  • 爱叫的狗很少咬人。(词)
    Barking dogs seldom bite.
  • 在最近由《联合早报》主催的一项文学座谈中,参与座谈的几位本地华文作家觉得,高行健获奖为华文带来光彩,或能提升华文的地位,因此高行健获奖在新加坡所引起的震撼,与其说是来自文学的,毋宁说有更大的成是来自对华语华文的情感与认同。
    At a recent literary seminar organised by Lianhe Zaobao, participating local writers expressed the feeling that Gao's achievement is an accolade to the Chinese language and this may help boost its status here. The impact of Gao's award on Singapore appears to be less on Chinese literature, but more to do with our affection for, and identification with, the Chinese language and Mandarin.
  • 大多数算法鉴定者都选择一个作标准以避免复杂性,但也有一小部人要选择多个算法。
    While most evaluators of the algorithms want to avoid complexity by selecting one to serve as a standard, there's a minority that wants to select more than one.
  • 在解释2中选择一支。
    To select a branch as in2.
  • 文化活动的重点场所是天安门广场、东西长安街、南北中轴线、中华世纪坛、北京标志性建筑的广场、奥林匹克公园以及其他重点公园等,充发挥世界第一大城市广场、第一长街以及独一无二的城市中轴线在首都整体文化形象塑造中的重要作用,推出一批体现中国特色、北京气派的国际性品牌文化活动,提升北京作为中国文化中心和国际交往中心的文化品位。
    Major locations for cultural activities include Tiananmen Square, Chang’an Boulevard, the Central Axis Avenue, the China Millennium Monument, public squares featuring Beijing’s unique architecture, the Olympic Green and other key parks. The world’s largest public square, longest boulevard and sole central axis avenue, all found in Beijing, will be fully utilized to play their important roles in creating and shaping the overall cultural image of the capital city. A string of cultural activities worthy of international acclaim and featuring Chinese features and Beijing style will be presented to help enhance Beijing’s status as a center of cultural development and international exchange in China.
  • 我们只是选取了句子的某些
    We only selected some of the classifications of sentences.
  • 例行程序中选择支的那个位置。
    A place in a routine where a branch is selected.
  • 但是,“立多音调”已被选作正式标准。
    However, Discrete Multi-Tone has been selected as the official standard.
  • 混杂的缺乏选择的标准的;不加区
    Lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate.
  • 选中了我作领导,十欣喜.
    I'm delighted about my selection as leader.
  • 在挑选的过程中过去的经验占有很重的量。
    Past experience will weigh heavily in the selection process.
  • “开关”(switch)有时也被划为一种“选择语句”。
    The switch is sometimes classified as a selection statement.
  • 斯蒂芬·费尔斯对吉姆·汤普森的小说《骗子》引人入胜、精彩纷呈的改编几乎赢得了评论界一致的好评。其中大部是冲着主角安吉利卡·胡思顿、约翰·库萨克和安妮特·贝宁的表演。
    Stephen Frears's gripping[1], stylish adaptation of Jim Thompson's novel of the same name, The Grifters met with almost unanimous critical acclaim, much of which was aimed at the performances of Anjelica Huston, John Cusack, and Bening as the film's protagonists.
  • 文选,论集文学作品或一组作品的选集或部,常用作标题
    Selections from or parts of a literary work or group of works. Often used as a title.
  • 各学院、大学图书馆及书店都有各种可提供就业指导信息的书籍和小册子,其中有些将你可能要找的雇主按地区、所能提供的工作类别、对学历与技能的要求以及所提供的起薪来类编目。
    College and university libraries and bookstores have selections of books and pamphlets, providing career guidance information. Some of them catalogue potential employers by region, by types of jobs available, by educational emphasis and skills required, and by starting income.
  • 软件使其各组成部便于选择使用或维护的程度。
    The extent to which software facilitates selective use or maintenance of its components.
  • 渗析借助半透膜通过有选择的扩散把较小子从大子中的离,或者把溶解的物质从溶液胶态颗粒中的
    The separation of smaller molecules from larger molecules or of dissolved substances from colloidal particles in a solution by selective diffusion through a semipermeable membrane.
  • 由于加密通常使管理任务(如协议析)变得有问题,所以有选择地加密传输的能力成了一种额外的好处。
    Since encryption typically makes management tasks -- such as protocol analysis -- problematic, the ability to selectively secure transmissions is a bonus.
  • 批评的喝彩;对米尔维勒作品的批判性
    Critical acclaim; a critical analysis of Melville's writings.
  • 自私地不愿与他人享。
    selfishly unwilling to share with others.
  • 你是否认为自私的女性是否太过了?
    Do you think this selfishness on the part of the feminie is too much?
  • 我们的敌人以为美国是软弱和物欲横流的,我们会在恐惧和自私面前崩离析。
    Our enemies believed America was weak and materialistic, that we would splinter in fear and selfishness.
  • (心理析)一个性心理学的发展阶段,此时儿童的兴趣集中在嘴巴上;固结在这一阶段被认为会导致独立、自私和攻击性。
    (psychoanalysis) a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth; fixation at this stage is said to result in dependence, selfishness, and aggression.
  • 我们在新民主主义革命时期,就已经坚持用共产主义的思想体系指导整个工作;用共产主义道德约束共产党员和先进子的言行;提倡和表彰“全心全意为人民服务”,“个人服从组织”,“大公无私”,“毫不利己、专门利人”,“一不怕苦、二不怕死”。
    As far back as the period of the new-democratic revolution, we took communist ideology as a guide in all our work, calling on Party members and other progressive people to act and speak within the bounds of communist morality, commending and trying to spread the spirit of such slogans as "Serve the people whole-heartedly", "The individual is subordinate to the organization", "Be selfless", "Utter devotion to others without any thought of self", and "Fear neither hardship nor death".
  • 在长期革命战争中,我们在正确的政治方向指导下,从析实际情况出发,发扬革命和拚命精神,严守纪律和自我牺牲精神,大公无私和先人后己精神,压倒一切敌人、压倒一切困难的精神,坚持革命乐观主义、排除万难去争取胜利的精神,取得了伟大的胜利。
    During the long years of revolutionary war our political orientation was correct and we based our actions on analyses of the actual situation. We promoted the revolutionary spirit, which inspires people to work tirelessly, observe strict discipline, make sacrifices, act selflessly and put the interests of others first, the spirit that gives people revolutionary optimism and the determination to overwhelm all enemies and surmount all difficulties in order to win victory. And we did win great victories.
  • 金字塔式销售(商品销售方法,一经销商购得经销权後将部转售给其他经销商)
    Method of selling goods in which a distributor pays a premium for the right to sell a company's goods and then sells part of that right to other distributors
  • 买方和卖方均充掌握房地产信息
    the buyer and seller are well-informed;
  • 卖方同意取消,愿付货款的百之二作为回扣。
    Seller aggress cancellation with allowance 2% of order value
  • 卖方同意取消,愿付货款的百之二作为回扣。
    Seller agree cancellation with allowance 2% of order value.
  • 卖方拒绝赔偿30美以上,再勉强也无用。
    Seller unagree to allowance over 30c burgher push undesirable.
  • 中国政府十重视杀伤人员地雷误伤平民的问题。
    The Chinese government has always paid a great deal of attention to the accidental injuries to civilians caused by anti-personnel landmines (APL).
  • 中国政府十重视杀伤人员地雷误伤平民的问题。
    The Chinese government has always paid a great deal of attention to the accidental injuries to civilians caused by anti-personnel landmines.