Chinese English Sentence:
  • 总统遵循历史惯例来组成
    The President followed historical precedent in forming the Cabinet.
  • 高速缓存与主存中的容必须保持一致。
    Relative to the on-CPU cache, main memory is positively crawling.
  • 最快的的存储器是高速缓存,它被用来暂存主存中的容。
    The fastest memory is known as cache memory and is what it sounds like- memory that is used to temporarily hold, or cache, contents of the main memory.
  • 有一个颇受欢迎的解决办法是在微处理器部放置一个叫高速缓冲存储器的小存。
    One popular aid is to place a small memory, called a cache, right on the microprocessor itself.
  • 就像在生产的微处理器本身放置许多晶体管一样,实际上一些新芯片的高速缓冲存储器上也已放置了许多晶体管。
    Some newer chips actually dedicate as many transistors to the cache as they do to the processor itself.
  • 换句话说,对应于地址空间的同一个位置,如果该位置的数据被缓存入高速缓存,则其容必须和主存中的一致。
    The cache and main memories must be kept in step(coherent). In other words, if a word of main memory is held in one or more locations in cache, then the system must make sure that the contents of cache and memory are the same.
  • 高速缓冲存储器存放着最经常使用的程序,因此使得微处理器避免访问外部存所需的过长时间。
    The cache holds those segments of a program that are most frequently used and thereby allows the processor to avoid calling on external memory chips much of the time.
  • 如果目的ip地址为本地的,该路由器就搜寻存储着ip地址和本地设备介质访问控制(mac)地址的部存储器,这个存储器叫作地址分辨协议(arp)高速缓存。
    If the destination IP address is local, the router searches an internal store of IP addresses and local-device media access control addresses.This store is known as the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.
  • 因此,并不是把与该url有关的ip地址看成网络地址,该地址指向web交换机的虚拟ip地址(vip),它起到缓存或容流量管理器的作用,其结果是:web网站用户有了始终一致的性能。
    So instead of viewing the IP address associated with the URL as the network address, this address points to the virtual IP address (VIP) of the Web switch, which functions as a cache or content traffic manager.The result:a consistently positive performance for Web site users.
  • 这些设施种有大约500种药草、兰花、蕨类植物、仙人掌、肉质植物及其他室植物。
    They contain some 500 species of herbs, orchids, ferns, cacti, succulents and other indoor plants.
  • 开红色花的南美洲仙人掌;常作为室盆栽植物种植;有时归为蟹爪属。
    South American jointed cactus with usually red flowers; often cultivated as a houseplant; sometimes classified as genus Schlumbergera.
  • 香港民航处与地及澳门的民航管理部门在发展飞行程序及航空交通协调的安排上一直保持紧密的联系。
    The CAD has maintained close liaison with the civil aviation authorities of the Mainland and Macau in relation to the development of flight procedures and ATC co-ordination arrangements.
  • 阁成员们必须一身清白,如果他们的私生活发生丑闻,他们就得辞职。
    Ministers of the Crown must be like Caesar's wife. If their private lives give rise to scandal, they are expected to resign.
  • 一长串的路边咖啡馆是杜塞尔多夫居民的骄傲和乐园。比特尔咖啡馆是长期以来一直受到人们青睐的咖啡馆之一。
    A string of pavement cafes are the pride and joy of Dusseldorfers and one of the long-time favorites is Café Bittner.
  • 部餐厅速简餐厅或咖啡馆,尤指电影或电视工作室里
    A lunchroom or cafeteria, especially one in a film or television studio.
  • 把…关起来:把…拘禁在笼子或拘禁在似笼的地方
    To confine in or as if in a cage.
  • 关于笼放入或将之限制于或好象于笼子
    To put or confine in or as if in a cage.
  • 天文台设于大老山的天气雷达,能监察香港约500公里范围的降雨区,和估计雨势及雨区的移动。
    The Observatory's weather radar system at Tate's Cairn detects rain within about 500 km of Hong Kong and gives estimates of rain intensity and movement.
  • ,使用东区海底隧道的车辆平均每日达86000架次,每程收费由5元至30元不等。在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。
    A daily average of 86 000 vehicles used the two-kilometre tunnel in 1997. Tolls ranged from $5 to $30. On the Kowloon side, the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate's Cairn Tunnel.
  • 托莱多的对手加西亚有六英尺三英寸高,是一位有着西班牙人长相的秘鲁前总统。他在竞选中运用华丽的辞藻试图掩盖他那多灾多难的1985年到1990年的总统任期,在他上次任期,秘鲁国充斥了贪污腐败、游击队暴力事件、食物短缺和通货过度膨胀。
    Garcia, a 6-foot-3 Spanish-looking former president, used flowery language to overcome memories of his calamitous 1985-90 presidency, marred by corruption, guerrilla violence, food shortages and hyperinflation.
  • 水芋生于北温带的一种沼泽植物(水芋水芋属),长有小的、紧簇的、部分包在伸展的白色花苞的浅绿色花朵
    A marsh plant(Calla palustris) of the North Temperate zone, having small, densely clustered, greenish flowers partly enclosed in a spreading white spathe.
  • 他受心欲望的驱使而做了那件事。
    He did it in response to an inner calling.
  • 一九九七年,消防处处理了35543宗火警召唤、20899宗特别服务召唤及438247宗救护车召唤,平均每日处理1200宗召唤。
    The department responded to 35543 fire calls, 20899 special service calls and 438247 ambulance calls during 1997, representing an average of 1200 calls a day.
  • 胼胝马前腿侧的小而硬的胼胝
    A small, hard callus on the inner surface of a horse's foreleg.
  • 马腿部表面上的角形小茧。
    a small horny callus on the inner surface of a horse's leg.
  • 一种非常柔软的皮革,用小牛皮制成,壁有绒面。
    a very soft leather made from the skins of calves and having a suede finish on the flesh side.
  • 加尔文教义的属于或关于日瓦的约翰·加尔文的传道的;加尔文教派的
    Of or relating to the teachings of John Calvin in Geneva; Calvinistic.
  • 阀门挺杆通过凸轮转动的杆,用来操纵燃机的阀门
    A rod moved by a cam to operate the valves in an internal-combustion engine.
  • 在分配装置部的旋转以正确连接火花塞端点的凸轮。
    the cam inside the distributor that rotates to contact spark plug terminals in the correct order.
  • 层在部由软木新生层产生的组织
    A tissue produced inwardly by the cork cambium.
  • 中共国家主席江泽民于昨天访问柬埔寨,一般认为这象征着两个亚洲国家的联盟关系向上发展,但却也彰显出长期以来北京与河(越南)两宿敌之间为争取南亚地区影响力的角力战更为激烈。
    Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit to Cambodia yesterday signifies a growing alliance between the two Asian nations and marks an intensification of the long-running battle for regional influence between old foes Beijing and Hanoi.
  • 柬埔寨爆发战后,中国使馆积极帮助生命财产受到严重威胁的台湾商人和旅游者安全转移和撤离。
    When the civil war in Cambodia broke out, the Chinese Embassy lost no time in helping Taiwanese business people and tourists whose lives and property were seriously imperiled by the war move to safe places.