  • 新導彈在控製軍備談判中作為討價還價的籌碼很有用處。
    The new missile will be useful as a bargaining counter in the arms control talk.
  • 白色有毒晶體,氧化鋇溶於水中製成。
    white poisonous crystals; made by dissolving barium oxide in water.
  • 會發現報童們在前面的臺階上高聲叫賣報紙。
    Newsboys will be found barking their wares on the front steps.
  • 孩子們這個舊𠔌倉改造成為俱樂部用房。
    The boy adapted the old barn for use by the club.
  • 在調查人員可能要對希特勒的屍體進行檢查之前,一名剋格勃中命令反間諜人員葬在拉特諾蘇軍基地的希特勒等人的屍體挖出,它們轉移到馬格德堡附近的蘇軍軍營。
    Before the investigators could inspect the body. Smersh agents acting under orders from LieutenantGeneral Selenin dug up the Rathenow graves and moved the bones to Soviet barracks near Magdeburg.
  • 他堅持要爬進去,我的一桿0.22/410短槍帶在身邊。
    He would, at his insistence, go in with my short-barreled 0.22/410.
  • 這塊大石頭會擔當障礙物。
    This heap of stones will act a s a barrier.
  • 除非有意外事故,我們於午夜回來。
    We shall return at midnight, barring accidents.
  • 參議院領袖們說,除非最後時刻發生變故,明晚美蘇條約作最後表决。
    The Senate leaders said that barring any last-minute hitches, a final vote on the U. S. –Soviet pact would come tomorrow night.
  • 除非在最後時刻和解,一連串使美國公司與日本製造商互相對抗的侵犯專利的苦鬥中的最近一次,下周進入法庭。——日商被控盜竊寶貴的發明。
    Barring an 11th-hour settlement, the latest in a series of bitter patent-infringement battles pitting American companies against Japanese manufacturers accused of stealing valuable inventions will move into court next week.
  • 警方說,如果他們第二次抓住馬裏沒有交納牌照稅,他們會讓他不好過的。
    The police say they'll make it really hot for Barry if they catch him a second time driving his car without tax.
  • 巴裏能挺過這次刑期,他以前服過刑。
    Barry will cope with the sentence; he's done time before.
  • 巴裏和安妮老是爭吵不休,但現在情況真的到了嚴重的時刻,我害怕他們的婚姻即破裂。
    Barry and Anne were always bickering, but things have now really come to a head and I fear that their marriage it about to break up.
  • 巴瑞-勞倫斯來自這傢總部設在弗吉尼亞萊斯頓的careerbuilder公司,這傢公司5月份對3,200多名隨機受訪者做了一項休假中是否繼續工作的調查。勞倫斯總結調查結果說:"公司往往承諾每周七天,每天二十四小時全天候為顧客提供服務,否則他們的公司會缺乏競爭力。
    "People now have to respond to customers 24-7 or you're not being competitive," explains Barry Lawrence of the Reston, Va. -based Career Builder, which queried more than 3,200 respondents in May for the survey.
  • 新專輯"我一直在等你"中的第一首單麯"千禧年",一經推出即榮登英國排行榜榜首,這首歌約翰·巴裏的歌麯"你衹有兩次生命"的旋律完美地選用在了和聲中。
    First single “ Millennium” from the newest album “ I've Been Expecting You” reached immediately after the release # 1 in UK,using the melody of John Barry from “ You Only Live Twice” ,which has been greatly sampled into the chorus.
  • 節拍音樂分成拍子和小節的分切
    Division into measures or bars.
  • 深盼此筆易貨交易的達成為今後帶來更多的業務。
    We hope that the successful conclusion of this barter will lead to more business in the future.
  • 如果你方同意我們進行易貨貿易的建議,我們用紙與你們交換木材。
    If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, we'll give you paper in exchange for your timber.
  • 用“産品反購”得到的補償以購買其他産品來體現,這實際上是一種易貨貿易。
    The compensation by product counter- purchase will be made by other product, which is actually a form of barter trade.
  • 如果你方同意易貨貿易的建議,我主用化肥與你方交換小麥。
    If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, we will give you chemical fertilizer in exchange for your wheat.
  • 陸軍現在由巴頓軍直接指揮。
    The army is now under the direct command of General Barton.
  • 給予投資者的建議是以利率繼續下降這一點為前提的.
    Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.
  • 工農業産品和服務的保護減半以及貿易自由化協議使世界財富每年提升近4千億美元(1995年的基礎綫上)--等於每年增加澳大利亞這樣一個國傢的經濟力量。
    Halving protection in agriculture, industrial goods and services coupled with a liberalising agreement on trade facilitation could boost world prosperity by nearly $400bn a year (1995 baseline )-equivalent to adding an economy the size of Australia every year.
  • 我以低價將此出售。
    I am selling this at a bargain basement price.
  • 一個由棒球明星組成的訪問團要到海外軍事基地去作巡回表演。
    A group of baseball stars will tour overseas army bases.
  • 文章將被譯為英文。
    The essay will be translated to English.
  • 這位婦女稱好面粉,它倒進盆裏。
    The woman weighed the flour and tipped it into the basin.
  • 基於我們銷售情況的預測,我們明年開始賺錢。
    On the basis of our sales forecasts, we may begin to make a profit next year.
  • 我們既不打籃球也不打排球。
    We are going to play neither basketball nor volleyball.
  • 1789年7月14日,一群怒嚎的巴黎人襲擊了巴士底獄,其衛兵殺死。
    On July 14,1789,a howling Parisian mob stormed the Bastille,killing the guards.
  • 如果再讓我抓着你偷橙子,我狠揍你一頓。
    If I catch you in stealing the orange again, I'll give you a basting.
  • 首批學生於二零零二年畢業。
    The first batch of students will graduate in 2002.