  • 漂泊数年后,他定了下来。
    He settled down after years of roaming.
  • 我们这一带的民在向空军部队递交一份有环形签名的抗议书,就喷气式飞机飞越我们住宅上空时产生的噪音问题提出抗议。
    The people in our neighborhood are sending a round robin to the Air Force to protest the nice the jet planes make flying over our house.
  • 导游带我们看了前总统西奥多。罗斯福的故
    The guide shows us the old home of former president theodore roosevelt.
  • 他在起室里用吸尘器打扫地毯。
    He is vacuuming a rug in the sitting room.
  • 他是于特殊犯人区的犯人。
    He was a prisoner on rule.
  • 我们的邻查尔斯.艾黎森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。
    "Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow."
  • 他为了自己的健康,打算到海滨地区去住。
    He is going to live by the coast for the sake of his health.
  • 当我扭了脚脖子时,我的邻不厌其烦地帮助我。她帮我购买所有的物品并每天帮我去遛狗。
    My neighbour was a good Samaritan when I sprained my ankle. She did all my shopping and took the dog for a walk every day.
  • 当欧洲人还是住在洞穴中的野蛮人时,这些地方的文化早已十分繁荣昌盛。
    These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.
  • 撒克逊人早期曾定英格兰。
    The Saxon once settled in England in early times.
  • 萨克森人德国萨克森的土著人或其
    A native or inhabitant of Saxony.
  • 村子里的民知道这件丑事。
    The villagers knew about the scandal.
  • 他向同室住的人要了一支香烟。
    He scrounged a cigarette from his roommate.
  • 她远离朋友, 过着隐生活。
    She lives in seclusion apart from her friends.
  • 鸽子是一种定的鸟。
    Pigeons are sedentary birds.
  • "而且,参议员在参加选举时必须是在美国住了九年的美国公民。"
    And a Senator must have been a citizen of the United States for nine years at the time of his election.
  • 隐居
    sequester oneself from the world
  • 他们把当地人迁移到别处定
    They moved the local people and settle them in another place.
  • 我儿子已在美国愉快地定了。
    My son has settled happily in America.
  • 我们住入新居。
    We are settled in our new home.
  • 无人定居的沙漠
    a desert with no settled population
  • 者很快就适应了。
    The settlers were soon acclimated.
  • 不要喊了,否则你会把邻吵醒的。
    Stop shouting or you'll wake up the neighbors.
  • 黑色是居丧的象征。
    Black is a token of mourning.
  • 这位歌唱家拒绝在起室里演唱。
    The singer refused to sing in the sitting-room.
  • 到下午四五点钟时她们跑到门边,和邻相见,大家谈谈天,吸吸新鲜空气,到了晚上,他们带着疲乏的身体再上床去睡。
    By four or five o'clock they come out on their doorsteps to chat with and look at their neighbors and get a sniff of fresh air. Then night falls, they are dead tired and go to sleep again.
  • 说来真怪,他然与那位高傲的女孩子坠入情网。
    It is strange that he should fall in love with such a snobbish girl.
  • 英格兰中部一工业城市,位于莱斯特郡绍尔河畔;该城建立在罗马人住地的遗址之上。
    an industrial city on the River Soar in Leicestershire in central England; built on the site of a Roman settlement.
  • 北美洲沿河流和湖泊边界广泛分布的群型水生哺乳动物。
    sociable aquatic animal widely distributed along streams and lake borders in North America.
  • 那个喜好交际的新邻邀请每个人上咖啡店。
    sociably, the new neighbors invited everyone on the block for coffee.
  • 大多数蜜蜂和黄蜂都是群昆虫。
    Most bees and wasps are social insects.
  • 人是群居动物。
    Man is a social animal.