌,包产生抗生素的几种品系
    Any of various actinomycetes of the genus Streptomyces, including several strains that produce antibiotics.
  • 但写时一定要把你的日常压力包进去。
    Be sure to include your daily stressors as well.
  • 弦乐器演奏者的乐器演奏家。
    instrumentalists including string players.
  • 不包弦乐器演奏者的乐器演奏家。
    instrumentalists not including string players.
  • 弦乐器的群体包竖琴、琵琶、七弦琴、筝。
    a stringed instrument of the group including harps, lutes, lyres, and zithers.
  • 意动引起包冲动、欲望、暴力和奋斗等外在行动或变化的心理方面的活动或行为
    The aspect of mental processes or behavior directed toward action or change and including impulse, desire, volition, and striving.
  • 《考克斯报告》危言耸听地攻击中国“偷窃”美国所有最先进的热核弹头机密情报,包w-88、w-87、w-78、w-76、w-70、w-62、w-56等七种热核弹头。它并称“中国在70年代末从劳伦斯-利弗莫尔国家实验室‘窃券了美国核弹头w-70(增强辐射弹,又名中子弹)的设计机密,于是才在1988年试验了它的中子弹”。
    The Cox Report inflammatorily accuses China of "stealing'' secret information on the most advanced thermonuclear warheads possessed by the United States, including the seven types of W-88, W-87, W-78, W-76, W-70, W-62 and W-56.
  • 要塞构筑了堡垒的地方,尤指大的、永久性的军事驻地,常包一个城镇
    A fortified place, especially a large, permanent military stronghold that often includes a town.
  • 资本项目包三个分项:直接投资、有价证券投资和短期资本。
    The capital account covers three sub-accounts:direct investment2,portfolio investment3 and short term capital.
  • 用在以前的分类系统中,它包除海龟以外现存的所有两栖动物。
    used in former classifications to include all living reptiles except turtles; superseded by the two subclasses Lepidosauria and Archosauria.
  • 水龙骨科在某些分类系统中被细分为若干科的一科;包;碗蕨属。
    one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; includes genera Blotiella; Dennstaedtia; Histiopteris; Hypolepis; Leptolepia; Lindsaea; Lonchitis; Microlepia; Odontosoria; Oenotrichia; Paesia; Pteridium; Saccoloma; Sphenomeris.
  • 蒙古语族阿尔泰语族中的一亚语,主要包蒙古语和卡尔梅克语
    A subfamily of the Altaic language family, Mongolian and Kalmyk being the most important members.
  • 只包一个菱属的科;在某些分类被视为柳叶菜科的亚科。
    family comprising solely the genus Trapa; in some classifications treated as a subfamily or tribe of the family_Onagraceae.
  • "这些问题包家庭问题,性的问题,语言的使用,健康,烹调,看护儿童,衣服,以及怎样购买房屋或汽车,等等各种各样的问题。"
    "These subjects include family problems, sex, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, and how to buy a house or a car."
  • 节肢动物中广翅目亚目;包蛇蛉。
    familyof arthropods of the suborder Megaloptera, including snakeflies.
  • 猿科动物亚目中的成员,包猴子、猿和原人。
    any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids.
  • 蜥蜴亚目包蜥蜴的各种爬行动物;在以前分类中还包鳄鱼和恐龙。
    any of various reptiles of the suborder Sauria which includes lizards; in former classifications included also the crocodiles and dinosaurs.
  • 这一信息包用户记帐信息以及他们所订购的特别功能类型。
    This information includes subscriber billing information and the types of special features they subscribed to.
  • 你可把他包在捐献者之中。
    You can number him among the subscribers.
  • 本港的新闻传播媒介,除了每日印行50份报章,以及定期出版693份刊物外,还包两间私营电视公司、一间提供收费电视服务的有线电视公司、一间为亚太区提供卫星电视服务的公司、一个兼备广播和电视部的政府电台和两个商业电台。
    Hong Kong's news media include 50 daily newspapers, 693periodicals, two commercial television companies, a subscription television service, a regional satellite television service, one government radio-television station, and two commercial radio stations.
  • 素食主义靠食用主要或全部由蔬菜、谷物、水果、干果和种子构成的(包或不包蛋类和乳制品)日常食物,维持生存的做法
    The practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily or wholly of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds, with or without eggs and dairy products.
  • 这些措施包加强对旅行代理商的财政监察;密切留意对旅行代理商投诉属实的纪录,并把这些纪录作为牌照续期的考虑因素之一;成立一个专责小组,就发现旅行代理商遇有财政困难时应采取的适当行动,提供意见等。
    These included stepping up financial surveillance of travel agents, monitoring the records of substantiated complaints against travel agents as a reference in considering renewal of licences, and setting up a task group to advise on appropriate actions to be taken when a travel agent is found to be in financial difficulty.
  • 马萨诸塞州美军士兵系统中心的2025年未来战士(futurewarrior2025)理念包了从武器到通信、医疗等各个方面的子系统。
    Natick's Future Warrior 2025 concept is a collection of subsystems covering everything from weapons to communications to medical care.
  • 厄普代克,约翰·霍伊尔生于1932美国作家,尤以其悲喜夹杂的小说而闻名,这类小说包兔子,快跑(1960年)和兔子在休息(1990年),它们讲述的是居住在郊区的美国中产阶级的苦恼和磨难
    American writer particularly known for his tragicomic novels, such as Rabbit, Run(1960) and Rabbit at Rest(1990), which concern the trials of middle-class American suburbanites.
  • 资助制度的其他改革项目还包推行最后阶段的服务表现监察制度。此外,社署也引入一套新制度,挑选营办者营运新的福利服务单位,以确保服务质素、力求创新和符合经济效益。
    Other subvention reforms included the implementation of the final phase of the Service Performance Monitoring System and a new framework for selecting operators of new welfare service units, which placed emphasis on quality, innovation and value for money.
  • 这篇文章概性很强。
    This article is a succinct summary.
  • 同翅目的属于同翅目的,其中包以吸口器为特点的蝉,蜂虫和介壳虫
    Of or belonging to the order Homoptera, which includes the cicadas, aphids, and scale insects, characterized by sucking mouthparts.
  • 指挥现代化战争,包我们老同志在内,能力都不够。
    None of us, including the veteran comrades, is sufficiently capable of directing modern wars.
  • 我想请凯特林先生概一下形势。
    I'd like to ask mr. kettening to summarize the situation.